Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 593 - Visit

Early the next morning, Ryan took the packed luggage to Hogsmeade Station. When he came to the platform, he was surprised to find that many people appeared on the station that was usually only open at the beginning of the semester and the end of the semester. Many of them looked like they came over with their mouths and dragged big bags. Baggage.

“Because of the conflict that broke out last time, some people are moving from dangerous London to Hogsmead. They think it is closer to Hogwarts and can be safe under Professor Dumbledore ’s shelter. So today Hogwarts When Swift came from London, he also brought the wizards who were planning to move in. “Susan Burns whispered the information he received from relatives of the Ministry of Magic.

“It seems that everyone is a little nervous now, and I hope that the situation will not get worse.” Ryan said after helping Hermione put the suitcase on the luggage rack. At this time, Hermione found it in the last carriage of the train. I sat in an empty box. But just after the train started, someone knocked on the door of the carriage.

“Why did someone knock on the door so early?” Ryan opened the door a little bit puzzled, and unexpectedly found that Harry and Ginny were standing outside the door.

“The rest of the train was full, and we finally found it here.” Harry said to Ryan as he helped Ginny with her luggage. “There are more than a dozen Aurors on the train today, and each car has two Aurors patrolling, so everyone gets a box as soon as they get on the train. Like we come a little late, it is difficult to find an empty box.”

“It seems that the Ministry of Magic is not doing nothing at all.” Hermione said that there were just two Aurors with magic wands walking in front of their boxes. “Just don’t know if Tonks will be in the car.”

“It should not be.” Harry shook his head. “Because Sirius told me through a double-sided mirror just before getting on the train that Tonks has been patrolling Diagon Alley for the most recent period, and today it was the mobile forces in the Auror office that were sent to the Hogwarts Express.”

“Right, I have something to tell you.” Harry looked at the outside of the box and nodded everyone, and then whispered when everyone came over. “Do you know that Malfoy and his mother will live at 12 Grimmauld Place during this time.”

“What?” “Are you kidding me?” Ginny and Hermione exclaimed. They never thought that the two of Malfoy’s mother and son could actually live in 12 Grimo Place, the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix

“I’m not kidding.” Harry was also depressed, because according to the principal’s arrangement, he would have lived at No. 12 Grimmauld Place after the wedding in the Burrow before the start of school. Thinking about sharing the roof with Malfoy, who had been blind to him since entering school, Harry felt uncomfortable all over the next month. “But Sirius told me it was Dumbledore’s decision.”

“I think it should also be very reasonable.” Ryan said after thinking for a while, and the sight of the three people in the box dropped on him. “If I remember correctly, should Malfoy’s mother be Sirius’ cousin? In this case, she is already homeless, so it is normal to return to her previous home at this time.”

“The problem is, Malfoy is a Death Eater.” Ginny said nervously. “I think it’s not safe just because of relatives.”

“Don’t worry about this,” Ryan said. “Now Malfoy can only rely on us, because if his current situation is found by a mysterious person or a Death Eater, he will die. I think that Malfoy should now join us in hoping that the mysterious person will be eliminated soon. . “

“Indeed, Voldemort is not a wizard who treats his subordinates.” Harry smiled with relief after thinking about it. “So, I think I just have to ignore them, and they should think so.”

The next journey passed in a relaxed chat, mainly because Harry and Ginny listened to Ryan about their various experiences in the last visit to the heaven.

After the train arrived at the station, when Ryan got off, she saw Sirius standing on the platform to pick up the station. After an awkward relative silence, Sirius gestured helplessly as Narcissa Malfoy and Draco Malfoy walked with him.

“I guess Klitsch may be a little happier.” After watching the first meeting of the Black family siblings in so many years, Ryan made his own comment. It seems that Sirius is still a gentleman, at least no two people quarreled directly on the platform.

In the following time, Ryan and Hermione quickly packed the suitcase into the space bag and took out the two trolley boxes at the same time. After that, they left the 9 and 3/4 platforms side by side and took the subway to Heathrow Airport. Fortunately, President Dumbledore prepared the necessary air tickets and visas for them so that they could fly directly to Tianchao.

“Why don’t we just phantom shift past? We can support this kind of intercontinental travel with our present magic power.” There were not many people on the subway at this time, so Hermione asked Ryan quietly.

“It’s a kind of rude practice to transfer phantoms directly to the other country’s land mainly in the magic world. At the same time, after going to the heavenly dynasty, we still have a lot of time to use for what is done in the world of ordinary people over there. If only I ’m fine with myself, but you as a European are still very conspicuous on Tianchao Street, if there is no legal immigration process, it will be very troublesome. “

After disembarking from the Pearl International Airport, Ryan presented Professor Dumbledore ’s letter and explained his intention to the staff of the Tianzhao Alchemy Federation at the Pearl International Airport.

Tian Chao ’s work is much faster than expected. One of the alchemists came out soon after entering an office and told Ryan that they could use Yunlu to go to the headquarters of the Tianchao Alchemy Federation in Changan in the morning to submit this letter. .

After thanking the staff member, Ryan was a little curious about how he contacted the Alchemy Federation headquarters. Because the distance from Pearl City to Chang’an is farther than the distance from the southernmost part to the northernmost part of the British island, ordinary animals must not be able to send letters so fast. And expensive alchemy products like double-sided mirrors are unlikely to have such a large popularity ~ ~ Of course it is a telephone. “The older alchemist gave Ryan a strange look and said,” Could there be another way, like the method of writing letters more than a decade ago, is really too slow, especially for this long distance The situation of communication. But a few days ago, I heard a professor at Tianzhao Alchemist College say that they are trying to change the mobile phone to be usable by Alchemist, maybe you will see it next time you come from the UK. Hearing people say that it is more convenient than the landline. “

“The degree of conservatism in the British magic world is more than a little bit, or to be precise, the British wizards pretended that they could not see the changes in the outside world.” Ryan thought after listening to the heavenly alchemist, “And most of these The reason can be attributed to the unconventional ideas of the pure-blood wizards and the suppression of non-pure-blood wizards who do not exclude technology. I hope everything will be better after the war. “

Long-distance travel is a very tiring thing, even for people whose physical strength and energy are beyond mortal. After a 12-hour flight plus a dozen minutes of baggage clearance and negotiations, at 4:30 p.m. local time, Ryan finally pulled Hermione, who had begun to doze, out of the Pearl International Airport.

On the way to the scheduled hotel, Hermione even fell asleep, leaning directly on Ryan’s shoulder. So after arriving at the hotel, the two men rinsed off and went to bed quickly. They didn’t even eat dinner.

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