Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 472 - Sudden change

A few more days later, while Ryan watched Bree practice fighting with Hermione, who became a lynx, the human-shaped Seth suddenly jumped out of the forest that belonged to the Quirut, and Ryan saw him on the back. Carrying a school bag, he presented a letter to Ryan when he came to him. Ryan waited for Hermione to gather and opened the envelope.

This letter has an ivory envelope, inside which is a thick and gorgeous card, and a stationery transcribed in black ink. This was written by Edward and invited Ryan, Hermione, Rose Crystal and Brie to attend their wedding ceremony together.

“We will go when the time comes.” Seth said, “Edward also invited us, but Jacob will not go. I think this lover is married, the groom is not my mood must be uncomfortable.”

“Okay, you shouldn’t consider this for your age at the moment.” Ryan rubbed his hair. “You’re not an adult yet.”

After asking Seth to send a letter to Edward that several of them would attend the wedding, they started to prepare things related to the wedding. At this time, they discovered that they did not have a suitable dress. After all, this wedding will invite a large group of ordinary people, and it is a little too weird to go to the wedding in the gowns of the wizards.

Fortunately, this place is equipped with an Internet because of the aboriginal reserve area, so Ryan simply connected the computer to the Internet and asked the three ladies present to choose dresses. After they selected the style, Ryan would send these pictures to the “Lord of the Rings” River Valley City in the middle, and then contact the elf tailors to make their favorite dress.

On the day of Edward’s wedding, Ryan and the Werewolves set off together. Hermione chose a minimalist blue dress, which looks good with Ryan’s dark blue suit.

The wedding hall is very beautifully decorated, attracted by the garlands that fill the corners of the house. These garlands are woven by thousands of white flowers, and long white ribbons hang from the garlands. Rows of satin-covered chairs are placed under the garland. From the number of chairs, it can be seen that this wedding should be very lively.

“It’s beautiful.” Ryan gave a very admirable admiration. After entering the door, they were directly led to their seats by the concierge. Rose Crystal had no seats, so she was held in the arms by Brie.

When the newcomer took the oath, Hermione took Ryan’s hand, and Ryan leaned towards her.

In short, this wedding is as perfect as the wedding in dreams. At the party after the wedding, Jacob also rushed to dance with the bride to say goodbye to this unforgettable love without ending.

“This wedding looks really great.” Hermione said on the way back. “Our future wedding will be great too,” Ryan replied.

After returning to their temporary residence, Hermione had been trying to use the power of death to imitate the vampires of this world for the next half month. The research has achieved staged success, and she can greatly strengthen her physical strength and physical quality by initiating the power of death to infiltrate her body. However, she is still alive, and she can’t keep this state for more than ten minutes each time, otherwise she will hurt herself.

Ryan has been analyzing the werewolves of this world in addition to helping Hermione practice this time. After dissecting the corpses of the werewolves of Harry Potter and detailed understanding of the werewolves of this world, he feels that he should be able to solve some of them Those hairy little problems.

As the two of them counted the harvest and were ready to return to their world, Buri, who had been in contact with the Karen family, came back. After all, Ryan and Hermione are not likely to live in this world, so considering the life of their first student in the future, the two have always encouraged Brie and the Karen family to have more contacts.

During this time, Brie will go to Karen ’s house every morning and will not come back until evening. Follow these kind of vampires to learn what you should master after becoming a vampire. It’s just that Brie ran nervously at noon today. Fortunately, it’s a cloudy day, so I don’t have to worry about revealing her vampire status.

“What happened? Why do you look so nervous?” Hermione asked concerned. As an official student of hers, Hermione still values ​​Brie.

“The Karen family had an accident.” Bree brought shocking news as soon as he opened his mouth. “Bella is pregnant.”

“They have been married for only two weeks, Edward is pretty good.” Ryan grinned. “But the birth of a new life should be a good thing, why do you look so nervous now?”

“Because vampires are theoretically impossible to have offspring.” Bree explained to Ryan they. “This is not a good sign. The important thing is that Bella looks wrong.”

“Will the dead make a child alive.” Hermione became interested in this matter, and she looked at Ryan with eager eyes. “Maybe I can feel the key to the transition between life and death. So—”

“It doesn’t matter if you go back later.” Ryan immediately decided to change the itinerary to satisfy Hermione’s wish, because this opportunity is not common. Ryan felt that this incident might have allowed Hermione to take her power to a higher level. Moreover, he is also very curious about this matter. For the wizards who are looking for power, the pursuit of new knowledge is almost like their instinct.

Through the phantom shift, Ryan and Hermione appeared at the door of the Cullen house in an instant. The only disadvantage of this travel method is that you can only teleport to the place you have been to. Fortunately, they have been there several times before.

After knocking on the door, Carlisle opened the door for them, and the doctor’s expression looked serious. He brought Ryan and them to the living room and found that the other six members of the family were standing around a sofa. The expression on everyone’s face revealed that the current situation was not optimistic.

Ryan They stepped forward and found that Bella was sitting on the sofa. The whole person looked a little haggard, and his face was not very good-looking. Her abdomen bulged slightly, and she could directly see signs of pregnancy.

“This is not normal.” Hermione said in surprise, she was a dentist who knew a lot of things. “It takes four months for normal humans to be pregnant. What the **** is that in Bella’s belly?”

“That’s why we are here today ~ ~ Ryan said that he walked to the patient lying on the couch and then pulled out his wand. As a large number of silver runes dropped, Ryan frowned. Because he found that the fetus in Bella ’s belly had too much demand for nutrients, which is simply not available to humans.

Interestingly, this new life should be a combination of humans and vampires. That is to say, they created a new immortal creature with such a little extraordinary power. It is a pity that this new creature just balances the power of life and death, but does not integrate them. But this is also very normal, and powerful immortal creatures that can really merge life and death cannot appear in this world of lack of extraordinary power.

“How is Bella?” Alice with short black hair asked.

“The situation is not good.” Watching the last rune returned from the feedback was received in the wand, Hermione stepped forward and continued to investigate after casting the spell. Ryan turned to look at the vampires of the Karen family and said, “The core problem is that you are trying to make an mortal creature an immortal creature. This new life is too much for the mother.”

Just said that a figure broke in here, and originally Jacob wanted to ask Ryan to learn meditation today. It turned out that Ryan did not get the news of Bella’s accident from the housekeeper Brie, so he came over in the shortest time.

“Can we take this monster out of her belly? Otherwise, Bella will die soon after going on like this.” After listening to Ryan’s test results, he shouted loudly in the living room, his eyes full of anxiety Look.

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