Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 458 - Homecoming

After this full-fledged tour of Taohuayuan, Ryan and his parents met in Qiantang, but according to Grandfather Ryan ’s statement, it may take some time to get engaged to the engagement ceremony, so this time the four parents are busy For his own work, he hurried over with two younger generations, and by the way, he could look at the book collection at home.

“Our family in Chang’an is also a family of alchemists with a history of five or six hundred years.” Ryan’s grandfather said proudly on the plane. “Our family has been engaged in the cultivation of various magic plants for hundreds of years, and now they provide 1/3 of the raw materials of herbal magic potions in the north of the sky.”

“Heavenly Magic Family, this must be worth looking forward to.” Hermione said happily through the Phoenix Seal on her arm. “At least in the UK, I didn’t have a chance to visit those wizard family estates, let alone you invited my parents.”

After the plane landed, they stayed in the People’s Building for one night. As the hometown of Ryan’s two lifetimes, Changan Yuan in the mid-1990s did not flourish 20 years later. In the early morning, everyone was still woken by the ringing bells on the street. The motorway is very empty against the background of bicycles. Although private vehicles have appeared at this time, the cars on the street are still scattered.

Riding a rented old jeep, everyone bumped all the way to the south. After more than an hour, they saw a magnificent endless mountain range appearing in front of them.

“We’re almost there.” Ryan’s grandfather sitting in the co-pilot position looked at Qin Ling in front, and it stopped after driving for more than half an hour. Hermione got out of the car and found a beautiful small village in the valley below the shoulder of the road. The village was smoky, and even saw a man working with a cow in the field of the river beach.

“Here is here? But I don’t think this is any different from a normal village.” Hermione looked at the village and said.

“Of course no difference.” Lane’s grandfather came up from behind. “In the heavenly dynasty, there was no Western-style traditional wizard ’s manor where pure alchemists lived. Here, traditional alchemists are used to living in the same area as people related to blood. If it has a long history, it will form one by one. Village where people live together. “

“It’s incredible.” Hermione looked at the village in the mountain valley with excitement. “This is a completely different world!”

After entering the village, under the guidance of his grandfather, Ryan began to greet many villagers. It was at this time that Ryan found himself in the middle position in the village. The number of people of your own age who are two generations older than yourself and twice as small as you is basically the same.

Finally they came to the big house that was the village committee. The house is unpretentious, and the only difference compared with other houses in the village is that the walls of this house are large brick buildings made of blue bricks, not the adobe tiles like most houses in the village.

“What are we doing here?” Ryan asked curiously. Because the layout of the house is no different from most of the local village committee offices in this era: the house has a coffee-colored desk near the window, and a large iron lock locks two drawers. A few filing bags and a few books are placed on the desk, and there is a small cabinet of the same color behind the chair. In addition, the house was empty. After entering the door, I discovered that there was a wooden stand with a washbasin in the visual dead zone before the door, and a small pile of agricultural tools behind the door.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry.” Ryan’s grandfather said at this time Ryan looked anxious. “You have to learn to wait so that you can work slowly if you work slowly.”

After he finished, he took a **** from the corner of the wall and pressed it against a stamp on the wall. The back wall of the house immediately resembled the wall of the broken cauldron bar. The brick began to move around with the depression as the core. A small hole appeared in the wall first, and then slowly expanded into a brick arch for two people to pass side by side.

“Come in.” Ryan’s grandfather greeted. “It’s a family ancestral hall, and your engagement ceremony is held here. The elders helped count the days, and it’s a good day after 21 days, which is in line with your birthday. Both of you live in the east during this time. Inside the compartment. Come out to eat when you eat at noon. When your uncle comes in the afternoon, let him take you to Chang’an, which is the core area of ​​the altar of the heavenly dynasty. “

“Oh, you take this.” Grandfather handed Ryan a wooden sign when he saw Ryan and Hermione going to the luggage room: “This is an identity card. You can go to the back to read. But you ‘S little daughter-in-law is temporarily unable to enter. These restrictions must be added after the engagement ceremony to add her name to the genealogy. “

Lane’s name was recorded in the genealogy when he was adopted as a child. That’s why even if he only treats his children, he is no different from his own child.

Farewell to his grandfather who was anxious to go to the village to chat with old friends, Ryan entered the room arranged for him. The decoration here is very similar to the style of the hotel outside, except that whether it is two wooden beds or a coffee table stool, it looks like it is old and beautifully made.

But surprisingly, a dozen-inch old TV was actually placed on the table. Of course, this old TV refers to the more than 40-inch rear projection color TV set in Ryan’s last life. Put in this era, this small color TV can be regarded as a fashionable product. What is even more shocking is that there can be a color TV in such a place.

A button is installed on the side of the TV. Turn left to see the TV programs of ordinary people, and turn right to see the TV programs of Alchemist TV station. However, in this era, in addition to news, lectures by alchemists were also interspersed with popular science programs and movie videos of ordinary people.

“There is no such good thing in Britain.” Hermione said a little bit depressed after watching the TV show. “The living conditions of the Muggles in Britain are better and more advanced than here. But the life of the wizards seems to have stayed 100 years ago. The only thing I find strange is where did the electricity from the wizards of the heaven come from?”

“As far as I know, they have mastered the method of generating electricity through magic ~ ~ Lane said,” This is much less difficult to transform TV sets. I think the only reason why there is no sorcerer TV station in the UK is because people Less, less demand for TV sets. Whether it is to open a wizard TV station or a TV set sold to a wizard will only lose money. You have to know that the magic radio used in Hogwarts can not be made technically. It is impossible to make a TV that can function normally in the magic world. Then the only possibility in the British wizarding world is that there is no such thing. need. “

After going out to the village for lunch, Lane and Hermione visited the ancestral hall together. The main room with the cards and other things is usually closed, so they just looked at the layout outside. In addition to being able to see a lot of magical defenses, many houses can’t even see what they are used for.

Originally planned to take a break after the visit, but it was at this time that Ryan’s grandfather walked in with an old man who looked like her.

“Our Liang En has grown to such a large size, you used to look at your photos before you are still a little guy without your grandfather’s waist height. Now you are going to get married.” Lane’s uncle said.

Uncle is the younger brother of Ryan’s grandfather. Unlike the grandfather who can’t do magic, his talent in magic is very good. After graduating from Kunlun College, he went to the Tianchao Alchemist Academy in Chang’an for three years, and then stayed at the school to teach. According to the previous plan, Ryan will follow him in the magical world of heaven during the time before their engagement date.

“Are you ready?” Lane’s uncle is a neat person. “If we are ready, let’s go.”

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