Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 596 - New equipment

Ryan and Hermione did not spend too much time in Tianchao, even shorter than their scheduled time. After spending half a month reading the books they wanted to read and visiting their loved ones, they took the plane back to the UK again.

“Don’t be sad, at least our parents are safe here.” Ryan comforted Hermione who felt a little sad because she needed to say goodbye to her parents again. “Now Britain can be said to be a mess. I’m glad our parents moved ahead To heaven. “

Ryan did not say this just to comfort Hermione. Even if they could see the news of the recent collapse of the building or the derailment of the train in the UK, the only thing that was fortunate was that these death eaters made it possible because of Dumbledore ’s deterrent. The number of terrorist attacks was much less than that of the original text, but two attacks on Voldemort appeared at the scene of the attack and openly provoked the Ministry of Magic and the principal Dumbledore, which further exacerbated the British magic world and even the European magic world. turmoil.

Especially in the train derailment accident, Voldemort appeared at the scene and waited for an elite Auror squad to rush to the front and directly defeated the Auror squad. Then, before Dumbledore arrived, the phantom was shaken. go away. This scene reminded those who survived the last war of Voldemort’s horror once again, and naturally the morale of the British wizards dropped greatly.

Ryan felt this clearly after they returned to London, even because the terrorist attacks created by Death Eaters filled the British Muggle world with a low mood. Everyone seems to be in a hurry when walking on the road, even if the dementors have suffered heavy losses in the last attack made by the puppets, and they dare not show up until now, but the whole city is still sucked by the dementors. Like happiness.

“Let’s go home first.” Even now it’s summer, London makes people feel a kind of cold from the bones. Hermione felt a chill involuntarily after feeling the atmosphere on the street, and then raised herself Suggestions.

“Aren’t you going to see Sirius first?” Ryan probably guessed why Hermione didn’t want to visit Sirius as planned, “Also, I always see him when he attends his wedding.”

After returning to their manor, the two men first sorted out the knowledge they had gained from going to Tianchao for a few days, and then began to consider giving wedding gifts to the three new couples. Unlike Tianchao ’s red envelopes, they have different habits, and at the same time, they have different habits of keeping the price of wedding gifts secret when giving wedding gifts. Ryan and Hermione received their wedding invitations and the “GiftList” attached to the wedding invitations during the heavenly dynasty.

This thing is translated as a gift list, which lists the gifts that new people want. Because Ryan and Hermione have a good relationship with the three couples who participated in the wedding, and the wedding of the three couples was held at the same time and the same place, they need to consider giving gifts to the three people when giving gifts The value is almost the same.

“The things we sent with our relationship must not be too bad, especially now that I am also an alchemist, even if the gifts are more general, it will seem too careless.” Ryan scratched his head and seemed a bit distressed. In fact, the British The habit is exactly the same as that of the heavenly dynasty. What kind of person will give what kind of gift. Whether the grade is over or not is very inappropriate.

But this is not the thing that bothers him the most. For Ryan now, the wedding gift can be put back temporarily, because the situation is very bad now, so his priority task at this time is to make himself able to use roses Alchemy props of Our Lady.

Although in most cases, the magic props of the Harry Potter world are the toys sold by the Weasley twins, they basically cannot control the direction of a war, so most wizards usually use a magic wand to solve all problems. . But not all magic items are like this.

For example, in the history of the old wand Grindelwald, the various struggles between Dumbledore and Voldemort illustrate the importance of a top alchemy from the side. The reason why Ryan chose to make this level of alchemy props on the one hand is that the upcoming war requires him to use such a powerful prop for self-defense, and on the other hand because the Madonna Rose in his hand is in Aln ’s control of alchemy The rules are made, it has the potential to become this level of alchemy props.

Of course, the production of this level of alchemy props is very difficult. Fortunately, the piece of Our Lady of Rose on hand is equivalent to his associated treasure. Therefore, for Ryan, the alchemy props to be produced are equivalent to the magic weapon of the fairy world, and the production difficulty will be much smaller.

At the same time, the alchemy props made by this Madonna of Roses may not be very powerful at the beginning, but he can grow slowly with Ryan. He believes that one day he will grow to the level of the old wand.

“Are you going to make your new magic prop now?” Hermione raised her head from a list of goods ordered by owls, because it is more and more dangerous to go shopping outside recently, so this is not enough. Owl Express is becoming more and more popular. And Hermione is now looking to see if there is anything that she needs.

“Well, I’m going to Teacher Luo Zhen now.” Ryan said after putting on his robe.

“That’s right.” Hermione asked seriously, as if she had thought of what she had put down the owl’s order advertising. “Do you think about what kind of prop you want to make that Lady Virgin?”

“Uh, not yet.” Ryan scratched his head embarrassedly. “At first I wanted to make a magic wand, but then I felt that just the magic wand was not enough. I wanted a weapon that could be cast like a magic wand and used for melee combat like my sword. Later on, I felt like a wizard We are too thin, and the defense capabilities may be insufficient. I want the new products to have enough defense capabilities. As a result, after this pile of requirements piled together, I found out that I no longer know what to do, so I can only find Teacher Luo Zhen asked for help. “

“It sounds like a less happy story.” Hermione said after shrugging. “Well, I wish you all the best this time, and we will see you in an hour.”

“See you in an hour.” Lane leaned forward and kissed Hermione sitting on the sofa, then opened the door to the world of the rose girl. Hermione stood up on the sofa to take a shower after reading the advertisement, and then went to the kitchen to prepare lunch. An hour later, when Hermione put the prepared homemade frozen meat pickled cucumber sandwich and a pot of hot tea on the table While on board, Ryan also walked out of the space door with a tired look and appeared in the living room.

“How long have you been there this time? It feels like you are all tired now.” Hermione took Ryan’s robe on the hanger and said.

“It’s only half a month, and most of the time is used for design. The time for real hands-on production is three days.” Ryan said with a smile. “Actually, my previous thoughts are all foolish ~ ~ Madonna Rose doesn’t actually need to be equipped with anything when using it.”

“Nothing is needed, what’s going on?” Hermione asked curiously.

“Because Our Lady of Roses is the fifth element other than earth, water, fire and wind, and a small universe corresponding to the big universe. It contains the roots of everything, and natural energy can have an impact on matter, flesh, and even the soul.” Ryan said to summon rose Notre Dame, Hermione saw a pink light burst out of Ryan’s heart, and then turned into a pink gem of the size of a baby’s fist suspended above his head. “Although it is much like a magic stone, the principles and power contained therein are much stronger than the magic stone.”

“Because of these characteristics of Our Lady of Roses, it can become anything I need.” With Ryan’s explanation, his right hand suddenly disappeared from the top of Ryan’s head, and then showed various weapons. . “So for such a long time, I actually understood how to use the Virgin Rose and integrate it with my soul, making it an extension of myself. I don’t need to fix it at all.”

“It sounds very powerful. Although I don’t understand very well, it can help you a lot if I can hear this.” Hermione nodded slightly. “But you better take a shower and have lunch now. I have prepared lunch.”

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