Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 529 - Gu Ling Pavilion

After the dinner on the last day of February, Ryan and Hermione just entered the library to prepare for their homework in the library. Suddenly a fire flashed over the table in front of them, and a tightly rolled parchment paper suddenly appeared on the table.

“Is President Dumbledore looking for you?” Hermione turned around and asked, because the fire was just too obvious. At first glance, it was known that the phoenix was sending things, and the only phoenix in the entire castle was Deng Blido’s Fox is gone.

“It should be.” Ryan lowered his head and opened the rolled parchment, and found a few lines written in slender, tangled fonts: Please bring the things you prepared before to the principal’s office, we should start. The password is chocolate gold coins.

At the best time, Ryan said goodbye to Hermione, and asked her to bring her textbooks back to the common room, and then quickly ran upstairs to the principal’s office. When he opened the door with a password and walked up the spiral staircase, the oak door opened, and Ryan found that besides Dumbledore wearing a purple robe sitting on the chair he usually sat on, Sirius was also wearing it. The rather formal robe appeared to sit a little more rigidly in another chair.

“Good evening, Principal Dumbledore. Good evening, Sirius.” Lane first greeted the two in the office. “We are now–“

“We are going now to take Voldemort’s Horcruxes in the vault of Gu Ling Ge Bella.” Professor Dumbledore nodded. “Because I got solid evidence today, Voldemort took Bella and two other Death Eaters to go to Greece to work. They have now left the UK and I can guarantee that we will not be directly touched by them when we are looking for something . “

“But how do we get in a moment? Is it an attack or an infiltration?” Ryan asked.

“Neither.” Dumbledore shook his head slightly. “You don’t need to talk for a while, I have a great way to break through most of the guards in front. Of course, this needs Sirius’s help, which is why I called him today.”

“I’m glad to help you in such an important matter, Professor Dumbledore.” Xiaotian nodded slightly.

After making sure everyone was ready, Professor Dumbledore stood up behind the table, and then let Sirius hold his hand, and Lane held Sirius’ hand. “We are now using Fox to go to Diagon Alley, so you two have a good grasp.”

After Ryan and Sirius nodded, Phoenix Fox flew from the shelf to Dumbledore’s empty hand. After a flash of fire flashed over, the three disappeared from the principal’s office.

When the fire in front of him disappeared, Ryan discovered that they had appeared in an unobtrusive corner of Diagon Alley. After tidying up their clothes, they began to walk towards the direction of Gu Ling Pavilion.

The facade of Gu Ling Pavilion is different from all the shops on this street. It is built with white marble. If it wasn’t distorted, this building could even be called magnificent. Of course, even if the whole building is crooked. Gu Ling Pavilion is still standing high above the surrounding shops, and it stands out in this street.

Even at this time it was already evening, the bronze gate of Gu Ling Pavilion was still gleaming. A very little goblin dressed like a day dressed in a scarlet uniform just as if he had just been ironed stood there. When he saw Ryan they came over, they bowed politely and opened the door.

Ryan used to come to Gu Ling Pavilion only once a year on average. In his impression, every time he came to Gu Ling Pavilion, he always walked through the short corridor, spent more than ten minutes huddling with a group of people, and then You have to pass several tests before you can go to the counter to handle the business you need. If you want to put it outside, this service attitude bank has long since closed. The reason why Gu Ling Pavilion is so prosperous is that there is only one bank in the wizarding world.

Fortunately, today they used excuses to work with Sirius, so that they could avoid a lot of queuing and other problems faced by ordinary wizards. Sirius, as the patriarch of the Black family, is naturally able to enjoy the special services opened by the Gu Ling Pavilion to the pure blood family. As the three of them just stepped into the hall, an old goblin wearing monocles and a tuxedo greeted them.

“Ah, respected Principal Dumbledore, Mr. Black and this young gentleman. Is there anything I can help you with?” The goblin walked in front of her and bowed deeply, even the big nose almost touched the floor on.

“That’s it.” Sirius stepped forward and said. “I have something in the family treasure house that I need to trade with this young partner, and since the things I want to give him are very precious and the young man is still in school, his principal Mr. Dumbledore will serve as Witnesses are witnessing our transactions, so we now want to enter my vault. “

“Of course no problem.” The old goblin nodded. “Then please show your proof.”

Sirius pulled out a golden key inlaid with emeralds from his arms. The old goblin nodded slightly after examining it, then bowed again. “The key is fine, we can start right away.”

When he finished, he gently clapped his hands, and a younger goblin came over.

“I’m going to use Ding Dang.” The older goblin said to him. The young goblin left quickly, and soon took a small leather bag to the older goblin. The small bag seemed to be filled with dingy metal . “Okay, okay! Please come with me, three distinguished gentlemen.” The elf said, turning around and leading the way ahead, “I will take you to the vault of the Black family.”

Soon he took Ryan and the three of them through the hall sandwiched by a lot of counters. Ryan noticed at this time that, unlike what he saw during the daytime, only three or two fairies behind the counter were sitting there weighing precious stones or precious metals. Yawning, far less than the staff during the day.

Soon they passed the door at the back of the hall and came to a rough stone corridor with burning torches lighting ~ ~ But Ryan found that these torches were not the usual torches at all, they Each one is a magic prop.

“Did you find any problems with the torches?” Sirius said as he watched Ryan staring at the torches. “I was also curious why I had such a simple torch in a place like Gu Ling Pavilion for the first time. , But at that time my cousin Andromeda, the mother of Tonks, told me that these torches are some precious magic props. As long as the magic power is injected once, these flames will last for a whole year. “

“Really—” Ryan didn’t know what to say at this time, even if it was far away from the Kublai fairy fire, but it would not be cheap as long as it was attached to magic props. Ryan didn’t expect this group of goblins to be so rich.

The goblin who received Ryan blew a whistle at the hole in front, and a small cart rolled along the track from the darkness. The four people with the goblin could just fill this car.

“The underground vault of our Gu Ling Pavilion is the safest treasure trove. In the future, you can choose us to keep your wealth for you.” After the car started, the goblin sitting in front of him started chattering. He mainly aimed at Ryan, because there are not many students who can be a partner of a pure-blood family and let Dumbledore accompany him to do things. In his impression, Ryan did not handle any financial business in Gu Ling Pavilion.

So the goblin took advantage of this opportunity to try to bring business to Gu Ling Ge. As for the fact that Ryan is not a pure-blood wizard, the goblin does not value it. After all, for them, gold is the same regardless of the human lineage. If it were not for international secrecy laws, they were even willing to do business with Muggles.


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