Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 524 - plan

“Principal Dumbledore, were you kidding?” Ryan asked Dumbledore aloud after hearing Dumbledore’s hope that he would do something. “Or I just had auditory hallucinations, and the place we are going to may not be the one you said–“

“Calm down, Ryan, I thought you would be able to face everything calmly when you came back from behind that stone arch.” Dumbledore pressed his hands gently, indicating Ryan to keep quiet. “You did get it right, I want you to accompany me to one of the strongest vaults in the ground floor of Gu Ling Pavilion, and then take something out of it.”

Ryan didn’t know how to answer this. He really didn’t expect Dumbledore to come to him just to grab the bank. This is not a bit more than Dumbledore’s incomparable rules.

“It’s not as you imagine robbing the bank. If it goes well, no one will be hurt by this matter.” Dumbledore seemed to know what Ryan was thinking. He explained the reason in the next sentence. “Because of the last pendant box and ring, I realized that Horde made by Voldemort was definitely not a small one. After considering that he could give Lucius Malfoy his own Horcrux, I think he might give him The number one player under Bellatrix Lestrange is a Horcrux. “

“Then why do you think the Horcrux is in the Gu Ling Pavilion?” Ryan asked. Because Harry in the original text they were because of Bella ’s excessive panic after knowing that they had been to the Gulinge vault, which made Harry guess that it was a coincidence caused by the aura of Harry Potter ’s protagonist. Dumbledore hadn’t experienced this at all now, and Ryan wanted to know how accurately he guessed that a Horcrux was placed in Bella’s vault.

“Because Voldemort trusted Bellatrix and her husband. They were the most loyal servants before he fell, and he went out to look for him after he disappeared. In this case, Voldemort would hide his Horcrux in them. Understandable. “Dumbledore said with a cross of his fingers, looking at Ryan.

“Of course, Voldemort does not completely trust anyone in his bones. I think that the Horcrux is probably a treasure of the same level as the Slytherin pendant box or the resurrection stone ring. He is handing his Horcrux to him. When Bella, it ’s very possible to tell them that such a thing is a reward for their loyalty. ”At this point, Dumbledore looked at Ryan with an interesting eye.“ In this case, you think Bellatrix What will Si do? “

“Hidden in the Gu Ling Pavilion.” Ryan reacted at once, and Bella, as Voldemort’s most loyal running dog, would certainly not throw such things around, and there was a high possibility of throwing those before she set off to attack the Longbottons. The important things are put in the ancient vault. Because at that time she would have a hunch that she would be captured soon after the attack. Under such circumstances, she would definitely not taint other people’s hands with the treasure given to her by her master. The independent status and strong protection of Gu Ling Pavilion ensure this.

“Very good.” Dumbledore nodded slightly. “You know why I’m going to Gu Ling Pavilion now. As far as safety is concerned, you don’t have to worry about it. I can definitely bring you out intact. As far as I know, Voldemort In the first grade, I was able to reach the core vault of the Guling Pavilion and retreat with a torn body. I can guarantee that my level is not worse than him at this point. “

Ryan nodded after listening to this sentence. The only reason he didn’t get the Horcrux before he knew it was because he didn’t feel confident that he would break through the defense of Guling Pavilion without disturbing others. At that time, he thought that the only foolproof way was to blow up several large equivalent nuclear bombs in the radiation world, but this would lead to the complete destruction of the wizarding economy. He felt that there was no need to use this collateral damage at the last minute. Great tactics.

“Okay, now that you have agreed to this matter, you need to be prepared when you go back. When you are ready, you can write to me and let me buy it for you. At least I think I have a lot The place still allows them to take out the good stuff. As far as I know, a master alchemist who wants to exert his full strength is based on sufficient raw materials and props, you must not Sorry. As for the action time, I will notify you. “

“Okay, I know.” Lane replied. But after the response, Dumbledore did not let him leave as he thought. The principal looked at Ryan for a few seconds and then asked in a slow tone: “I know there is something I can’t worry about, but I still want to ask you How have you studied about the Voldemort Horcrux on Harry? “

Seeing Ryan seem to be hesitant after hearing this problem, Dumbledore quickly added: “Of course, this is not a urgency to you, I understand that this work is not so easy to solve in a short time, if you don’t–” said Here he was stunned because Ryan took a crown inlaid with blue gems from the space bag around his waist.

“This is the crown of Ravenclaw. I have successfully stripped and completely erased the soul of the mysterious man on it. The crown has also restored its previous functions. But it can only be regarded as a powerful magic prop. , Does not make people have wisdom. The real wisdom is Ravenclaw himself. Now I return it to Hogwarts. “

“You—did it?” Dumbledore looked straight at the crown on the table and sat straight up, took out his old wand and clicked on the crown to check it. He raised his head and asked in shock. “So, Harry he …”

“Sorry, I’m still not sure.” Ryan lowered his head. The reason why he took the crown out at this time was to hope that Dumbledore could grasp the information of this Voldemort Horcrux in order to be more perfect in the following layout. . At the same time, he handed this pot to the principal. As for the study of Harry’s body of Voldemort’s soul, he has no way to guarantee Harry 100%.

At this time, it is convenient for the principal to see the research results and get some resources that are not usually available in the next time. Because in the previous resource collection, Ryan found that he was a weak wizard in the magic world as a hemp breed, and there are many good things. They only circulate among the high-level wizards, and he cannot buy such a wizard even if he has money. Dumbledore’s face is different.

“It’s okay, I can understand it.” Dumbledore shook his hand after hearing Ryan’s apology. “You don’t need to apologize, I also have some research on alchemy, and understand that living and dead are completely different. You don’t have to worry, at least, we still have enough time now.”

It seems that the current attitude of Dumbledore and the headmaster of this period in the novel is completely different. Dumbledore at this time in the novel has only one year left because he has been caught in the trap of Voldemort ~ ~ Everything seems very impatient, and even entrusts some important things to fate, giving people the feeling that the whole person is in a low mood. Now Dumbledore, who was in good condition and found several Voldemort’s Horcruxes, was full of optimism.

Of course, from this incident, Ryan saw that Dumbledore is now a really good person. Many people in his life described him as a man who calculated everyone for his inner goal, and even raised Harry just to let him die at the last moment. But after coming to this world to experience it for himself, Ryan felt that this was not the case at all. It can even be said that Dumbledore found a way for Harry to survive the most.

Because in the study of Horcruxes, Ryan discovered that living Horcruxes can be destroyed as long as they kill the carrier of that soul, and the death of Nagini in the original text also illustrates this. If Dumbledore was not really kind, he would be enough to kill Harry. There was no need to make such a big twist. At that time, Dumbledore asked Harry to be taken by Voldemort Awada. Although it was very risky, it was also the only way for Harry to eliminate the Voldemort soul and ensure his survival after his death.

And now it is the same. Dumbledore asked Toline to find a way to remove the soul while keeping Harry safe, just because he found that this way was more able to guarantee Harry’s safety. In this respect, his contribution is much larger than letting Harry go to death, and the risk is also greater. But the principal still did it.

So, although this world is not perfect, the good side still dominates. Everyone has their own shortcomings and shortcomings, and even will have their own small abacus, but there are more good people. This is why Ryan is willing to participate in this war.

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