Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 595 - protocol

“Thank you for telling us this news.” Ryan thanked the officials of the Tianzhao Alchemy Federation present. “I think we should inform Professor Dumbledore about this matter as soon as possible.”

“Please wait.” The older wizard who was sitting on the throne who had not spoken before saw Ryan when they were about to leave. “Please tell Mr. Dumbledore that we have the same idea with him in facing an evil attitude. We are willing to cooperate with him in many ways. I hope he can come over and talk to us personally, maybe we Some cooperation can be reached. “

“Thank you, we will notify him as soon as we go back.” Ryan thanked the officials of the Tianzhao Alchemy Federation sitting here again, and then left here with Hermione.

“I’m curious, why the wizards of the Heavenly Dynasty have just hinted that we can help us.” After walking out of the door of the headquarters of the Heavenly Alchemy Federation, Hermione asked Ryan.

“This is very normal,” Ryan explained. “Because for the wizards of the heavens, it is the best to maintain the balance of the European and American magic circles. Otherwise, once the entire Western magic world is fully unified under the leadership of the US Magic Congress, The next headache is for the Tianzhao wizards. “

“So they will support us to defeat the mysterious people as soon as possible, so as to ensure the power of the British magic world and maintain the balance between the three parties.” After listening to Ryan’s words, Hermione suddenly understood why the heavenly wizard world should take the initiative to propose Help them. “Anyway, this is a good thing for us now. I think we should promptly notify Professor Dumbledore.”

“Yes, because only President Dumbledore is qualified to make the final decision.” Ryan probably guessed why these things were not in the original text at this time. Because at this time in the original text, Professor Dumbledore was already dead, everyone with a clear eye could see that Voldemort was about to become the ruler of Britain.

For Americans, this represents the decline of the British magic world. Naturally, there is no need to provide additional funds for Voldemort. Besides, at this time, Voldemort ’s side can be said to be talented. Many black wizards and Death Eaters followed him. There are also giants, eight-eyed giant spiders and dementors as allies. It is not necessary to recruit foreign black wizards as thugs, as it is seriously understaffed as it is now, and naturally does not need so much cash.

Therefore, at this time, the United States should try its best to recruit wizards who had escaped from Europe in order to avoid Voldemort, and the wizards of the heavens could not find assistance because of the death of Dumbledore. Object. Therefore, it can only imitate the sorcerers in the United States to recruit sorcerers who have escaped from Europe in order to reach a balance with the United States.

But everything has changed now, and Ryan just wants to go to the post office to tell Dumbledore this news. I hope he can quickly come to solve this problem and bring more assistance to him through negotiations.

Although the wizards of the Celestial Dynasty did not use owls as their messengers, Ryan had some concerns that it was not easy to contact the United Kingdom. Especially, this visit to Celestial was originally a routine job, so the principal did not give Ryan an instant. Channel of contact.

However, the remote communication methods used by the wizards of the Heavenly Dynasty greatly exceeded Ryan’s expectations. After arriving at the Chang’an Post and Telecommunication Station according to the street signs, he found that the place looked more modern than the owl post office in the diagonal lane. In addition to a few pigeon-sized cyan birds in the corner, there are telephone booths in the cubicles next to each other. And facing them is a dozen service windows separated by glass.

Lane came to the window marked with international communications and asked, “When do I now hope to send the fastest long-distance mail to the UK?”

“In five minutes, your letters will be sent to our telegraph station in Antwerp by alchemy telegram, and then you will use the owl to deliver to the place you want to deliver.” Said the staff member in a uniform suit vest and white shirt. “A copper plate for every three words, or a copper plate for every six letters if it is English, punctuated at half price. There are pens and ink on the table over there, and you can write what you want to post there.”

“Thank you!” Ryan finished talking to Hermione and finished writing a letter to Dumbledore. The above said only vaguely that the scheduled plan was completed, but there was further need for negotiations on the part of the heaven and the North. Hope that Professor Dumbledore can come A trip. Then the letter was handed over to the counter along with three gold coins, two silver coins and seven copper coins.

Five minutes later, after confirming that the owl carrying this letter had left Antwerp, Ryan and Hermione left the Changan Post and Telecommunication Office.

Professor Dumbledore came much faster than expected. When Ryan and Hermione were hanging out on a commercial street in Chang’an at about five in the afternoon, a blue bird flew towards them and dropped a letter for them. letter. This letter was written by Dumbledore, telling Ryan that he received a letter from them at noon and arranged a little bit before using the Muggles’ plane. I hope they can inform the Tianchao Alchemy Federation here to prepare for the reception.

“Principal Dumbledore, come by plane?” Hermione looked at the flight number attached to it and was shocked. “I thought he would choose to ride his own phoenix or phantom to move over.”

“Maybe this is to go into the village to follow the customs.” Lane said. “You need to know that the wizards of the Celestial Empire have always been very resentful of those who use magic to teleport into the country without authorization, so Dumbledore should hope to follow the customs here to facilitate further conversations in order to reach certain contracts that are beneficial to us. . “

After notifying the arrival time of Professor Dumbledore ’s flight, the tasks of Ryan and Hermione were over. In the following time, they began to soak in the Tianchao Alchemist Academy in Chang’an according to the original plan. After making the Madonna Rose, Ryan had the confidence to come up with more advanced knowledge for trading.

Three days later, while Ryan and Hermione were looking at the notes left by a alchemist named Zhong Kui in the Tianzhao Alchemist Academy, fighting with various evil creatures, Professor Dumbledore appeared in front of them.

“Professor, why are you here?” Ryan looked up and noticed Professor Dumbledore who was standing at the table.

“Ah, I’m here to say goodbye to you ~ ~ Professor Dumbledore smiled and punched his white beard.” The result of this negotiation was very good, and I think Moody’s imitated me for three days. It’s the limit, and then I’m worried that Voldemort will find that I am not in the UK. So I should go back quickly. “

“What agreement have you reached with the heavenly magic world this time?” Hermione asked curiously. “Of course, you don’t need to say it if you think we are not fit to know.

“There is nothing unsuitable for knowing.” Dumbledore shook his hand with a smile. “After the negotiations, the wizards of the Heavenly Dynasty secretly passed the” Promotion of the Defense of the Alchemist of the Heavenly Dynasty. “This bill stipulates that they can sell, exchange, transfer, and rent to the forces that are considered to have great significance for the safety of the Heavenly Dynasty. Provide magic props, raw materials, daily necessities and other necessities that may be needed in war. “

“It sounds useless.” Hermione looked puzzled.

“No, it works.” Ryan saw what was hidden in the law. “I think the power in this decree that is of great significance to the security of the heaven is us, which means that we can use the loan to obtain the resources we need, which can just offset the wealth of pure blood on the side of the mysterious person Advantage.”

“Yes, it is.” Professor Dumbledore nodded. “Okay, I wish you a happy holiday here, and remember not to forget to attend the wedding at Weasley’s!”

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