Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 573 - Discussion and change

When the door of the principal’s office was closed by Harry, Ryan asked Dumbledore, who was sitting across the table, in the sound of the rumbling and sinking stairs. “Why didn’t you tell Harry that truth?”

“Tell Harry that he is the real Horcrux?” Dumbledore leaned weakly on the back of the chair and rubbed his temples with his hands. “But what’s the point of this? I don’t see any benefit other than making Harry depressed and easier for Voldemort to invade his soul.”

“So that’s why you just said vaguely that Nagini was a Horcrux. The reason why you can judge Nagini is a Horcrux is because Harry used to see through Nagini’s eyes in fifth grade It’s an attack. This should be a manifestation of the mysterious soul fragments in the Horcrux resonating with each other. “Ryan said.

“Yes.” Dumbledore nodded and admitted this. “Although Harry has that prophecy on him, I don’t think he has to act like a puppet to follow that prophecy. To know that so many prophecies in the prophecy hall, not every one has been fulfilled.”

“But professor, the first half of this prediction has been fulfilled.” Hermione raised a question in her heart.

“Yes, but that was not doomed, just because Voldemort made a big mistake, he acted according to Professor Trelawney’s prediction! He killed Harry’s parents, and thus gained Harry’s hatred and Harry ’s mother gave her child the magical protection that Voldemort could not penetrate. As a dark devil, Voldemort was always looking for the person who would challenge him, and he acted immediately after hearing the prophecy. As a result, he not only hand-picked The person most likely to get rid of him, and gave him a particularly lethal weapon! “

“Are you talking about the power of revenge?” Ryan asked.

“No, hatred is just a double-edged sword covered with poison, and it will hurt yourself while letting people reach their goals. The real power that Harry gains is love, it is love that brings him in contact with Voldemort through his soul. After a long time, he still maintained his original heart. To know that Harry could see Voldemort ’s inner world at that time, it was the ability of countless Death Eaters willing to use his own switch, but Harry never showed any desire to follow Voldemort. There is no desire for a second! This is love protecting his heart. “

“So I think that his inner tenacity is far greater than others’ imagination, and no further help is needed to strengthen him. So I don’t think it’s necessary to tell him that he is the reality of Voldemort’s Horcrux. This thing has no meaning except to increase his psychological pressure. “

The current Dumbledore is completely different from the original text. At this time, the original text was due to the fact that Dumbledore had touched the trap that Voldemort had placed on the ring before, and the task of cleaning up all Horcruxes was far away. So he hoped that Harry could grow up as quickly as possible to take over the banner of resistance in his hands. So he used various methods to inspire Harry at the time, and also left clues to let Harry know that he was the last Horcrux.

But now it is different. Most of Voldemort’s Horcruxes have been destroyed, and Dumbledore himself has not suffered fatal injuries. For a great wizard like Dumbledore, even if he is now more than 100 years old, it seems that there will be no problem at all for more than a decade. Under such circumstances, Dumbledore was naturally not as anxious as before.

“I think I can still stick to it, so there is no need for Harry’s weak wizard to stand on the front line against Voldemort.” Professor Dumbledore said, looking tired. “Of course, because of your strength, I think I have to need your help at this time.”

“This is the greater the legendary power, the greater the responsibility?” Ryan thought. Now this situation should be the biggest disadvantage of looking for Deng Dangdang as a shield. He could not refuse some reasonable requests made by Dumbledore.

“It’s nothing. Eliminating the mysterious people is also our goal.” Hermione said. “Our origins are destined to prevent us from living in peace with him in a world. This war can only be ended when our side falls.”

“Yeah, this will be a brutal war.” Dumbledore sighed, probably because today is more suitable for chatting. The principal did not end the conversation but continued. “Ryan, what do you think today after learning that Voldemort divided his soul into seven pieces?”

“It’s a crazy idea to divide my soul into seven pieces.” Ryan said after listening to Professor Dumbledore’s question. “As you said, mysterious people are not systematic in their education, and he does not know much of the common sense in the magic world. At the same time, because of his pride and arrogance, he is disdain to ask his own questions to others. Even if he knows I did something wrong and would not admit mistakes, but thought that I was the one who was chosen by nature, and would do a great cause that no one else could do. But our trouble is that from the current results, he should have achieved My own goal has accomplished what is impossible in the eyes of others. “

“Yes, no one can divide his soul into so many pieces and keep himself alive. From this perspective, Voldemort did succeed.” Dumbledore said, “So what do you think other than this? ? “

“I think the brutality of our war may exceed everyone’s imagination.” Lane said slowly.

“Why do you think so?” Dumbledore suddenly raised interest.

“Because he is now difficult to be considered human from any angle.” Ryan said one of his conjectures. “He was born because of the obsessive agent, and the natural soul has defects. After dividing his soul into eight, the problems on the soul have been repeatedly superimposed. He has lost the emotion of normal people. In the previous resurrection process, He gave up his connection with the original body and made a black magic creation as his body. In this case, he is actually no longer a human from the soul to the body. “

“And then?” Dumbledore straightened up ~ ~ People who normally wage war will have a goal, and then everything will move around this goal. For example, the goal of Grindelwald was to enable the wizard to become the ruler of this world. Therefore, whether he is killing, speaking or breaking the secrecy law, he actually revolves around this core, and other people can also grasp this law. What to do or not to do. Minimize damage as much as possible. “

“But the mysterious man is different. He has no core goal other than an empty blood supremacy slogan. This also means that he can attack at any time and any place without any warning. In the face of this madman with powerful force, I I think we may pay an unprecedented price. “

“This thing you said is indeed very likely, because as far as I know, Voldemort’s punishment of his opponent after the resurrection is much greater than before, and even occasionally a small problem he will punish with a heart curse. I think we should really be more vigilant in this regard. “Dumbledore nodded and said, then he looked at the clock in the corner.

“Ah, it’s very late. I think you should go back to rest. By the way, I hope you can work out a way to safely take out the Voldemort soul in Harry’s scar.”

“We will do our best.” Ryan had stood up at this time to leave, but he seemed to have thought of something to Dumbledore. “If possible, I hope I can catch Nagini alive. Because of this, we will It can be tested on it, then the chance of successfully removing that soul for Harry will be greatly increased. “

“I know.” Dumbledore nodded. “I hope everything will go smoothly.”

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