Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 489 - Advanced Class

The weather was very good the next day. There were only one or two broken clouds floating in the blue sky, and the sun hung high in the sky to emit light and heat. The cool air with a slight smell of sunlight blowing on people’s faces is shocking. As the beginning of the new semester this is undoubtedly a good sign.

Having breakfast, they are still sitting in their seats and have not left as usual. Because today, the deans of the four colleges will collect the application for advancement of students in the sixth grade and above, and provide them with guidance services.

Everyone in Gryffindor waited for Professor McGonagall to get off the staff table. This semester is much more complicated than usual. Professor McGonagall must ensure that each student ’s score meets the requirements before he can continue to study the n.e.w.ts improvement class he chose. Of course, if a student’s score meets the requirements but feels that he doesn’t need the n.e.w.ts certificate of a course, he or she can skip this course. Because the content of the n.e.w.ts course is more difficult, the homework is more complicated. Not everyone can guarantee the completion of these courses.

Hermione ’s course was confirmed immediately, and she would continue to study magic spells, black magic defense, transformation, herbalism, arithmetic divination, and potions. She had originally wanted to complete a dozen courses, but after Ryan reminded her that she would have enough time to learn any knowledge she was interested in in the future, she cut a lot of the courses she wanted to take.

“Don’t learn ancient magic texts? I remember you were very interested in ancient magic texts, and got them at” Speaking of Professor McGonagall paused as if thinking of something. “Yes, Ryan has much more knowledge in this area than the professors in the school. You really don’t need to spend too much time in class in this area.” As a member of the Phoenix Society, Professor McGonagall knew something.

Next is Neville. Although Neville’s achievements have greatly improved his academic level in the study of the book club, this exam is also good. But Professor McGonagall still gave his opinion on Neville.

“Mr. Longbottom, your herbal medicine score is o, very good, I think Professor Sprout will be very happy to see you back. The black magic defense is equally good. The problem is that your metamorphosis class is the same as the magic spell. , Longbottom, I ’m curious why do n’t you choose to improve the spell class? IMHO, your talent in the deforming class is not as good as the talent in the spell class. I am worried that you will probably not follow in the deforming class Make progress. And I found that you do n’t like metamorphosis so much, why do you force yourself? “

Neville seemed a little embarrassed. He lowered his head and said something, as if “my grandma wanted me to learn.”

“Oh, does it mean Augusta? But I noticed that the occupation you chose for employment consulting last year did not require the n.e.w.ts certificate of deformity surgery. I think you should focus on your superior discipline.”

“I think so too, but my grandma thinks it’s easy to choose the mantra lesson.” Neville muttered.

“Then you should choose the curse class. I will write to your grandmother there. You can’t think that this course is not worth learning because she failed the owls exam. You have been studying in the past few years. The progress has been great. Your grandmother needs to realize that her grandson is much better than she thought, and she needs to have her own way. “

After listening to Professor McGonagall, Neville’s face was filled with unbelievable rejoicing, and he took over the new curriculum that Professor McGonagall had just transformed. At this time, Professor McGonagall turned to look at Parvati, and soon Parvati left with some frustration, because this year’s handsome Professor Ma Ren only teaches divination classes in grades one to five.

After almost everyone on the table was finished, Professor McGonagall walked to Ryan: “Mr. Liang, your elective course can only be put at the end, because one of the courses has a little problem.”

“Is it an alchemy course?” Ryan guessed the problem at once. After all, except for this course, his test scores were exactly the same as the elective course and Hermione. If there was a problem with a course, it was only this one.

“Yes.” Professor McGonagall felt a little helpless when he said this. “Because this subject previously required that you only be able to take the test if you have obtained o in the owls exam in Metamorphosis, Ancient Mojo and divination, and at the same time, the learner needs to pay a part of the raw material costs. No one has applied for this course. “

Speaking here, Professor McGonagall lowered her voice. She felt that as the best school in the UK and even Europe, it was a shame that the students could meet the requirements but the school could not provide the corresponding education. “This year because of well-known reasons, we can’t recruit alchemy professors at all, so the principal thought of a compromise.”

Lane listened quietly to Professor McGonagall’s speech. He also knew why the principal did not invite the professor of alchemy: the alchemist itself is a profession sought after by all wizards. As long as he stays neutral, he can live well. Joining Hogwarts as a professor at this time is equivalent to proclaiming that you are on Dumbledore ’s side, which is obviously not worthwhile for those alchemists. Not to mention that there is only one student in this subject. It is estimated that the group of school managers do not want to pay too much.

Looked at Ryan staring at him with a serious eye, Professor McGonagall felt more guilty. “The result of the discussion between Dumbledore and the school managers is that you can study this subject by yourself. When the exam is over, there will be a Ministry of Magic examination department specially assigned to come over and test for you. As a compensation, the alchemy laboratory in the school will be used by you. . “

This answer has made Ryan very happy. Anyway, he can see the large amount of materials hidden in the school on alchemy knowledge, and can also get Luo Zhen’s guidance. It would be better for him if he did n’t have a professor, and he could spend more time doing interesting things.

“So, thank you professor.” Lane smiled and took over the new timetable and the key of the alchemy laboratory. Professor McGonagall tapped his shoulder and said seriously. “I believe you will be very successful in alchemy in the future. Also, thank you for your help to the Order of the Phoenix.”

Lane also smiled friendly. The reason why he gave the Phoenix a priority to sell discounted magic defense props ~ ~ is to strengthen the Phoenix’s strength to carry those Death Eaters. Now it seems that this kind of funding plus his indiscriminate blow against Death Eaters is quite effective. At least for a while, the average number of people killed in the news in the newspapers is much less than in the previous life novels.

The new class schedule happened to be the first class without class, so Ryan took Hermione to see the alchemy laboratory assigned to him this year.

The laboratory is located on the west side of the fifth floor of the castle near the Ravenclaw tower. This corridor looks empty, and there are no paintings, let alone sculptures or armor common in other places. The most exaggerated thing is that there is not even a door in the corridor. Only the sunlight from the window on one side lit up the corridor.

“Isn’t the alchemy laboratory in this corridor? Where can I get in?” After curiously circling the corridor twice, Hermione finally gave up looking for a turn and asked Ryan.

“This place is actually similar to the back wall of the broken cauldron bar. To be precise, the way of opening the back wall is to learn from this place.” Ryan said as he walked to the corridor and the wall corresponding to the third window from the entrance. Side, and then look closely next to the wall. Finally he found a slightly blue brick at the height of his waist and knocked it with the bronze key given by Professor McGonagall.

The brick he had knocked jittered and began to move. A small hole appeared in the middle of the hole. The hole became bigger and bigger. A stone door with a star-shaped eagle embossed on the lintel appeared very soon.

“Is Ravenclaw staying?” Ryan glanced at this door’s embossment full of Ravenclaw style, then pushed open the door and went in.

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