Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 171 - Conspiracy and encounter

After the exchange, the owner and Ryan returned to the store together. What happened just now made Ryan dare not stay here longer, so he and Hermione left the shop after checking out the bill together. When they walked out of the shop, two people were transferred from the backyard, one was the principal of Fernando, and the other was a middle-aged wizard who was unseemly. If Ryan was still here, he would recognize that the middle-aged wizard had just directed them to this store when he just asked for directions.

“Frank, is that little guy reliable?” The middle-aged wizard asked the shopkeeper.

“He was better than we thought. I just heard that one of the group of British students was able to enter the Emerald Dream, and I thought that maybe he could try it with his strength. But just now in the conflict caused by the misunderstanding, I found out His strength far exceeds my imagination. “Frank shopkeeper said.

“But I don’t think it’s a little unsafe. The kid I got in the data is from a pure Muggle family. But just now, no matter how many powerful spells released without a stick or the magic weapon in my hand, there is a deep sense of strangeness. Those things are not what a hemp wizard should have. What if he is a spy from Chimera? “The middle-aged wizard said with some doubt.

“Oh, Hans, you are Captain Auror. When the time is too long, sometimes it is too suspicious. Know that people who can enter the Emerald Dream will never be with the guys of the Chimera Society who use evil methods to transform natural life. Mixed. At least with my years of experience watching people, that little guy will not be a bad guy. 35xs “Principal Fernando refuted the viewpoint of the middle-aged man just now.

“I think so too, Hans.” The owner of Frank also interjected. “He just did not run away but followed me when he mistakenly thought that I was going to kill him. On the one hand, he showed that he had a certain degree of his own strength. Self-confidence (Lane no, it ’s just that the grocery store recently launched an escape system, so it ’s safe to run away.) On the other hand, because he has a companion here, he wants to protect his companion. So from this perspective, he is a Good man. We do n’t have to doubt him like this. “

“Well, you may be right. I should be suspicious.” This middle-aged man who should be Auror said. “I really hope that this time the guys of Chimera Club will be wiped out, after all, the things that the defected saints took over in their hands have been too long in their hands, even if Grindelwald put enough seals on it. I am also worried that after such a long period of time they have found a way to break the seal. If that seems to be the case, the little guy has a stronger strength just now, which is also a good thing. I hope he can hold the opponent for a while, so that we can catch Chimera’s tail. “

“Yes, I think so too.” Principal Fernando said. “That thing is too dangerous to be in the hands of a group of lunatics and terrorists anyway. If most of our Chimera community knows, I would not go out and find a British little guy who is not at all familiar. Come to do the internal response. Seriously, this is contrary to my philosophy as a principal. After all, we still involve a person who was not originally related. “

“Yeah, I hope everything went well this time. But you don’t have to take advantage of that little guy’s guilt. In the end, I will definitely pay him enough. Besides, we are doing a good thing rather than an evil thing. At this time kind lies are also acceptable. “Frank shopkeeper finally concluded.

Of course, the conversation between these people in the store is completely unknown, otherwise he will never take this task with his habit of heart. After all, this task may actually involve the important legacy of Saints and Grindelwald. It doesn’t look like it can be done easily.

Not knowing that there was a trouble coming soon, Ryan and Hermione were back on the street, after purchasing a large package of potions and mailing them to the Weasley twins through the Owl Post Office. Ryan and the three of them found a local restaurant for lunch.

That’s right, three people. Because Ryan met Zhang Qiu who was writing to Cedric at the Owl Post Office. After all, Halloween is coming, and everyone is preparing for the holiday. After chatting in the hall for a while, they decided to have lunch together.

Because it is a local restaurant, everyone naturally eats food with aboriginal style. Ryan ordered a grilled arowana for his lunch.

“Why are you eating this freshwater fish full of thorns.” Hermione asked curiously as she ate her barbeque rice.

“Be aware that this fish is used as an ornamental fish in the East, and it may cost tens of thousands of pounds in good quality. I chose this fish to feel the luxury of enjoying it.” Ryan used a knife and fork to break down a fish Said.

During this lunch, they also became familiar with Zhang Qiu as a top student of Ravenclaw. Obviously, she and Hermione have a lot of common language, and Ryan also knew a lot of things that were not clear before.

For example, Zhang Qiu’s appearance is the best among the girls Ryan knows, not the ordinary version of the movie, which is more in line with Aunt Rowling’s original description. Another point is that Zhang Qiu is a half-breed wizard, her mother works in the Ministry of Magic, her father is a Muggle, and she runs a restaurant in Chinatown in London. After she showed her magical ability when she was a child, she began to slowly touch the magical world.

For example, at the dinner table, he told Ryan and Hermione that she had supported the Tatehill Tornado team since she was six years old and decided to become a player.

Ryan was a little surprised that Zhang Qiu was a half-breed wizard. After all, she had been exposed to the magic world since she was a child. So before, Ryan always thought she was pure blood ~ ~ But think about it too, after all, the British magic world is just like this, there are just one man and one woman The possibility of being of Chinese age is too small, so as a witch, Zhang Qiu ’s mother is also normal to find a Muggle of the same ethnicity.

But what made Ryan somewhat frustrated was that it might be because his parents belonged to the early immigrants. Although Zhang Qiu can speak Chinese, he only speaks Cantonese in Chinese and does not speak Mandarin. This made Ryan and Zhang Qiu only use English when communicating.

Hermione was a little surprised that this kind of situation, where the mother tongue is clearly not communicative, is not incomprehensible when you think that the number of people in the heavens exceeds the population of the whole of Europe.

The most surprising thing is that Zhang Qiu actually knew Ryan’s grandfather. No wonder, after all, Ryan’s grandfather first ran a restaurant in London’s Chinatown. Chinatown is so big, it’s no surprise that there are restaurants all over the street.

However, in Zhang Qiu’s narrative, Ryan found an interesting thing, that is, when Zhang Qiu was five or six years old, Ryan’s grandfather once saw her at the dinner table when she visited her house and magically suspended a cup. It was just that Ryan’s grandfather still had a calm face and had tea with Zhang Qiu’s grandfather. So until today, Zhang Qiu could not be sure whether Ryan’s grandfather saw the cup hanging in the air.

It seems that there may be some stories about this grandfather who returned to the old age. Lane thought so.

After lunch, Zhang Qiu and they said goodbye to go to other places, while Ryan and Hermione were going to go to the bookstores that were just full of people when no one came out at noon.


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