Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 172 - Quiet Halloween

? Bookstores in the magic world often have magic arrays that control temperature and humidity, and the bookstores here are no exception. After enjoying the afternoon breeze in the Ryan and Hermione bookstore, the time soon reached 3:30 in the afternoon.

Fortunately, each of Ryan and Hermione spent several gallons to buy several books, so that the clerk did not glare at them as they rubbed the air in the house.

Ryan went to the post office with big and small bags, and packed all the gifts he had chosen for his friends in the morning.

On the way to the pier, Lane curiously asked Hermione, “Most of the books you buy are in Spanish, and one is in Portuguese. Are you sure you can really understand it?”

“That’s it.” Hermione smiled slightly. “Anyway, our two books are read alternately. I just ask you something I don’t understand.”

During the jokes, the two reached the dock, where Professor Sprout was already waiting. Seeing her smile, she should have found a lot of good things in this town. Everyone was here by four o’clock in the afternoon. So after the count was over, everyone boarded the boat back to school.

Under the influence of the magic on the ship, the ship came up against the current at a very high speed, and from time to time, the hull slightly separated from the water surface because of the waves. If anyone is watching by the river, they will find that the canoe jumps along the river like a salmon traveling back every year.

It’s just that this way of travel is not very friendly to the passengers on the boat. When returning to the school dock, many people walked off the boat with pale faces and soft legs. There was even a fourth-year boy in Hufflepuff. As soon as he got out of the boat, he spit it out holding the pillar. Fortunately, Ryan pulled him from behind, before he was allowed to lie on the ground.

As the dugouts approached the dock one after another, the students who returned from shopping also brought anger back to the campus. They laughed and showed off the results of this trip, and exchanged their feelings with friends today.

Ryan and they are no exception, only that unlike boys who use clean-up to solve personal hygiene problems, girls go back to the dorms to take a shower. So only a few boys were chatting in the common room of the carriage. From these classmates, Ryan unexpectedly learned that their fieldwork classes will be arranged collectively a week before Christmas.

It seems that there is still enough time to make some preparations. After all, what the shop owner arranged today is a bit strange, which makes people feel very bottomless. In this case, it is always right to prepare more.

So at bedtime that night, Ryan went to Jiushu again. After talking with Jiushu, he realized that the overall situation in the world has stopped deteriorating and started to develop slowly. Especially with the sufficient supply of sunlight crystals, the practitioners finally regained the upper hand in the battle of the demon, and the sufficient resources of the practice, so that various schools can finally open the mountain gate to recruit new disciples. The status also rises.

Before Ryan left last time, Nine Uncle asked Ryan if he could show them what the spells of Western Marriage were, so this time Ryan came here with the translated Hogwarts and Castrob All the textbooks of the two schools in Rusher, plus a large copy of the interpretation and use of ancient Nordic Nuni. Because these things require a lot of energy to translate, so Ryan did not produce the finished product until now.

While handing over these books to Uncle Jiu, Ryan asked curiously why he wanted to understand that this kind of Taoism is not a system of extraordinary power at all. Uncle Jiu solemnly replied that the stone of other mountains can attack jade. He will let the communication crane bring these books back to Maoshan to see what kind of knowledge he can learn from it.

Sure enough, keep a humble heart at all times, and live to learn and grow old is the mentality that a true practitioner should have. I thought that Ryan’s sense of pride that grew in his heart after getting Refa also disappeared.

In the next two or three days, Ryan stayed at Yizhuang to ask Jiushu about his practice. Until he resolved all the problems he encountered recently, Ryan didn’t bid farewell to Jiushu and returned to Wanjie grocery store.

As soon as he returned to the Wanjie grocery store, Ryan received a message from the two worlds of Plants vs. Zombie World and Radiant World. In the message, Ryan was informed that they had prepared the exchange items they had discussed last time.

So Ryan took advantage of his chance at the grocery store in Wanjie to help the two worlds complete the transaction: to hand over the newly cultivated calendula that can orientally absorb metal to the radiation world, accelerate the recycling of the ruins of the radiation world, and at the same time A batch of machinery and electronic products that radiate the world are handed over to the science and technology tree for a while, and they cannot be produced in large quantities for the time being, but because of the increase in population, plants that are in urgent need of these things fight against the zombie world.

After another busy day, Ryan finally got all the chores back on the bed in his dormitory. This busyness made Ryan feel a little exhausted, but not without gains. He felt that he had more merits.

At this time, Ryan really a little envious of other people’s system, after doing something, all the strength resources are available. It’s not like he has been exhausted for a long time to get benefits, and he feels that his system is the same as the fake one.

After muttering for a while, Lyon was surprised to find that some of the thresholds of practice that could be solved in three or four months before being discovered in bed. Under the guidance of Jiu Shu, it is estimated that this week will be completely resolved ~ ~ Representing your own strength will have a small improvement this week.

It seems that sometimes it ’s not enough to just bury yourself in the courage and diligence, but also be good at using all the available power. There is a teacher like Jiu Shu who is here, but when it is difficult to practice, he does not ask without asking. Some wasted.

After summarizing the gains and lessons learned this time, the tired Ryan fell asleep quickly.

When Ryan woke up the next morning, he found a pile of gifts under his feet. Ryan thought that this was the end of his second month in South America, and Halloween should be tomorrow. These gifts are probably mailed by British friends in advance. After all, the trans-Atlantic owl letter is sometimes not on time.

Because the temperature of Castro Brusho in the depths of the Amazon rainforest is always above 25c per year, and the surrounding plants are evergreen all year round. Unlike Hogwarts, the sky has been snowy. In addition, the heavy burden of classwork in exchange and learning led Ryan to feel that he lacked the atmosphere of Halloween this year. Until he saw this pile of gifts this morning, he really felt that Halloween was coming soon.

This year ’s Halloween gifts are not much different from previous years. The only thing worth noting is that the Weasley twins sent a lot of sweets and snacks. The large flower letters on the top indicate that this is a trial product. It seems that after getting the data from Ryan’s last time, the twin research has taken a big step forward.

Thinking that Ryan sent this pile of things to the world of radiation, there are enough manpower and equipment at the college to analyze the results of eating these things.

After all this was done, Ryan, who had finished washing, went to the auditorium for breakfast with everyone.


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