Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 523 - new semester

After staying at Weasley’s house for one night, Linen lined up by the stove in the Burrow kitchen the next afternoon to prepare to return to Hogwarts. This is much more comfortable than squeezing to Kings Cross Station with a group of people to take a day train.

Only Mrs. Weasley saw them off, because Mr. Weasley, Fred, George, Percy, Bill, and Fleur all had to work, and Mrs. Weasley wept when she said goodbye. Ginny stepped forward to hug her and gently patted her back to comfort her: “Don’t cry, mom …”

Then Mrs. Weasley and each of them hugged and said goodbye. Ryan felt her hug was very hard. Naturally, he was so excited about Mrs. Weasley: In this war time, it was indeed a matter of concern to stay away from the children for so long, let alone hear the news of someone missing.

“I’ve always been like this, Mrs. Weasley,” Mrs. Weasley and Harry embraced for the longest time. Harry comforted her until, “I like a quiet life, you know.”

After hearing this sentence, Mrs. Weasley smiled with tears and stepped back. “So, well, each of you …”

When it was Ryan’s turn, he bowed to Mrs. Weasley and shouted “Hogwarts!”, Then surrounded by flames and quickly spun up. After seeing many fireplace doors along the way, he turned Slow down and stop right in Professor McGonagall’s fireplace.

“Good afternoon, Professor McGonagall.” Ryan said, pulling out his wand and waving it, all the ash in the fireplace and on the carpet disappeared.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Liang, this silent mantra is very good. I am very happy to see that you have not forgotten my homework during the holidays.” Probably because just after Christmas, Professor McGonagall had a good holiday and also seemed to be more than It was easier before. Ryan stood outside the fireplace and sorted out her robes. Hermione also appeared in the fireplace. She also stepped out of the fireplace and used a silent spell to clean up the ash brought, and walked out of Professor McGonagall ’s office with Ryan toward Gryffin Walk to the tower.

“Hah, Lion, I finally waited for you.” After climbing up the tower on the glow of the hallway, they happened to meet Neville. Neville said to Len that he waved a note on his hand when he saw him. “Professor Dumbledore asked me to sign this note to you. By the way, the password at the entrance of the common room today is to quit drinking.”

After accepting the parchment stacked together and thanking Neville, Lane opened the parchment. The content above is very simple. Dumbledore asked Ryan to go to his office tomorrow afternoon. He had something to tell Ryan.

“What did the principal ask you to do this time? Wasn’t the disagreement the last time you taught magic to the students?” After returning to the common room, Ryan showed the note to Hermione. Hermione told Deng Brido felt strange to find Ryan again.

“I guess it’s a task.” Ryan said with a thought. “After the last incident at the end of the Ministry of Magic, do n’t you think Dumbledore still thinks that I am at the same level as the ordinary little wizard? In this way, the principal will definitely want to use it when the Phoenix Society is seriously understaffed Every point of strength. It is impossible for him to keep me a level guy who keeps touching fish. “

“It’s true, the Christmas break has just passed—” Hermione complained a little, and Lane thought her expression was a bit like that of Mrs. Weasley when the Ministry of Magic asked Mr. Weasley to work overtime yesterday. The door opened at this time, Harry pulled Ginny over, and the two sat on the sofa opposite Ryan and them.

“How about Ron?” Ryan asked, looking at the two in front of him, but Ginny pouted. “I went to Lavender as soon as I came back. It is estimated where the two of them are dating now.”

“Understood.” Ryan nodded, as he did when he first fell in love. Afterwards, he learned from Harry in the chat that Dumbledore will teach Harry tomorrow night. It seems that this is probably because Dumbledore will be able to stay in school for a day tomorrow, and he will simply put all the things to be dealt with at once. Dealt with.

At the beginning of the new semester the next morning, the sixth graders got a surprise: they found out when they were ready to have breakfast. A big notice was pinned on the notice board in the common room the night before. I told you that the Phantom Appearance lesson is about to begin.

If someone has reached the age of seventeen or is seventeen on August 31, they can attend a twelve-week phantom visualization course taught by the Ministry of Magic phantom instructor. A blank is left at the bottom of the notice, which is for the signature of willing participants.

Ryan and Hermione had learned this when they last went to Tianchao, but this time they still signed up to sign up. Just like your driving skills are very good, but if you want to go on the road normally, you still need to get a driving license.

Over the next day, many sixth graders gathered to discuss the appearance of phantoms. Harry was surrounded by several people because he was moved by Dumbledore with a phantom. Many people are very excited about this matter, and even some people are overexcited.

For example, because Simo was immersed in the dashing image after mastering this magic, the magic wand was too strong when he released the fresh water like a spring in the curse class, and he changed the spell homework that day. Qingquan turned into a water dragon, shot at the ceiling and bounced down ~ ~ was hitting Professor Flitwick’s face.

As a result, after Professor Flitwick got himself dry, Simone won a penalty package for himself. He needs to copy the sentence “I am a wizard, not a baboon swinging his stick.”

This incident shows that in Britain, when people are stupid, they say someone is a baboon. Ryan felt that the author of a novel he had read in his previous life was indeed careful, but unfortunately the author passed through before he finished writing it. Now he can only pray for a certain urban drama world that the world’s grocery stores can connect to. He can read the whole book.

Thinking about all the missing things after dinner, Lane came to the principal’s office again. This time he hadn’t knocked on the door, the door opened, and the layout in the room was exactly the same as last time, while Dumbledore was looking at the meditation basin on the table in front of him. After discovering that Ryan entered the door, the principal raised his head and greeted him. “I’m sorry to call you again, but I have a very important thing to find you.”

“I’m happy to do everything I can to help you.” Ryan nodded slightly. “But my main strength comes from alchemy. I’m afraid I can only drag your hind legs in real face-to-face battles.”

“Don’t worry, it’s not your turn to go to the battlefield anyway.” Dumbledore smiled. “You contribute more to the production of various props in the rear than in the last battle. There is no shortage of warriors who can fight the Death Eaters in the Phoenix Society, but they can provide everyone with enough help to make everyone more likely to come back alive. There is only you, and I need your help, that is, alchemy. “

“Then I am honored.” Ryan said, “Now can you tell me what I need to do?”

Dumbledore sat there thinking about it, then whispered a word. Ryan’s eyes widened instantly.

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