Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 488 - Speech

After dinner, it was the regular principal’s speech time. Dumbledore’s prestige was immediately revealed here: none of the students below made a noise at this time.

The principal started to talk about some arrangements for the semester, such as telling the administrators Filch that this year, students are absolutely forbidden to bring any joke goods purchased from the Weasley Magic Trick. Of course, everyone here is kind of a ban.

Next is the arrangement of Quidditch. Students who want to participate in the college Quidditch team need to report their names to the dean as they did in previous years. At the same time, with Li Qiaodan’s graduation, the school also needs to find a new Quidditch game commentator, and interested parties can also register with the dean.

Finally, it ’s time to introduce the new professor, “In addition, I would like to introduce you to the new faculty … Professor Holas Slughorn, the former Slytherin Dean of Hogwarts … I am here to announce his honor Has agreed to come back and succeed Professor of Potions. “Dumbledore’s words fell and Slughorn stood up. His bare head shone in the candlelight, and his belly in a waistcoat cast a large shadow on the table. .

The word “Potion Lesson?” Echoed throughout the auditorium, and everyone wondered if they had heard it wrong. Hermione frowned and looked at Ryan. “Hasn’t Harry said in the letter that Dumbledore took him to find Slughorn as a professor of black magic defense? How is the potion class?”

Lane hadn’t had time to answer, and Dumbledore raised his voice over the discussion: “At the same time, Professor Snape will serve as a teacher of black magic defense.”

Slytherin students heard the news and began to applaud enthusiastically, while the other college tables were full of buzz. Everyone felt a little unbelievable about this news, especially Harry, whose “no” sound was clearly heard by everyone in the noise of the entire auditorium.

Lane, those of them who knew Harry, looked at him. Harry knew he had something wrong with the news. He desperately recalled when Dumbledore had told him about this, but now, when he thought about it carefully, he couldn’t remember what Dumbledore told him which course Slughorn would teach. Instead, Slughorn told him that her mother Lily had a very good potion class.

“It’s not a fascinating position to teach Hogwarts’ defense of black magic class.” Lane said to Hermione around him, and at the same time it was a help for Harry. “As far as I know, Slughorn He is a person who pursues enjoyment and fears risks. He should have taken the course without the spirit of sacrifice, let alone he had been a professor of potions before. “

, This thing has a little benefit, “Harry said with his teeth,” Snape will get out in less than a year. “”what do you mean? Asked Ron.

“That job was cursed. No one can be more than a year … Chilo even took his life. I personally hope that another murder will happen …”

“Harry, please don’t say that.” Lane said in a soft tone. “There are enough people to die this holiday. It is not a good thing to shed more innocent blood.” Hermione listened to this sentence. Nodded in agreement.

“Snape is still innocent?” Harry didn’t agree with Ryan’s point, but Ron said sensibly at this time: “I thought that Snape probably went back to teach him the potion class at the end of the period. That was called Slug. Horne ’s guys probably do n’t want to be here for a long time. Moody ’s is like that. ”

Harry had to admit that Ron was right, because when he and Dumbledore went to Slughorn to learn that Death Eaters were still trying to find him during the summer vacation, he felt he was too old Enough energy to deal with this. The willingness to return to school is on the one hand to expand their social circle, on the other hand is to see that it is safe enough, without having to flee from all places to escape.

Dumbledore cleared his throat and did n’t seem to realize how shocking the news he had just announced was. He did n’t talk about the teacher ’s job any more. Instead, he waited a few seconds to ensure that everyone was completely quiet before continuing to speak. . “Everyone in this auditorium knows that Voldemort and his followers are making waves again and again, and the power is growing …”

Slytherin’s table was dead, especially Crabbe and Goyle were not as arrogant as usual. The result of losing the roof beam at home is that they are completely marginalized, and now they can only watch Malfoy act. Malfoy seemed to be distracted, not knowing what was in his head.

“I need to emphasize that the current situation is very dangerous. Everyone at Hogwarts needs to be extremely cautious to ensure their own safety. The castle ’s magic defense has been completely strengthened and updated, but each of our teachers and students You must still be vigilant at all times and never take it lightly. Therefore, I ask you to strictly abide by every safety regulation and report to the faculty immediately whenever you find any abnormal or suspicious circumstances. I believe you, for your own and the safety of others, Will definitely restrain his behavior. “Dumbledore’s blue eyes swept across all the students, and then a smile appeared on his face.

“Okay, your bed is waiting for you, as warm and comfortable as you expect, I know that your immediate priority now is to take a good rest and prepare for class tomorrow. So, let us say” Good night “. Good dreams!”

As usual ~ ~ A bench was pushed behind him, and a squeaking friction sounded. Hundreds of students began to leave the auditorium and walked toward the dormitory. Ryan and Hermione went on to perform the duties of senior manager to take care of those first-year freshmen. As usual, Hermione stood at the bottom of the queue to introduce the basic knowledge of the castle to the freshmen, while Ryan silently followed the team to see if there were any freshmen left behind, and at the same time released his own sense to explore the magic castle.

As Dumbledore said, the magic defense of the castle was indeed strengthened during the summer vacation. Even wizards who master the rules need to spend some effort to deal with the defense in the castle. However, this defense is dead after all, and what really made Hogwarts Castle solid is Dumbledore, a wizard who also has the rules to sit in the castle.

Ryan can be sure that as long as there is a wizard who controls the rules in this castle, the wizards of the same grade can’t attack in any way.

Therefore, the reason why Hogwarts is the safest place in the wizarding world of Britain is entirely because Dumbledore is guarding the castle in the school. This also made Ryan feel that he was too correct to prevent Dumbledore’s death in the last incident that destroyed Voldemort’s ring Horcrux. As long as Professor Dumbledore can withstand Voldemort, he will have a little bit of control. Drain the last drop of blood from those pure blood families, and then throw it completely into the historical garbage dump.

After returning to the common room because of a day’s train, everyone greeted a little and went to bed quickly. Ryan went to the world of radiation and began to prepare gifts for the Death Eaters who might come to the castle for a sneak attack.

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