Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 473 - Newborn

“Bella doesn’t allow us to do this, it’s all because of my fault.” Edward said in an extremely tired voice after hearing Jacob’s suppressed roar. Jacob felt helpless after hearing the latter, because such a thing is indeed like Bella can do.

“More than that.” Edward said: “She refused to talk to me on the way back. I thought she was angry with me because I couldn’t hear her inner voice. But in the end she ran straight to Rosalie I realized that she felt this was wrong from the beginning, and worried that I asked her to kill her fetus. “

“Why don’t you use some coercion? It shouldn’t be difficult to control an ordinary human with your power?” Jacob said, “You vampires are really stupid, Bella is just an ordinary person.”

“Do you think I haven’t thought about it?” Edward said with a look of depression. “But now Esme, Rosalie and Emmett are on Bella’s side, and Carlisle can’t help me against them in this matter–“

“It’s right not to take coercion.” At this time, the **** red tentacles that Hermione just put on Bella to detect her condition were also removed. After quick communication through the Phoenix Seal, Ryan interrupted. The conversation between Edward and Jacob. “The new life in Bella ’s belly is already integrated with Bella, and damaging either of the two before this little life will cause both to be damaged at the same time. That means if you take it out, Bella will also It is impossible to survive. “

“Are you sure, wizard?” Carlisle asked cautiously. “We have also tried to examine the fetus before, but the problem is that neither ultrasound nor puncture can detect the condition of the baby. Alice’s prediction and Edward’s emotional perception are also unsuccessful. This is why we couldn’t do it before. One of the reasons. “

“Of course.” Hermione replied. “We crossed the line between life and death, and then came back. In this regard, I can be sure that at least in this world, few people are stronger than us in the study of the power of life and death.”

“What should I do? I can see that as it develops now, Bella can’t support the birth of the baby in his stomach.” Edward said nervously, and beside him, Jacob also looked with the same nervous look With Ryan.

“The best way is to replenish energy.” Ryan said the only way: “You need to know that even an extremely weak immortal can grow up with energy that is not supported by ordinary human mothers. Unless you can Supplement them with adequate nutrition from the outside world. “

“We tried it,” said Dr. Carlisle, tired. “We thought about that very early, but the fetus prevented her from receiving food, and her body rejected any form of nutritional supply. I tried to deliver her nutrition by intravenous injection, but it didn’t seem to make her look better.”

“We don’t have the potions.” Ryan looked and explained to Hermione quickly: “The potions we prepared in advance are basically prepared for ourselves. Bella, who is an ordinary person, is estimated to be unable to bear these potions. The power contained. Not to mention that she is pregnant now, it is too dangerous to use potions of different supernatural power systems in her own fragile situation. “

“If she is pregnant with a vampire, will the dragon blood fruit be useful?” Ryan suddenly heard something after hearing Hermione’s words.

“Dragon Blood Fruit, what is that?” Dr. Carlisle frowned and asked Ryan to think that Brie would tell the Karen family of the news of the Dragon Blood Fruit, but now it seems that she did not disclose the matter. Maybe Brie thinks this is the secret of Ryan and they should hide this news. And vampires are not three meals a day, so if they do n’t eat together, they will naturally not reveal the news.

“That’s a special plant I cultivated.” Ryan said briefly and finally added: “Brie’s evaluation of the fruit of this plant is higher than human blood. I believe it can supplement the fetus enough. Nutrition. On the other hand, at least the juice is easier for Bella, who is now human.

After taking out a bottle of dragon fruit juice and handing it to Carlisle, Carlisle poured the juice to everyone in the Karen family. After drinking these liquids, everyone gave a high opinion of them. Dr. Carlisle feels that this juice will help them, vegetarian vampires, get rid of the temptation of human blood, because after drinking this juice, they find that the attractiveness of human blood will be reduced a lot, even Jia Spartan admits that ordinary human blood doesn’t have this juice.

After everyone’s confirmation, a glass of freshly squeezed dragon blood juice was handed to Bella. They were still discussing whether to heat or put some sugar, but Bella took the glass of juice directly. “Let me try it first. After smelling the smell, I can feel that the baby in my stomach seems to be craving this thing.”

Since Bella said so, everyone watched her drink a whole bottle of **** juice. It may be that watching this is just fruit juice, so there is not much psychological pressure even with **** Bella.

“It’s weird, I can smell blood. But why can I think it’s delicious?” After drinking Bella put the empty glass on the coffee table and said something weird. But everyone in the living room looked relieved, because it showed that they had guessed correctly and that the child in Bella’s stomach should need these things.

Sure enough, a few minutes after drinking the juice, her waxy cheeks began to return to blood. Don’t need much help from others. At the same time her breathing became smoother. Through magic testing, Ryan can confirm that her life reaction is much stronger than before.

After making sure that Bella was fine, Jacob was ready to leave. Ryan stepped up and stopped him, who looked a little melancholic, on the porch. “I know what you are worried about, but what I can tell you is that the child in Bella’s belly is not a pure vampire. You don’t have to worry about the birth of the bloodthirsty witch. Of course, to ensure this. Before the child was born I Will stay here forever. If it were really a bloodthirsty witch, I would kill him, and I can guarantee that the vampires of the Karen family cannot stop my movements. “

“I understand that this matter will be kept secret in the tribe temporarily ~ ~ I don’t want war in this place either.” Jacob nodded and then started his car and left.

Lean also said this to the Karen family. This distance makes it easy to hear what Ryan is saying as a vampire. However, the Karen family did not oppose Ryan, they also knew the dangers of bloodthirsty witch.

The next few days, Ryan and Hermione took turns to observe the fetus in Bella’s belly. This strange life that combined life and death made them harvest a lot of valuable information. Of course, they also tried to use magic to relieve the pain of Bella, the mother of life.

“He is too active. This is what Hermione told the people of the Karen family after painlessly cutting the rib on the other side of Bella. Because the child has insufficient development space, a rib was already given by the fetus before Hermione came. Broken. “Bella’s body is too weak in view of her fever, sweating, and cold war. I can at best use natural magic to soothe her a little so that she doesn’t feel so painful, but something like an analgesic anesthetic can’t be used by her now. “

“It’s much better now, I thank you for Bella!” Alice said.

But the situation is getting worse in the next few days. According to the observation of Ryan and Hermione, the fetal development is quite healthy. But Bella, the mother, is getting worse. Three days later, at least one-third of Bella’s bones were broken, and they could not be repaired, otherwise the fetus would be crushed again.

Finally, one day before the expected date, Bella was born prematurely when the fetus broke her another bone.

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