Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 471 - The end of the fight

Just when Victoria felt that he could escape again, he saw the two weird humans standing in front of the tent smile at him. She immediately felt that the situation was not good, but when she hadn’t responded, she saw a purple light flashing in front of her eyes, and then she knew nothing.

From Edward’s point of view, he saw Victoria fled into the woods and fell directly from the tree. A puppet with a large sword in his hands directly thrust the sword in Victoria’s head from the top of Victoria’s head until the entire blade fell into her. Inside the head. Then the big sword made of crystal flashed, and the place above Victoria’s chest exploded directly, and countless white stone-like fragments flew everywhere.

“It’s terrible.” Edward murmured in his mouth, because he found that the puppet in purple clothes was no different from the stone trunk on the road in the perception of the vampire. If such a powerful puppet had a heart attack, Edward doubt No vampire can block such a fatal blow. The only thing that is thankful for him is that this doll and his companions are good people and stand on their own side.

Next is the time to pack up, Ryan waved his wand to bring all the vampire fragments together, and then Hermione used a fire spell to burn the pile of fragments.

“Relax, every piece of debris was collected.” Ryan said looking at Edward. The blazing flame floated into the air. It formed a purple smoke column, which looked like a solid sculpture; at the same time, the smell smelled like a burning incense, which made people feel uncomfortable. The smoke was so thick that they felt suffocated by the fire.

Several people smiled, and Edward ran again to sprinkle dog food with Bella over there. Seth smiled, revealing a long row of dagger-like teeth, hitting Ryan and Hermione’s hands with their noses. It’s like people high-fiving each other when celebrating.

However, as soon as they relaxed, Seth felt that the Volturi family guard was approaching. As a werewolf, he could only evacuate quickly, while Ryan and Hermione carried Bella and Edward to the open space where the previous large forces fought.

“Thank you very much, but once let them discover that there is a human–” Edward, who was sitting behind Ryan, said.

“Our magic can cover the traces of our existence, you don’t have to worry about this, they can’t find us hiding.” Ryan said, “If it really hit us, we might help.”

When they returned to the open space, a pile of things was burning on the open space, and the thick purple and black smoke went straight into the sky. The Karen family threw some white fragments in the fire. Surprisingly, there is now another vampire in the open space: a little girl curled up beside the fire, with black hair, thin body, looks like only fifteen years old. The pupil is scary bright red. They turned wildly and completely lost control.

“She surrendered.” After discovering Ryan they looked at themselves, Edward said calmly: “But if she can’t control herself, we can only destroy her.”

“You can’t train her for such a short period of time, and the people of the Volturi family will arrive soon. The next thing that will greet her is the inevitable death.” Ryan became more aware of the smell of Bella. Said the grumpy newborn vampire. “In this way, we take her directly away and avoid meeting the people of the Voltuli family directly.”

“Okay, but can you really control her? Although these newborns are inexperienced, their strength is the strongest at this time.” Carlisle said with some concern, but after seeing Lane changing this vampire newborn When he was motionless like a stone carving, he let go of his uneasiness.

Soon Ryan and Hermione dragged the vampire newborn on the broom and flew into the forest. Only Rose Crystal pretended to be an ordinary doll for the safety of all people and let Bella hug her chest.

“It’s a pleasure to save her, because she is still so young, she doesn’t have any human life on her hand, and she can even suppress her bloodthirsty instinct to show a little kindness. Such a creature is very valuable for saving.” Hermione said on the way. “How can you stop her from attacking others?”

“It’s very simple, just meditation.” Lane replied. “We can try to make the vampire feel nature, so this should suppress her bloodthirsty.”

Ryan they took the vampire out of the Quiruto werewolf territory, and then found a forest camping camp. Sam, who was the werewolf leader, came to see him. He did n’t like the vampires being so close to them. So many busy people acquiesced in this matter, just warned them not to let vampires enter their territory.

Soon after, Rose Crystal returned. She told Ryan that everything was normal there, but the Volturi family asked Bella to be converted into a vampire as soon as possible.

For a while, Ryan and Hermione trained the vampire newborn while studying the secrets of the vampire werewolf. In the exchange, they learned that the girl’s name was Brie.

Training is very effective. After only a week of training, Brie learned how to control his urge to blood. Of course, Ryan feels that there is also Dragon Blood fruit.

This special fruit looks like a tomato, but the juice inside is a blood-like liquid containing a trace of dragon blood energy. The earliest Ryan asked Dave to help after returning from the radiation world. The original intention was to find enough blood sources for blood transfusions for the wounded soldiers.

But as he mastered more and more power later, Ryan tried to cultivate a plant that could produce dragon blood. However, this attempt failed, and plants that can grow real dragon blood fruits can indeed be cultivated, but the planting cost of this new variety plant is much higher than the cost of dragon blood. So after continuous breeding, Ryan finally cultivated the existing new plant with only a little dragon blood power, and the juice inside can be used for the addition of certain potions to improve the performance of these potions.

The first bite to eat after Buri became a vampire was dragon blood fruit, she said she was not enough after just eating one. What’s even more surprising is that since then, both animal blood and human blood have reduced a lot of her attraction ~ ~ According to her original words, if the dragon blood fruit is made by Michelin Samsung chef In the case of a delicious meal, most of the human blood is equivalent to the common dishes of ordinary people, and the animal blood is simply bread.

So in the later days, while learning to master his body thoroughly, Bree also learned how to cultivate dragon’s blood. Fortunately, Ryan greatly weakened the effect of dragon blood fruit, so that such fruits can be cultivated normally in this world lacking in extraordinary power.

But this thing also let Ryan know why Bella’s blood can be so attractive to vampires: after all, Bella can be immune to other vampire attacks before becoming a vampire. After becoming a vampire, she immediately became one of the most powerful vampires. Then her blood must contain more energy than ordinary people’s blood. In this case, it is inevitable to have a fatal temptation for vampires. The dragon’s blood fruit also contains enough energy to attract vampires.

Quirut werewolves still came from time to time to learn the skills of communicating with nature under Sam’s leadership, and at the same time expressed their sincere admiration for Ryan to make a vampire’s newborn no longer aggressive in such a short period of time. It’s just that they didn’t see Jacob in the werewolf who came and sat frequently.

“He is injured here and needs time to heal.” Seth, the youngest werewolf, pointed to his heart and told Ryan. “Jacob told her to give up to avoid Bella’s embarrassment. Love–“

Well, if this story is summed up, it is licking the dog and licking it to the end. What a sad story.

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