Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 597 - debate

With Hermione ’s help, Ryan spent only three or four days to make a wedding gift for the three couples. In the process, he discovered that Our Lady of Roses is indeed a very powerful alchemy product, especially when used to assist in the production of alchemy products. Compared with this, the gain it can provide in combat is not so important.

The time soon came to the end of July, and nothing happened in the middle. At this time, Voldemort should have ran to attack Azkaban prison again and rescued the Death Eaters who were arrested in the Ministry of Magic late last year. Can only give up this action.

Unlike the terrorist attacks in the Muggle world without magic protection, Azkaban, as an ancient wizard prison, has a lot of magical defenses, especially when the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore are ready for defense. Voldemort was not sure that he could defeat Azkaban ’s defense before Principal Dumbledore arrived and rescued the Death Eaters. Once Dumbledore drove to Azkaban, Voldemort ’s side let alone save people, and even the Death Eaters who were brought to save people were not sure they could all borrow from Dumbledore who borrowed the Azkaban defense system. Escape in his hand.

In this strange quiet time, the time came to the end of July. Ryan and Hermione went to the Burrow according to the previous agreement. After waiting a few minutes on the side road next to a small village pointed out in the previous letter, they saw Mrs. Weasley dressed in a retro style, and of course there was a high probability that it was a real antique dress.

“I’m really sorry, because of the reason Harry wants to come over, the Burrow has now taken all kinds of protection measures that the Phoenix Society and the Ministry of Magic can provide. So you have to walk a bit to get to our house now.” Weasley Madam said with some embarrassment.

“It ’s okay. Many of us in this period have to understand the safety, just like our manor has to run to a designated place one kilometer away even to receive an owl letter in order to ensure safety. Sometimes we want to be safe. It must be a little more troublesome. “Hermione said to Mrs. Weasley who was greeted, and then she followed Mrs. Weasley to the Burrow with Ryan.

“-I ’ll say it again, Mundungus, we paid you a very expensive bail to bail you out of Azkaban because you promised to do us a favor in advance, you are actually telling me now You are not doing it! “As soon as he entered the door, Ryan heard Moody’s roar coming from the kitchen.

Because everyone speaks in their throats, no one finds anyone entering. Ryan and Hermione walked over the kitchen door to take a look, and saw that seven or eight members of the Order of the Phoenix were arguing around the table.

“Yes, I promised that you can help you if you just take me out of Azkaban. But you did n’t tell me to let me do this kind of life-threatening job this time, if you told me before If this is the case, I would rather stay in Azkaban than come out. Anyway, now Azkaban has no dementors, and I do n’t mind living in it for half a year. ”Mundungus argued loudly Tao even overshadowed Moody’s roar.

“But you say this is too late now.” Another voice came, and Ryan heard Sirius’s slightly cynical voice. “We have already paid your bail, because you are a repeat offender. This bail is not cheap. So if you do n’t want to carry out this task, you can just give me 387 gallons, and the six western me Save you. “

“387 Gallons, you still kill me!” The little Monton Gus leaned back on the chair with his hands on his chest. “Anyway, I will not go, nor will I repay the money. You can do whatever you want with me.”

There is no good way for hob meat like Monton Gus, so everyone seems helpless. At this moment, Sirius, who was facing the kitchen door, saw Ryan who was probing his brain outside the door.

“Hah, Ryan, Hermione, you are also here.” Sirius raised his right hand and said hello, “We were still guessing when you will come.”

“We will definitely come by the agreed time, it is impossible to miss the wedding.” After that, Ryan turned to look at the crazy-eyed Hammoudi. “Oh, I just heard what you said at the door. Can you tell me what you need to do?”

“That’s it, we are going to take Harry before the magic effect that protects Harry disappears.” Moody looked at Ryan and explained. “I had planned to show Harry the phantom. This is the easiest and safest method. However, the Secretary Pierce Sinknes was very active. He classified many methods as criminal acts. : Connect Harry ’s current house to Flyway, put a door key in the room, or enter and exit with a phantom. Also say that this is to protect Harry from being caught by the mysterious person. But everyone here Knowing that it was pure nonsense, Harry’s mother’s spell had already done this. All he did was actually prevent Harry from leaving safely. “

“Pierce. Sinknes.” Lane murmured the name and found that he didn’t seem to have much impression of this person. “Is this man a Death Eater? Why did he do this?”

“Pierce Sincnes is the deputy director of the Enforcement Department of Magic Law.” Sirius said, “In my impression, although he is a pure blood wizard, he usually tends to those pure blood families when doing things. But it is not A Death Eater. The group of guys who accurately said he was the Ministry of Magic launched after the last war, when the pure-blood family was seriously injured to seize power. “

“As for why did he do this?” Sirius frowned at this point. “We can’t figure out, because the reasons he put forward are very reasonable. If we didn’t know in advance that Voldemort’s side had inserted enough spies in the Ministry of Magic to be able to detect and learn about our operation in advance, I will even recognize his ideas.

So I really have no way to judge whether it is a plot by Voldemort or good intentions to do bad things, but objectively speaking, his suggestion has indeed caused us enough trouble. “

“Actually the worst is not this.” Lu Ping said slowly. “Now the most difficult part of our plan is Harry, he is not yet a teenager ~ ~ with traces on his body—”

“Professor, I’ll interrupt.” Ryan raised his hand to signal that he had a problem. When Lupin stopped, he said: “I think I have a way to block the reaction of the traces. I think this should also be applicable to Harry. Body. “

“Actually we have guessed this already.” Moody said, “An alchemist needs a lot of practice to improve his level. You can reach this level in alchemy at such a young age that you can use all There is no other explanation than the time to practice. But now our problem is that the Ministry of Magic even monitors Harry by weakening the monitoring of other areas during this time. Any magic fluctuations in that area will be monitored. “

“Damn it!” Ryan muttered, knowing that that kind of shielding would indeed produce magical fluctuations in an instant. When he was shielding at that time, he used the Wanjie grocery store to cover up the momentary magic fluctuations. Later, when he helped Hermione to shield, he also took her to the wizards’ gathering place to use the characteristics of many people to confuse the monitoring of the magic world. So now that Harry has been heavily monitored, the methods he used before will not work.

“So what is our current plan?” Hermione asked curiously.

“We now have a fake news in the Ministry of Magic that we will transfer Harry on the 30th of this month. Of course, we don’t think this trick can completely deceive mysterious people. So we thought of a man who would disperse the enemy’s power as much as possible. Idea. “Moody said after clearing his throat.

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