Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 592 - end of school term

Time just passed by in a tense atmosphere. The night before the holiday, Ryan finally learned from Lupin about the results of the three nuclear bombs he placed that night.

Regrettably, no famous Death Eaters were killed in this explosion. Voldemort’s side moved this disappearance cabinet to Crabbe’s house instead of the previous Boginbock store before the operation, so the nuclear bomb in the trap Finally it exploded in his living room.

However, the six wizards killed in this violent explosion and the wizard who was shattered and transported in the disappearance cabinet are just the scumbags that Voldemort recruited on the European continent a while ago. The only thing that is gratifying is that these scums are all covered with a lot of innocent lives. Ryan this time weakened the enemy’s power and killed the people.

But the hostess of the Crabbe family did not die, because before this operation Voldemort cleaned up all the people in Crabbe’s ancestral home, and no other outsiders existed in the house except the personnel.

Of course, the main building of the Crab family’s ancestral house was completely destroyed in this explosion. In addition, the Crab family was buried in the fire and all the treasures of the Crab family as a pure blood family for hundreds of years. This includes the most important inheritance of family magic knowledge. This means that the family was washed white at one time, and at least in the next hundred years, they will be excluded from the circle of pure blood.

So the attack on Voldemort’s side, at least from a tactical point of view, was a complete failure. It was enough to take 12 lives. This also led to the two Malfoy mothers and sons who were temporarily staying in Hogwarts Castle because they knew that Voldemort could never let them go.

Ryan had seen Malfoy wandering in the hallway with pale and uneasy expression, but left immediately after seeing Ryan. And his mother Mrs. Malfoy hardly even appeared in front of the people, but the house elf brought her food.

Most people think that this time is a great victory, and Professor Dumbledore can still shelter them so that everything is the same as before. But Ryan knew that nothing could go back. This time Voldemort attacked the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts at the same time. If Ryan had set up a backhand in the school in advance, Voldemort’s side could even retreat. This already shows that the contrast between the strengths and weaknesses of the two sides has changed.

Ryan can even infer that this action was only a temptation by Voldemort. The next time, it will be a real total war, even if Professor Dumbledore is not good enough to live normally, it is impossible to change this situation.

It was just like the gunshot in Sarajevo that year. It can only be said that the death of the Austro-Hungarian crown prince induced the world war, but it cannot be said that the cause of the war was because of this assassination. Even if the assassination failed, the fierce conflicts between the Allies and the Allies would always break out completely because of other incidents.

The same is true of the magic world. Most pure-blood wizards hope to take back everything they have been deprived of for more than a decade after the defeat of the last war, and even bring the magic world back to the era when everything was controlled by pure blood. The increasing number of hemp seed and hybrid wizards on the one hand must retain their existing rights, on the other hand, they hope to break the current situation of the pure control of pure blood wizards in the British magic world.

So Ryan believes that the next war is not only inevitable, it may even be more cruel than the original one. Because this time the two sides are evenly matched, to resolve disputes can only rely on a real war.

Scrimgeour of the Ministry of Magic also discovered this point. Recently, many people have seen Scrimgeour limping on crutches to Hogwarts and Professor Dumbledore to discuss plans for the latest situation. But from every time he left angrily, it can be seen that the negotiation was not smooth. Of course, this is also normal. Let ’s not say Scrimgeour is a person who only respects himself. The Ministry of Magic is now almost completely controlled by the pure blood of Voldemort’s side, which makes the cooperation between the two parties impossible.

After touching a nose from Professor Dumbledore, Scrimgeour tried to win Harry Potter. He suggested that the ministry could provide Harry with various protections, such as arranging two Aurors as his bodyguards. But Harry declined all of them.

“I can’t accept a magic minister who puts the innocent in Azkaban but insists that he is a Death Eater, not to mention that I think Principal Dumbledore is more credible.” Because tomorrow is going to be a holiday, everyone looks today It was very relaxing, and after packing up, everyone started to sit in the common room and start chatting. This time Harry talked about what he had encountered these days.

“Oh, how are you going to spend this holiday?” After talking about what he had encountered in the past few days, Harry raised his head and asked Ryan and Hermione sitting opposite him looking at a large black stone book.

“We might go to Tianchao first. Professor Dumbledore asked us to go to Tianchao to do something.” Ryan raised his head and replied, this was stated in the letter sent by the principal yesterday by Fox. In anticipation of the outbreak of war in the future, Dumbledore believes that it is necessary to contact various countries now in the hope of obtaining as much assistance as possible, even if there is no assistance, other countries should be kept as neutral as possible in future wars. The lineage and identity of Ryan is the most convenient one among the people he knows to contact with the heavenly dynasty, so the task of contacting the heavenly dynasty was handed over to Ryan.

Of course, Ryan is willing to accept this task because Dumbledore pointed out in the letter that the heavenly magic world has always maintained a completely neutral attitude on such things that have nothing to do with them, so Ryan ’s visit to the dynasty this time is only a routine confirmation. It happened that he and Hermione could also take this opportunity to visit their parents.

In addition to Ryan, several other members of the Order of the Phoenix were sent to the United States, France, and Africa. They will all carry out their mission of external communication at the beginning of the holiday and do their best to prevent Voldemort from carrying out the same action.

“It sounds great, international travel!” Harry exclaimed with wide eyes, and then the whole person collapsed on the sofa in frustration. “Unfortunately, I will stay at my aunt’s house until the 17th birthday according to Dumbledore’s order this holiday. Seriously, I really don’t want to go back there. I really want to do something with you.”

“Harry, in fact, you can tolerate loneliness and hide yourself. Protecting yourself is already the greatest help for us.” Hermione closed the book at this time and then looked at Harry and said. “You need to know that you are equivalent to a banner, but your strength, um-there is a distance compared to your role as a banner.”

“I know.” Harry lowered his head, his hands covered his face and sniffed his nose loudly, then raised his head and smiled reluctantly. “You are right, everyone has what they should do, and I really can’t do it wantonly.”

“Don’t worry, buddy, I believe you can make a contribution even if you stay at your aunt’s house.” Ron snapped Harry’s shoulder with carelessness and said ~ ~ and then looked at Ryan sitting opposite him. And Hermione. “Oh, how long do you have to stay there this time?”

“Well-at most two weeks.” Ryan said after thinking for a while. “Because my mission to Tianchao is very easy this time, it won’t take long. And I still have a lot of things to do on the British side, so this time I can’t go to Tianchao for too long.”

“That would be great.” Ron said, “Neither of you, nor Harry can just come to my parents’ house.”

“Why?” Harry looked confused.

“Bill and Furong’s wedding, Lupin and Tonks’ wedding, Sirius and Melim’s wedding.” Ron counted his fingers. “They are going to have a wedding this summer, so after discussing it, they decided to have a wedding together in the Burrow. Have a lot of fun. Don’t you know these?”

“Of course I know Bill and Fleur’s wedding.” Harry said. “But I really don’t know if Lu Ping and Sirius are getting married at this time. It is estimated that they will pinch a bit and will not send us invitations until a month before the wedding.”

Ryan thought about Lupin and Sirius’ character and thought that the two of them were really able to come out. In this way, it is estimated that their guests will be much less at the wedding, but Ryan feels as long as they are happy. In any case, it is always pleasant to have such a golden day before the brutal war is about to erupt.

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