Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 459 - Changan

Changan, the core of the magic world of heaven. Ryan’s uncle brought Ryan and Hermione here through Yunlu. Before setting off, Ryan released the rose crystal. How can I miss the little guy when I travel? But what I did not expect was that in the past two days, Teacher Luo Zhen and Alice were invited to visit the Palace of Versailles. Therefore, the little puppets of Teacher Luo Zhen ran out when they heard that Ryan was going to take the rose crystal to see the most prosperous place in the magic world of heaven.

Therefore, besides the three of them, there are eight puppets looking happily standing outside Changan Fountain.

“I don’t think your level of production staff is low.” Uncle looked at the well-worn puppets around the well in the cubicle and curiously smiled while touching their beards. “I think I can introduce you to Professor Yan Yun after a while. She is a descendant of Teacher Yan, and after seeing these dolls, she will definitely be willing to come up with some valuable things to communicate with you.”

After greeting these lively and active little guys, they walked out of the compartment. Then walk out along a brick avenue. There is a water well in each compartment, and when you go out, you can occasionally see the sorcerer turning into a white mist immersed in the water or a white mist emerging from the water to become a wizard. In short, the busy place here is like the huge fireplace in the hall of the Ministry of Magic at work, and there is no free time.

Walked out of this yard as a transportation hub in Changan, and an antique city appeared in front of them. The city is located in a huge valley surrounded by mountains. The tall city walls surround the city, and you can see the simple style of houses lined up in their sight.

“This is the heart of the Oriental Alchemist.” Uncle Gong said proudly. “The resident population is 15,000, and it is the only city in the world that belongs to the magicians. The city is divided into 18 squares. If you are familiar with history, you can think of this as Changan City in the Tang Dynasty. A miniature version. Since its expansion more than 1,000 years ago, the overall layout of the city has remained unchanged. “

“Miracle.” Ryan looked at the city for a while and was shocked for a while before finally expressing his inner feelings with the word miracle. Under Uncle’s leadership, they walked along Suzaku Street. On both sides of the road are various shops, workshops, and hotels and residences. However, Ryan also found that it is still full of traces of the times, such as the lampposts on both sides of the road, and some of the self-transformed magic horns of some shops.

There are not many people coming and going on the street. It can be seen that many people come from other places to go shopping or shopping in the city. After carefully observing the wizards of the Celestial Empire, Lane ’s comprehensive impression of the previous few days raised his own question: “Why do most of the wizards I see in the UK wear wizard robes, and the alchemists on the Celestial side wear ordinary people outside Almost exactly the same? “

“This is because of a reform more than a hundred years ago.” Uncle Gong said, “At that time, the Alchemist World of the Heavenly Dynasty decided to develop itself well after a long war that lasted hundreds of years with the dead, but at that time we except three Everything except the modern Alchemist Academy is still ancient. After carefully observing the world of ordinary people outside, Alchemist leaders decided to learn from ordinary people. So we secretly sent a delegation to the world ’s most advanced one hundred years ago In Europe-to investigate. “

After looking at the two young people who listened carefully, the uncle went on to say: “After arriving in the UK, the delegation was attracted to a completely different world. The roaring machine made them feel like a magical skill. Power is bursting. Not to mention the fact that they saw trains, newspapers, electric lights, flush toilets and a series of other things in the British magic world at that time. Compared with them, we seemed to be barbarians. After the delegation returned, the alchemists of the Heaven Dynasty thought that it was because of He is good at learning the knowledge of ordinary people, so the British magic world ranks first in Europe. Since then, we have also started an innovation called civilization civilization, which takes the skills as the core and comprehensively absorbs the knowledge in the world of ordinary people. “

After listening to these words, Hermione leaned over to Ryan and whispered: “The British magic world in the eyes of the wizards of the heavens is completely different from the real British magic world. They obviously have a deviation in their understanding.”

“But I think these deviations are pretty good.” When Ryan said this, he saw a magically modified three-jumper loaded with piles of high goods drove past the motorway in the middle of the road. “It ’s too stupid to make progress on the world of ordinary people by simply pretending not to see it. Of course, the way of instigating ordinary people ’s wars like Grindelwald to prevent ordinary people from developing seems more stupid now because of war. It is a catalyst for technological development. “

“Okay, here we are.” The uncle interrupted the two people’s whispering words in front of him, and now an antique door appeared in front of him. The blue plaque with gold trim reads “Tianzhao Alchemist Academy.”

“It may not be the same as your English school system. After the seven-year graduates from Jiu Li, Penglai or Kunlun, the students of the Heavenly Dynasty. Those alchemists who are interested in studying the technique in their studies can pass the exam later. Complete their further study in three years. And unlike the traditional way of inheriting family model knowledge a hundred years ago, as long as you can pass the college exam and make enough contributions to the Alchemist Academy and the magic world, then you can be here Gain the top skill knowledge in the entire Far East. Our ordinary alchemists born in the past 100 years can account for more than 60% because we have liberated knowledge, which has greatly accelerated our research on spells in the past 100 years. . “

Led them to enter the door and said: “I am here as a professor of extraordinary plants, look, in front of my laboratory and teaching greenhouse.”

“This is really big.” Ryan saw that the greenhouse in front of him was several times larger than Hogwarts. “The place where I go to school now has a greenhouse that is not as big as this.”

“Uh–” Uncle Gong stood there awkwardly. “I mean, I work here. The greenhouse here belongs to the school. Only the small greenhouse next to it belongs to me.”

“That treatment is not bad, I remember our Sprouts have to work **** what they want to study.” Hermione looked at the small greenhouse of about 100 square meters belonging to Uncle Ryan with some envy.

“I ’m going to study now, the two of you can just stroll around. If you want to come to school, you need to pass an exam, but there is a lot of knowledge here that is open to the outside world. If you want to study here, you do n’t just go through the exam to learn a way. If you If you want to gain knowledge, you can use your knowledge, materials and even labor to get points in school. With these points, you can go to the library to exchange for the knowledge you want, and even ask a free professor to explain to you ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Uncle took them to the school scholars reception desk and told him to leave for a long time, and the puppets followed him to the campus. Everyone needs a gold coin for the audit card. But the points inside need to use knowledge Or valuable magic items in exchange. At the same time, even if there are more points for outsiders, if you want to see some knowledge, you still need to approve. There are all books that can only be read in the library, and are not allowed to be taken away.

But even so harsh, Hermione is still envious of the academic atmosphere here, especially after she has read the list of materials that can be exchanged. “Think about Hogwarts. There are no enough valuable books in the general area of ​​the library, and the restricted area is extremely strict. Each pure-blood family holds their secrets firmly and there is no spirit of sharing at all. . “

“Other things are not easy to say, at least Tianchao’s approach to knowledge can avoid a lot of meaningless repetitive research, and at the same time has a great benefit in promoting magic research.”

“So I said everything must start with education.” Lane smiled. “Okay, now let’s go get points first.”

Lyn used to exchange points for a lot of seeds he got in the world of Plants vs. Zombies and a part of the forging technology from the “Lord of the Rings” world elves. These things are enough for him to exchange more than 1,000 points to exchange all the knowledge they want.

“Fundamentals of Runes”, “Shan Hai Jing 174th Edition”, “Bai Ze Tu 96th Edition”, “Basic Techniques” … With a lot of books, Ryan and Hermione started reading in the reading room of the big library stand up.

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