Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 572 - secret

“I’m curious why Voldemort chose such a way to obtain immortality? Ryan once told me that this method has many defects.” After Professor Dumbledore told everyone that Voldemort had more than one Horcrux, Harry asked his own question. .

“Any other way?” Dumbledore glanced at Ryan and Hermione. “But other methods did not meet his requirements.”

After finishing, Dumbledore straightened up and explained: “Know that Voldemort actually grew up in the Muggle world. Don’t look at him as a successor of Slytherin. In fact, he didn’t get it from his family. How many resources. Therefore, his sources of knowledge are very scattered, including the knowledge from the classroom professors and the supplementary lessons after class, as well as the knowledge he obtained from classmates by various means, and a part of self-study from the school library. In this case, Voldemort was not as knowledgeable as he was when he was a student. “

Ryan and they were all attracted by what Dumbledore said at this time, but the principal waved his hand to make a cup of hot tea and took a sip, then went on to say, “So for Voldemort in his school days, he wanted to escape death. He can only choose the path of making Horcruxes. He is not unaware of the problems that may exist, but he thinks that he is a descendant of Slytherin, a chosen person. It will not be like those of the Horcruxes before. Fall into those problems like that. “

“In addition, Voldemort is also a person who lacks a sense of security. He cannot allow his life to rest on something fragile. Just like if you use a magic stone, you need to keep drinking the elixir of life. What if a magic stone is damaged or the elixir is dropped? Voldemort needs a path to eternal life with the highest degree of freedom. “

“It seems that there are only a few methods for the wizards to live forever.” Ryan thought of this after hearing Dumbledore’s words. The method he now masters comes from other worlds, and the method Hermione masters is that Ryan learns through learning. The methods of other worlds are combined with other methods of this world to guide her to obtain in an unexpected situation. In short, the world of Harry Potter does not have so many roads to eternal life.

As Ryan thought, Dumbledore began to summarize. “Now with this key memory, we are closer than anyone to the secret of how to destroy Voldemort. You have also heard him say just now:” Is it better to divide a few pieces to make you stronger … 7 Is n’t it the most magical number … ‘Is n’t seven the most magical number. Yes, I think that dividing the soul into seven pieces is attractive to Voldemort. “

“Seven Horcruxes?” Harry’s face became very ugly, and several portraits on the wall also made a shock and indignation. “In this way, they may be-hidden-buried or invisible anywhere in the world. -“

“It’s not that bad.” Dumbledore smiled. “First of all, Harry, not seven Horcruxes, is six. The seventh part of the soul, no matter what the situation, is still in his newly made body by black magic. This part of the soul was in exile for many years. It exists in a ghostly form, and you should have seen it in the first grade. Without it, he would not have himself. This seventh part of the soul will be the last object that the person who wants to kill Voldemort must attack-in his body That piece. “

“Then he still has six Horcruxes.” Harry asked anxiously. “How can we find them?”

“Actually, we have destroyed most of the Horcruxes.” Dumbledore said, and then opened the drawer on the desk to take out one gold box after another. “However, I personally think that it is better for you to sign an unbreakable vow with me now, because there is a mysterious connection between Voldemort and you, and we cannot know about the destruction of the Horcrux.”

“–No problem, your consideration is indeed perfect.” Harry reached out and held Dumbledore’s hand together. “I hope that the bad things in my fifth grade will not be repeated.”

Soon, under the testimony of Ryan, Professor Dumbledore and Harry signed an unbreakable vow to ensure that Harry would not divulge what he saw today, especially not to be peeped by Voldemort from his brain.

“Okay, this is what we have done before.” After signing the unbreakable vow, Dumbledore opened the golden boxes one by one. “After Voldemort ’s first Horcrux was destroyed, I realized that he made more than one Horcrux, so I started looking for it. Fortunately, as his teacher and enemy for a lifetime, I have been I tried my best to understand Voldemort’s past life and ran a lot of places to find his trail. Finally I traced some clues. The ring you see now is the second Horcrux I found— “

Next Dumbledore introduced the pendant box in turn, the crown and the gold cup. It’s just that when he introduced it, it was a bit unclear about the source of Horcruxes, ignoring Ryan’s contribution in finding and destroying these Horcruxes.

“Then, we just need to find the last Horcrux, right?” Harry looked at the five Horcruxes on the table and turned with ease. “But what will that Horcrux look like? If it is an old newspaper, an empty tin can, or broken leather boots, I think we will find it very difficult.”

“No, no, what you think is the door key, Harry. The door key requires ordinary objects that are easily overlooked to avoid being taken by mistake, and Voldemort’s Horcrux is definitely not like this.” Dumbledore said seriously. “As far as I know, he has always believed that the noble blood flowing in his body is superior to others. His pride, his superiority, his determination to occupy an amazing position in the history of magic will not Allow him to put his soul on those inconspicuous things. So he will definitely find something that he deserves his noble soul as a container for the soul. You can choose from these Horcruxes I have destroyed See this tendency. “

“Slytherin’s relic, Ravenclaw’s relic, Hufflepuff’s relic, will Voldemort’s last Horcrux be Gryffindor’s relic?” Harry looked at the open boxes on the table. Asked something.

“It shouldn’t be. As far as I know, Gryffindor’s only relics are now in the Hogwarts castle. Even in this office.” Dumbledore stood up and walked away from the side Took off the branch cap from the desk, and then took a ruby-embedded sword from the cap. “Sword of Gryffindor, every real Gryffindor can take this sword from his hat.”

“Then what do you think is Voldemort’s last Horcrux.” Harry gave up after thinking for a while and asked Dumbledore directly.

“I suspected a lot of things, but recently there was a vague inference.” Dumbledore said, “I think I know what the sixth Horcrux is. If I tell you frankly, I will treat that snake-Na Gini ’s behavior has been concerned for some time, I do n’t know what you will say. ”

“Snake?” Harry looked surprised. “Can living things also be used as Horcruxes?” Ryan told me before that the Horcruxes in history are often just some magic props. It is a very great thing to use Horcruxes as Horcruxes. Risky behavior. “

“Ryan is right.” Dumbledore glanced at Ryan and said. “Because it ’s very risky to entrust a part of your soul to something that you can move and think about ~ ~ According to my guess, when Voldemort went to your house to kill you, he was going to make the last Horcrux According to the judgment of his previous behavior, Voldemort ’s murder target was very special for him. You are certainly such a target. He believes that if he kills you, he will eliminate the danger indicated by the prophecy. . He believes that he will be invincible. I think he must be planning to use your death as his last Horcrux. “

“We all know that he failed. But when he made a comeback a few years ago, he killed an old Muggle with Nagini, maybe he was thinking of turning this snake into his last Horcrux. . Because the snake is a symbol of Slytherin, and this snake is exceptionally powerful. At the same time, his ability to control this snake is also extraordinary. “

“So if we kill this snake, then we can lift Voldemort’s so-called immortality and completely defeat him?” Harry asked excitedly.

“Very good, a concise and accurate summary. This is how it is now.” Dumbledore nodded approvingly. “Without Horcrux, Voldemort is a mortal whose soul has been damaged. But don’t forget that although the soul is broken beyond repair, his brain and magic are still intact. Even if there is no Horcrux, killing a wizard like Voldemort still needs extraordinary Ability and skill. “

“But I believe I will be able to defeat him.” Harry said clenching his fists here.

“Then I wish you all the things you said become reality. Well, I think it’s too late, Harry. You can go back to rest first. Ryan, you and Hermione will stay. I have some recent comments about Alchemy props need to be discussed with you. “Dumbledore said.

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