Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 594 - bad news

At about seven o’clock the next morning, Ryan and Hermione finally yawned and got out of bed. After sleeping for more than ten hours, they finally reversed the jet lag, and after simply tidying up and heading to the hotel ’s restaurant for a breakfast buffet, the two came to Songjiangji again using the Yunlu station there. Changan.

Different from the Tianchao Alchemist Academy in the center of Chang’an, the headquarters of the Tianchao Alchemy Federation is located on a small highland in the northeast corner of Chang’an. After leaving Yunlu Station, the two people walked north along Danfeng Street for seven or eight minutes, and they came to Danfeng Square, the largest square in Chang’an.

The most attractive thing on the square is the six huge copper figures standing on each side of the square. Each of these copper figures has a height of about ten meters. As an alchemist, Ryan can feel that these bronze figures are not just decorations, but also a powerful magical puppet. Has extremely powerful magic and physical dual combat capabilities.

These bronze figures have been more than two thousand years old, but they still look very spectacular. They stood quietly on both sides of the square. Regardless of changes in the outside world, the vicissitudes of the sea kept guarding the place quietly.

“Is the Emperor’s 12 bronze men? This should represent the heritage of a magical world that has been passed on for thousands of years.” Lane stopped and carefully looked at these national treasures even heard of in previous lives for several minutes, until After Hermione began to urge him, he went on.

After passing through the Danfengmen guarded by heavily armed Tianchao wizards, Lane finally entered the headquarters of the Alchemy Federation surrounded by high red walls. Without high walls blocking the view, Ryan discovered that unlike the underground buildings of the British Ministry of Magic, the headquarters of the Alchemy Federation of the Celestial Dynasty was built in a small group of palaces in the traditional oriental classic style. He could see buildings built around a small hill, and the 9 large palaces at the top should be the Hanyuan Hall used as the conference hall of the Alchemy Federation.

Of course, Ryan does not need to go there for their work today, and the main hall will only be opened during major events or meetings. We followed the signs to bypass the tall halls lined up on the central axis and came to a small courtyard east of Hanyuan Hall. When Ryan entered the door, he glanced at the words “Hongyun Temple” on the plaque.

“Hongya Temple? Why do we come to this religious occasion?” Hermione asked curiously after seeing the words on the door plaque.

“Religious occasion? What religion?” Ryan, who was asked this question, was confused, and he quickly realized that he came and laughed. “In the Tian Dynasty, not all places with the word temple are religious occasions, especially for the wizards of the Tian Dynasty. They have inherited many old nouns. For example, Hongyun Temple is equivalent to our International Department of Magical Cooperation.”

“That’s right—” Hermione smiled a little embarrassedly. She used to use the memory in Ryan’s hand to instill mechanistic Mandarin. So the mastery of this language is still not satisfactory.

After entering the gate of Hongya Temple, Lane told the old alchemist in the communication room beside the gate. The old man with a beard comparable to Dumbledore’s white beard checked the black leather notebook in front of him and said, “Is Mr. Liang and Miss Granger from the UK? Your appointment is indeed here. After entering the door for a while, turn left directly into the second house, and Master Li is already waiting for you there. “

“Thank you.” Ryan thanked the porter uncle of the Tianzhao Alchemy Association and went to the place he just pointed out. After entering the door, he found that there was not only Master Li in the room, but also a few who seemed quite identified. Alchemist. After Ryan submitted his handwritten letter from Dumbledore, a middle-aged man in a navy blue tunic took the letter and read it from beginning to end. Then he asked his own question.

“Mr. Liang, from the information we have obtained, the situation in the British wizarding world is very bad. So can you tell us your opinion about the current situation of the British wizarding world.”

“Of course, but I think that my qualifications and knowledge are probably very thorough. I can only make some simple judgments through my personal experience.” Lane said to the old man wearing a dark blue tunic, his chest The front badge shows the old man surnamed Wang.

“This is enough. In fact, we now need this first-hand information from the British magic world. Because there are other reasons for ethnicity, we have very few people across Europe, and many news can only be passed through others. The narrative is obtained, and the information is basically some second-hand information that has been distorted or modified. This gives us no accurate and complete understanding of the current status of the British magic world. “Another young man in a black tunic next to him said , His badge tells Ryan that he is Master Li.

“Since that is the case, then I will talk about it casually.” Ryan looked at the officials of the Tianzhao Alchemy Federation sitting here. “I personally feel that the current state of the British magic world is very bad, or that it is now on the verge of a war. And the war will be a long full-scale war that may sweep across Britain and even Europe.”

Ryan did not think that the Tian Dynasty would not even see this obvious trend, so he simply said this thing. At the same time, he did not forget to fight for the benefits for himself and Dumbledore. “Of course I think that although Voldemort’s side has a greater advantage now, neither their goals nor their war potential are as good as our principal Dumbledore’s side, so I believe that the person who will ultimately win this war will be us.”

“When it comes to war goals, we really dislike the slogan with a strong racist style proposed by the guy named Voldemort over there. Once they win, things will become very bad.” The middle-aged alchemist Wang When the other alchemists nodded their heads in support of his point of view. “But the problem now is that Voldemort’s war potential is not as small as you think.”

“But on the Voldemort side are pure-blood wizards, and their number is not very large. Although there are some foreign Death Eaters, but I don’t believe that too many people can be recruited by Voldemort.” Lane wrinkled Frowning, he had an unknown hunch.

“Unfortunately, this is not the case.” Master Li shook his head. “Have you ever thought that if Voldemort has enough money to hire people? Because of the problems that occurred in Eastern and Southern Europe a few years ago, there are countless poor wizards there. I believe that as long as there is money, Voldemort can hire To enough desperadoes. “

“But they should have no money!” Hermione standing behind Ryan said a little puzzled, “I have surveyed those pure-blood families before, they do have a lot of wealth, but most of them are not at all. Ways to give someone else ’s property, magic props, or knowledge. There is not much gold that can really be used to hire people. “

“Theoretically this is the case, Miss Granger. Even 24 hours ago.” Master Li said. “But according to information we intercepted, the Guling Court in the United States passed a secret decree last night that allowed British wizards to borrow unrestricted pots in the United States, and these were used as collateral before the repayment date. Of wealth still belongs to borrowers. “

“What do American wizards do?” Ryan frowned, knowing that because of the previous Rappaport laws ~ ~ Many American wizards were more inclined to support pure-blood wizards, opposed and not magic. Human contact. So even if they tend to Voldemort, it is normal.

However, the promulgation of this apparently partial party law is still beyond Ryan’s expectations, because the practice of betting on a party before the war broke out is very strange, especially for powerful forces like the US Magic Congress.

“I think that Americans may want to make this war more tragic.” Master Li said, “For a long time, Britain was the core of the magic world in Europe and even in the West, and even the American magic world imitated it. The magic world of Britain has taken shape. But after a long period of development, the American wizarding world has developed into a powerful force no less than that of the British wizarding world. We believe that American wizards hope that this war will completely destroy the British wizarding world so that they can To replace the position of the British wizarding world in the world. “

“For the group of American wizards, if they succeed, they will become the real leaders of the Western magic world, and by the way, they can inherit the essence of the British wizarding world. Even if they fail, they can delay the development of the British wizarding world and gain a lot of wealth, so yesterday It is inevitable for the Guling Pavilion to pass this decree, “added the alchemist alchemist Wang.

“This is awful.” Ryan and Hermione glanced at each other, and both saw an anxious look in each other’s eyes. They must tell President Dumbledore these news and ask him to prepare in advance.

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