Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 470 - fighting

They turned around in many places for several times, until a cloud of purple and black clouds rushed from the west like a copper wall and an iron wall, making the forest where they were now suddenly darkened.

“We have to find a place to stop.” Said Edward sitting behind Ryan. “Such a cloud often represents the coming of a snowstorm, and it may not be a good idea to fly into the sky in bad weather conditions.”

“Understood.” After communicating with Hermione through the Phoenix Mark, two flying brooms carrying four people began to descend, and finally they found a leeward side of a rocky cliff. When they fell on their feet, a violent wind swayed the surrounding trees violently, and the crackling sound of the broken trees reached their ears.

In this cold wind as if coming down from an iceberg, there are snowflakes the size of nails. The arrival of the snowstorm made the sky dark, and watching the only ordinary person here, Bella, shuddered, Ryan knew they had to hurry up to set up the tent, otherwise this low temperature environment would really kill people.

Soon, Ryan used magic to set up a small double tent. Then Ryan crawled in on all fours and shouted to the outside: “It may be a little crowded. I prepared it for two or three people. I thought about staying with five people this time. “

“So small a two-person tent–” Bella looked at it incredulously as she got in, because she found herself walking into a Victorian-style three-person suite. Soon everyone got into the tent, and after lighting the fire in the fireplace, they sat on the sofa drinking hot cocoa together.

“This is really amazing.” Take a sip of the hot and cute Dehua looking around. “I know that many vampires also have some special abilities, but they are far less magical than they are.”

“That’s nature, this is the power of magic.” Ryan said, “I set up a magic defense outside, so we can take a good rest tonight. After all, the vampire newborn army will arrive tomorrow, the hostile you said is The vampire is also a vampire who has lived for a long time and has gone through a lot of battles. I do n’t think that the methods we try to disrupt each other today will have a sufficiently effective result. “

“Of course!” Looking at Bella who seemed nervous, Hermione added: “Even if there are ten vampires coming together to siege, we can guarantee that we will be dragged to support. But I think if the other party can really see through our If it is arranged, we should send a large force to haunt our large force, and then attack here with elite. It is impossible to lose in the face of one-on-one battle, so please relax. “

After chatting for a while, they went back to their rooms to rest. In her room, Hermione finally asked a question she had held for a long time. “Why did Edward look so much like Cedric Senior?”

“It’s very normal.” Ryan blew his bosom. “There may be people who look alike in different worlds. According to the judgment of scientists, there may be two people who do not know the same in the same world. Not to mention different worlds.” Here Ryan thinks of a video about Hermione’s makeup on Station B, where the girl looks really similar to Emma.

“Just like the one who looks like my Belle, right?” Hermione thought of the trip a few years ago and nodded in recognition of Ryan’s statement. “This is really a pleasant surprise!”

Slowly quieted around, the wind was much smaller. Soon everyone in the tent fell asleep.

When they woke up in the morning, the weather was very clear, and even the surrounding environment seemed a little too dazzling under the surrounding snow. Ryan stood at the mouth of the tent and looked down at the mountain. As a result, he saw a giant gravel-colored wolf leaping towards them, and Ryan quickly distinguished who was the werewolf.

“Seth Clearwater, good morning.” Ryan asked after seeing the giant wolf running to the tent and stopping. “Sam didn’t think you were too young to let you fight?”

“This child feels that he should come to protect his friends.” Edward walked over to help translate: “And Sam agreed with him. Sam thought it safe to let him stay with you and your fiancee.”

“Really thank Sam for trusting me.” Ryan said, and then began to cook breakfast in the campfire outside the tent. Hermione also stepped forward to help, because now she had to prepare breakfast for Seth, an unexpected guest, and the werewolf’s appetite was great. In order to allow the werewolves to eat their stomachs before the battle, they directly obtained a processed sheep from other worlds and began to roast with a magic wand.

Looked at Bella who was sitting under the tree there and Edward was crooked. Hermione, who had previously learned from the werewolf that Bella and Jacob were in love, stared at the two with some unpleasant eyes. “I really don’t know how it is possible for one person to like two people at the same time. Do they not think they are confused?”

“A lot of things can’t be said too clearly. In this respect, we can’t use our own views to entangle others.” Ryan said. He remembered that many people in the previous life thought that the book’s heroine was on two boats, morally. Defective. But think about the fact that there are so many popular n-boat owners in online novels. From a fair point of view, there is nothing worthy of criticism for a female host who pedals on two boats.

Breakfast was quickly prepared with the help of magic. After they were full, they sat for a while. Several people left Bella in the tent and began to arrange their defenses. Although neither Edward nor Seth felt that the enemy could find it here, they were very recognizable for keeping a vigilant attitude towards Ryan.

“The battle is over, we can hear the sound of their fighting.” Suddenly Edward said, at this time Ryan had already arranged a circle of magic defense around the tent. Stand quietly there ready to fight.

“Both sides are pretending, our people haven’t found Victoria. Wizards, I think your fears may be true.” Edward squatted down after speaking, his arms stretched out slightly in a defensive posture, Seth became The giant wolf turned and hid in a bush. Ryan and Hermione also pulled out their wands and swords, while Rose Crystal hid a large sword made of amethyst in both hands and hid on a tree.

Just as everyone was ready, the two vampires slowly walked over from the small open space of the campsite ~ ~ Lane found that they were a little surprised when they saw themselves and Hermione, but they were sniffing After sniffing the smell in the air, they continued to walk forward, maybe they think ordinary humans can’t threaten them.

After a conversation of no nutrition, Seth rushed out and leapt to the center of the open ground to knock down the vampire newborn Riley to the ground. And Edward danced with Victoria.

This is the first time Ryan has seen a fight between vampires. Victoria quickly slides backwards, sliding from side to side, trying to find a hole in his defense line and rushing towards the tent. And Edward quickly blocked her pace and approached her quietly, very attentively. It seems that they will not be able to win or lose in a while.

After confirming that there were no other ambushing people around, Ryan and Hermione attacked the vampire newborn with their wands at the same time.

“All petrochemicals” and “Speed ​​Confinement” two spells accurately hit the newborn vampire Riley who was suppressed by the body of Seth Giant Wolf. Seth immediately seized the opportunity as soon as he discovered that his opponent was motionless. The vampire was torn to pieces.

“No-” Watching her powerful assistant killed, Victoria screamed in a baby-like voice. At this time, she had run to the edge of the open space, and immediately fled to the jungle when she found the assistant killed. Edward didn’t expect her to be so decisive. After the reaction came, she had opened a distance of several meters and could not stop her from slipping away again.

Looked at the tent behind a few people with a longing look, Victoria ran straight to the woods.

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