Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 469 - Prepare for battle

After arranging the incense of the werewolves that day, when Ryan walked out of the room, she saw Hermione standing under a tree and waiting for him. When he saw him come out, he pulled him behind the tree. After standing there, he looked at his eyes seriously and asked, “Did your body change in the process of mastering the rules?”

“Surely there will be changes, but this is the power of the rules.” Ryan guessed what problem Hermione encountered. It has been more than two months since the stone arch returned to the world. A series of problems caused by the new power Min should have found it. “These forces will slowly transform our own while mastering, and let us gradually become-no longer human.”

Ryan concealed an important point, that is, not being able to change the rules can change herself. The reason why Hermione changed is because she used to be the core of the way to learn the rules in order to let her survive when she was in the world of death. From the rules of my previous alchemy. She brought the same changes in her body like Ryan. .

“For example–” Hermione made a weird expression after listening to Ryan. “You wouldn’t say that we will become like mysterious people in the future? Although I can understand that sacrifices for justice can be understood, it would be too big to sacrifice like a mysterious person.”

“No no no.” Ryan quickly interrupted Hermione’s thoughts. “The mysterious man has problems because of the power he has mastered, and he has also caused random plastic deformations. The complete power we have mastered will only transform our body extremely slowly, and finally let our body further sublime and let We can perfectly accommodate these forces. So we cannot become noseless or bald in the future, please believe me. “

“So what will the body transform into the end?” Hermione’s voice began to flutter at this time, and her brain seemed to step on the cloud, because she suddenly thought of a possibility that she couldn’t even dare to think before.

“Eternal life.” Ryan pursed her lips, and then decided to tell the truth. Because even if he didn’t say, Hermione, who was studying the power of life and death recently, will soon discover this truth. “The power we studied will lead us to this path.”

“Is the mysterious man’s pursuit of things in his life just held in my hands? This is a complete irony. A girl called pure mud by the pure blood is far ahead of the great Slytherin in this regard. Descendants. ”Hermione seemed a little excited, and it ’s no wonder that as she grew older, she began to slowly realize the strict lineage system of the wizards, especially in the past few years, although she was determined to change this unfair system, But the more she understood the intricate relationship in the wizarding world, the more she felt discouraged.

But now, she is full of confidence in her own goals. Because with enough time, these problems will not be a problem.

After a big rock in his heart, Hermione seemed a lot relaxed. She calmed down and said: “It sounds good, and I think we should have enough time to slowly adapt to a long life. But I ’m still a little worried because I ’m only 16 years old and I face this problem at this time It ’s a bit too early. I ’m really worried about how to spend that long time in the future. “

“It doesn’t matter.” Ryan hugged Hermione. “No matter how long this road is, I will keep walking with you.”

But this also gave Ryan and Hermione the idea of ​​meeting those vampires. After all, several of these vampires turned into vampires at a young age. You can ask them what it feels like to live long, and it can be regarded as accumulating some experience for the future life.

Hermione had never missed it and wanted to study the vampires in this world, and the opportunity came soon. While they were instructing a group of wolves to perceive nature, Jacob came over and told them that a vampire named Victoria was going to kill Bella, and that the vampire was closest to this place in order to fight the Cullen family who protected Bella. The city of Seattle made a new army of vampires ready to come to Fox Town to avenge their boyfriend.

For the purpose of preventing vampires from harming humans, the werewolves decided to join forces with the vampires of the Cullen family to stop this vampire army. And Ryan took the opportunity to go to Seattle to catch a few vampires for research. Investigate by the way. So Ryan temporarily bid farewell to the werewolves and took a bus to Seattle.

For Hermione, who began to study the power of life and death, the abnormal creatures such as vampires were easily screened from the crowd. At the same time, dollars, pistols, and soul torture will allow them to easily obtain information about vampires from the rogues who walk through the streets. Because the new vampires cannot control themselves, they naturally will not hide themselves in front of people. In this case Ryan could easily find the vampire’s trail.

So in three days in Seattle, Lane prevented seven or eight murders and killed four vampires. These vampires are very powerful and move very fast. However, compared to the vampires in the Harry Potter world, they are extremely insensitive to magic, so after using a large range of delayed magic and soul shock, the two easily reached their goals.

May find that the vampire was inexplicably missing, and the organizer of the vampire army began to gather people. In order to sell his favor, Ryan didn’t plan to clean up the vampires here, after seeing them ready to leave. It was confirmed that no one would be killed again. They returned to Fox Town with loot.

When they rushed back to Fox Town, they just met Jasper Hale training the werewolves and vampires. Because only he had the experience of facing a vampire newborn, it was because he had organized a new vampire army when he was young. So he understood how to face these newborn vampires.

“—— You need to remember the two most important things: first, do n’t let their arms touch you; second, avoid obvious hunting. This is all they have prepared, as long as you attack from the side, do n’t If they stop and move, they will be in a mess and unable to respond effectively. “

Jasper? Hale, after explaining to the wolves, suddenly turned around and saw Ryan they appeared in the forest. To his horror, even with his vampire’s perception, he didn’t find out how these two people brought out a doll here. I have to say that Phantom Shift is really easy to use.

“Who are you?” He said nervously, and the surrounding vampires, including Bella, also turned their heads. After seeing Ryan, Bella seemed to relax a lot, and she began to introduce Ryan to the vampires around.

“Welcome ~ ~ Thank you for your willingness to take action.” The werewolves must have said before what they did in the past two days, so the father of the Karen family, Carlisle? Karen sincerely thanked them for their sincere. .

“We delayed their actions and killed a few vampires who were attacking humans.” Speaking here, Ryan looked at the vampires standing here. Sure enough, the Karen family is not the kind of vampires who treat humans as food. After hearing this news, there was no dissatisfaction. Even Ryan saw Edward, who looked like Cedric’s senior, show a happy expression, so he went on to say: “But soon they gathered together and headed towards this side. The three of us couldn’t stop so many vampires. So Change to meet you as soon as possible. “

“It’s okay, you have done a very good job, and it’s time for us to play.” Carlisle Cullen smiled.

Next he talked about his plan. Ryan and Hermione volunteered to take the task of taking Bella around with Edward to spread the scent and close protection. On the one hand, they have flying brooms, and with an ordinary person, mobility is the best here, on the other hand, as wizards, they can have enough magic to protect Bella. At the same time, the smell of Ryan and Hermione as humans can’t make those vampire newborns aware of the problem, and they can ensure safety.

“I wish you a happy journey.” In the face of Jacob’s unhappy wave waving goodbye, Ryan and Hermione took Edward and Bella with a flying broom, and then they flew higher and higher. The farther away. Until you can’t see the farewell people on the ground.

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