Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 571 - origin

In the memory of Harry today, it can be seen that 16-year-old Voldemort has been fascinated by the power. So even though Slughorn had already emphasized the danger of the Horcrux, he still further asked: “How to split the soul?”

Ryan felt that Voldemort at this time already had a partial knowledge of how to make Horcruxes. He was only trying to elicit Slughorn’s next answer. But Slughorn at this time didn’t know about it. He said to Voldemort anxiously, “You must understand that the soul should remain intact. Splitting it is a violation, it is anti-natural.”

Voldemort did not flinch, so he pressed further. “But how do you split?”

“Through the evil behavior-the most evil behavior, through murder. Murder will split the soul, and the wizard who wants to make the Horcrux uses this destruction: to seal off the broken soul fragments-” Slughorn said When he arrived, he deserved to be a wizard with an ancient family heritage. It can be said that this kind of unpopular knowledge is right.

“Seal? But how—?” Voldemort asked a step further. But this time, Slughorn did not answer directly. He shook his head anxiously. “There is a spell, don’t ask me, I don’t know! Do I look like I’ve tried it-am I like a murderer?”

“No, sir, of course not,” Riddle said busy, “I’m sorry … I didn’t mean to offend …” In Ryan’s eyes, this was a kind of temptation, and it was to find out Slugho for the most critical issue next Where is the bottom line of grace.

Slughorn was appeased by his apology. Out of the habitual care of excellent students, it was also a kind of self-implication to himself. He said roughly. “Where, where, no offense, it’s normal to be curious about these things … Talented wizards are always attracted to the magical side …”

“Yes, sir,” Riddle said, at this time he thought Slughorn might have been vigilant, so Tuqiong emerged and asked the key question. “But what I don’t understand is-just out of curiosity, what I want to ask is, is a Horcrux useful? Can the soul only be split once? Is it better to have more slices to make you stronger? For example Say, is n’t seven the most magical number? Seven—? ”

“My God, Tom!” Slughorn exclaimed. “Seven! Wouldn’t it be evil enough to kill someone? Anyway … splitting the soul is evil enough … and divided into seven pieces …”

Slughorn was completely upset, and he glared at Riddle. Ryan felt that he should be very regretful now, and he would be able to hear it from the back. Slughorn whispered. “Of course, what we are talking about is hypothetical, isn’t it? Just academic …”

The young Voldemort had already obtained what he wanted at this time, but he did not want others to know what he was doing today. So he appeased: “Yes, sir, of course.”

The next thing is that Slug also told Voldemort not to divulge the conversation tonight. By this time he had realized something was wrong. And this goal coincides with Voldemort’s goal. This can also explain why others do not know the reason for this memory.

After watching the young Voldemort mouthful of assurance that he would not divulge this matter and leave the office at the same time, Dumbledore motioned to leave.

“I want to thank you for putting this puzzle into the most important piece.” After he came out, Dumbledore said to Ryan the first time. “It confirms my speculation and proves that everything I did before was correct, and the dawn of victory is ahead …”

Probably because Professor Dumbledore was too excited, his voice was much louder than usual. The old principals in the portraits on the wall were all awakened and began to eavesdrop on their conversations. A fat nose red wizard also took out the hearing aid. As a portrait, their usual life is very boring. Naturally, this opportunity to hear new stories will not be missed.

“You already know that Voldemort made a Horcrux to escape death.” Dumbledore said, “And what we saw today is the beginning of his Horcrux. Shortly after this inquiry, Voldemort produced his first soul. A young witch lost her life for this. At the same time Hagrid was expelled from school as his scapegoat. “

“So just killed someone casually and killed his classmates?” Harry opened his mouth in surprise.

“Harry, you are a kind child. But Voldemort is different.” Dumbledore sitting behind the desk shook his head. “Although I tried my best to get him on the right path, but you also saw it, I failed, and my education created a Dark Lord.”

“It’s not your fault.” Lane said, “Education is a matter for both parties. It is very inappropriate to blame either the educator or the educated after the failure of the education. Those things that the mysterious person did at that time I I feel that any normal person will be alert to him. “

“People are old, sometimes they will remember the past, but these things have passed and passed.” Dumbledore waved his hand. “By the way, where did we just say? Oh, we just said that Voldemort began his process of making Horcruxes. This is why the first attack on Harry failed to die.”

“So he hides his Horcrux somewhere, and a small piece of his soul is always safe?” Harry asked.

“More than one small piece, I think you may have felt this before.” Dumbledore said, “You heard it just now. He especially wanted to know from Slughorn that if a wizard made multiple souls What will happen to the device, but he didn’t get an answer in the end, because no one would cut his soul so many times before him. “

Dumbledore paused for a moment and glanced at Ryan and said: “Four years ago, I learned that Voldemort made his Horcrux. At that time Ryan accidentally obtained a strange notebook and gave it to me. I took it from inside I found a piece of his soul, although that piece of soul is very weak, but I can be sure that it is a piece of Voldemort’s soul. Even I can be sure that this is the first piece of soul he split out ~ ~ Lane? ” Lee and Hermione opened their eyes at the same time. They didn’t know about it before.

“Yes, I can only say that I was very lucky at that time. Because this Horcrux is not only a prop to save the soul, but also a weapon. In theory, Slytherin monsters can be released. Fortunately, this one After something happened, Ryan’s vigilance allowed us to lift the crisis all at once. “

“It was just because I had just entered the magical world at that time, so I kept a little wary of everything.” Lane said humbly, “I think the mysterious man is still young at this time, so he made such a Horcrux. Prove that you are indeed a descendant of Slytherin. “

“This analysis is very reasonable.” Dumbledore nodded slightly. “The purpose of the Horcrux is to safely seal out part of my soul, so that it is very foolish to expose it as a weapon, so I successfully wiped out this piece of soul.”

After talking, Dumbledore took out a glass bottle filled with ash, if you look closely, you can see that the ash should have been a book or a book. “But such a Horcrux makes me feel greatly ominous. This means that he is likely to have made-or plan to make more Horcruxes, so losing one will not be so dangerous. I don’t want to believe this, but No other explanation seems to make sense. “

“The worst news was confirmed in the year that the Triwizard Tournament was held. I researched something and obtained another Horcrux from Voldemort from the last residence of the Gunter family.” Dumbledore said in a low voice Speaking. “He always thinks that his longevity road is farther than anyone else’s. I think this is where he has his confidence.”

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