Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 528 - new course

In the following period, everything was normal. Mobile phone https: // Dumbledore did not find Ryan to go to Gu Lingge, maybe he has not found a suitable time. At this time, Ryan mixed some basic materials for the production of Our Lady of Roses into the list of raw materials for alchemy props and sent a list to Dumbledore, and attached the gold coins.

Although Dumbledore is not in school, he can still control everything in the school. On the third day after posting the list and gold coins, Ryan got up and received a large box from Dumbledore through the house elf in the school, which contained hundreds of different kinds of not-so-good foundations for Ryan. Raw materials and a few precious raw materials.

Slughorn ’s channels were also good. After one club, Ryan met several well-informed people. In just a week, he bought half of the precious and rare raw materials he needed, but the other half needed good luck to collect all of them, because those things do n’t have a stable source of access, and the wizards only occasionally Harvest part.

Of course, with such a purchase, Ryan’s Gallon also blew out. Fortunately, the people introduced by Slughorn agreed to pay directly with gold ingots, jewelry, precious raw materials or alchemy products, so that there was no deficit in Ryan’s finances.

“Although things are still not complete, the materials needed for the first step are already complete.” After all the first batch of materials arrived, Ryan counted and came to this conclusion. “It should be possible to start construction now, and in order that this stone can be used in various worlds in the future, it can only be made in the Wanjie grocery store.”

After going to bed that night, Ryan went to Wanjie grocery store and started to do the first step. I have been busy in Wanjie grocery store for three months, with the full technical support of teacher Luo Zhen. The first step of the production process is finally complete. The four mouths are in a crucible at the four corners of a large alchemy array. The liquids of four colors of red, yellow, blue and green are rolling, and these liquids are like crystals.

After instructing Xiaoqing to be optimistic about the pots in this magic circle, Ryan went to the world of “The Lord of the Rings” and slept for a week before relaxing. This is the world’s overall environment suitable for rest. Surrounded by the breath of nature, it can quickly smooth Ryan’s problems caused by fatigue. If you change to a world where the ecosystem is basically finished like the radiating world, Ryan feels that this consciousness may need to sleep for half a year.

After finishing everything, he returned to his bed. Next depends on luck, I hope those materials will be available as soon as possible.

In the following time, Ryan began to make all kinds of things that might be needed to go to Gu Ling Pavilion. In the midst of being busy, time entered February. The snow around the school melted and replaced by the cold and damp. Gray-purple clouds pressed low over the castle, and the continuous cold rain made the lawn slippery and muddy. The whole weather is as bad as the situation outside.

However, this does not mean that there is nothing good. For example, the first phantom visualization class that required sixth grade students to be outdoors in the damp wind was moved from the playground to the auditorium. This class was arranged on Saturday morning to avoid Delay in regular courses.

When Ryan and Hermione came to the auditorium, they found that the people had almost arrived. For teaching convenience, the tables have been put away. The rain was knocking on the window, and the magic ceiling was covered with black rain clouds.

The four deans were standing at the front of the auditorium at this time. In addition, there was a wizard with white skin, transparent eyelashes and slender hair standing beside the deans. He should be the instructor of the phantom visualization class from the Ministry of Magic. Too.

“Good morning,” said the wizard of the Ministry of Magic when everyone was ready, “My name is Waikiki Takros, and I will be your instructor in the phantom visualization class for the next twelve weeks, hoping to help you Prepare for the Phantom Appearance Examination— “

The whole introduction process was unstoppable, and even that Waiki Takros seemed too calm. Even if Professor McGonagall scolded Malfoy who tried to argue with Gower, his speech was not interrupted.

After making a lot of wooden circles, Techcross told everyone about the three-dimensional principle of phantom appearance, and then let everyone start trying. “After waiting for my order … to rotate in place, let yourself be in the void, and act calmly! Now listen to my password … —” Ryan looked at the students around him and found that everyone seemed to want them so quickly The phantom appeared surprised.

“One-two-three!” Everyone turned around in the same place. As a result, most people just turned around to make them stand unsteady, even people like Neville who didn’t have a good sense of balance directly Fell to the ground.

The professors didn’t think that someone could succeed at once, but the two cracking sounds that appeared at the same time at the same time, and the very crackling sound that exploded like firecrackers broke their cognition. They were surprised to see that Ryan and Hermione’s bodies disappeared after only a half turn, and then appeared in the wood circle in front of them.

“Very good.” Tycross’s tone increased slightly. Maybe this is how he likes a calm person to express his surprise. “Like these two gentlemen and young ladies, they always focus on the phantom. Do n’t panic and calm down on the goal. Now please put the wooden circle and stand back … “

The next few people except Ryan and Hermione just turned around in place, but the sixth time, Dean Thomas entered the wooden circle, but left his left arm in place, which attracted all Exclaimed people. Fortunately, the deans gathered around for the first time. After a burst of purple smoke, his arm was healed. After finding out that his arm was fine, Dean told his surroundings with his eyebrows. .

“Okay, keep quiet.” Professor McGonagall gave Dean a dissatisfied glance, and after everyone regained silence, Waikiki Takros began to explain lightly: “Split, that is, the separation of a part of the body, occurred in When the determination is not firm enough, it is also one of the most prone problems for novices. So I remind everyone again that you must focus your attention. “

But after an hour, the other people have made no progress. Tycross does not seem discouraged. He put on his cloak and just said: “See you next Saturday, everyone, don’t forget: goal, determination, calmness.” Afterwards, a wave of the magic wand eliminated those wooden circles and followed Professor McGonagall out of the auditorium.

“Harry, what’s the matter with you?” Harry hurriedly left the auditorium as soon as the course ended. Until an hour later, when Ryan and Hermione returned from the alchemy laboratory, they met Harry and Ron whispering together in the common room.

“What did you do just so fast? Just like what news did the paparazzi find?” Ryan asked after sitting directly on the sofa opposite Harry. “What did you find out during the class just now? It was clear before class ~ ~ That’s the way.” Harry explained, “I heard Malfoy in the Phantom Shift class really doing it now. What, Crabbe and Goyle are sending him a whistle. This matter of Malfoy should be very important, because Crabbe and Goyle are just sentry outside, they know nothing about what Malfoy is doing now. “

“It sounds like a conspiracy is brewing.” Even Hermione admitted it. “As the principal of Hogwarts, Dumbledore couldn’t help not knowing what happened in the castle. I’m curious why he didn’t take care of it.”

“So I think I should figure out what Malfoy is doing.” Harry said firmly.

Harry did say that, he checked the live map as often as possible for the next two weeks, and sometimes went to the bathroom unnecessarily during the class, but never found Malfoy in a suspicious place. He actually saw Crabbe and Goyle alone in the castle for more time than usual, and sometimes stopped in the empty hallway motionless, but at that time Malfoy was not only not nearby, but he could not be found on the map. At this time he could only assume that Malfoy was mixed up with hundreds of dense names.

“Ryan and Hermione look busy and should be doing things for the Order of the Phoenix. I still don’t want to disturb them anymore.” Harry did want to ask Ryan if they could do anything, but finally thought of this and gave up.

The owner of the world of Harry Potter

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