Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 598 - Dig

“Is that plan dangerous? Because I just heard Mondungus say at the door that he would rather die than participate in this plan.” Ryan asked.

“Of course it’s dangerous.” Moody rushed to say before he spoke. “Did you know? Their plan was to find six people to drink the compound soup to become Harry’s look, and then split into seven teams with Harry himself and proceed in seven directions. This way, Harry could be put to the best of his ability. Send it out safely, because in theory even a mysterious person cannot divide himself into seven parts. “

“The mysterious man really divided himself into seven parts, but there was no way to run out and chase us down.” Hermione confessed to Ryan through the Phoenix brand. But no one else at the scene heard this, and Monton Gus’s angry voice reverberated in the small kitchen.

“But this means that two people in each group will be under siege from a group of Death Eaters, and even mysterious people will join the siege team. I think in this case, there is no difference between participating in this operation and finding death.”

“Shut up, Mundungus.” Moody snapped the table. “You are a coward. Dumbledore will always respond to us in this operation. Even if we meet a mysterious person, we can get Dumbledore’s support as long as we support in the air for five to six minutes.”

“Yes, five or six minutes. It’s easy to say, but at least I don’t think there are two of us who can survive this time under the attack of the mysterious man.” Mundungus seemed hysterical. “Let me die for others, I really can’t do it, maybe only you idiots will do it.”

“Mundungus!” Moody stood up with his hands on the table, and his eyes glared at Mundungus at the same time. “I know you are a boneless reptile, but you don’t want everyone to think the same as you–“

“Okay, don’t quarrel.” Ryan figured out what was going on. “So we can only use the flying broom, Ye Qi or Sirius to avoid the monitoring of mysterious people, because these things don’t require us to use magic, right?”

“It is indeed so.” Lu Ping said gently. “I know this is a very dangerous plan, but we don’t have a better alternative.”

“But I think I have a way to greatly increase the security of this program.” Ryan suddenly thought of something he had seen in the world of men in black before. “How many days is it until Harry is picked up?”

“If it’s not today, three days.” Sirius stood up and said excitedly. “Do you have any way to improve the safety of this operation?”

“Of course, but I need to get such an independent house before dark today. This house must be within 3km of Harry’s house, and it must have nothing to do with the magic world before. At the same time get this The house method cannot use any magical means to avoid causing suspicion, “Lane said.

“No problem, let me do it.” Lupin stood up, and he now almost unconditionally trusted what Ryan said. “As far as I know, there are very few things that Muggles cannot afford.”

After speaking, Luping looked at Sirius, and Sirius nodded immediately. “No problem, I still have a lot of Muggle money here. At least I can do it by renting a small house.”

I thought that Sirius once had a culture that loved the Muggle world and bought a very expensive motorcycle. So it is natural for him to have enough pounds on hand. However, Sirius remained in the Burrow for safety, and Lupin called Downs, who was upstairs to ask Mrs. Weasley for housework tips, and the two went to London together.

Lupin and Tonks came to London and went to the bank to withdraw money from Sirius ’account. After looking at the map and determining the distance, they went straight to Surrey in West London. It only took two hours to stay in Harbin In a small town in the Mohr Valley area next to Aunt Lee’s house, she successfully rented a two-storey single-family house about the size of Aunt Harry’s house at a distance from the surrounding house.

Renting a house so easily is related to the recent terrorist attacks by Voldemort. Because the previous terrorist attacks were mainly concentrated in the Greater London area and the surrounding areas, many local people chose to take refuge elsewhere temporarily. This leads to a lot of vacancies in this area.

The chubby real estate agent who was called over was a little surprised when he saw them paying in cash, but after seeing Tonks gently pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket to help Lupin wipe the sweat off his forehead. It was relieved.

Because Lu Ping had been through the vicissitudes of life for the first half of his life, even if his life was good in the past two years, he made up for the physical injuries he suffered in the previous difficulties. But the face that was older than his peers and the hair with white hair could not be changed. In the eyes of the housing agent, Lupin and Tonks are obviously a couple of very different ages. Probably because of the family’s opposition, you can only elope. In this case, their credit card was naturally blocked, and renting a house with cash seemed logical.

Of course, Lu Ping didn’t know the story of the brain broker opposite the house broker. He just felt that his rent was really smooth this time. After paying the deposit and rent, the house can be used by Lupin in the next two years.

“This place is very good.” After using the double-sided mirror to notify the people waiting in the Burrow, Ryan and Hermione appeared in the house together soon. Lupin had previously learned from Dumbledore that Ryan and Hermione had mastered a special method of space transfer, which could avoid most of the wizarding world’s detection and space magic. But he was still shocked after seeing it with his own eyes.

Unlike the slap-and-twist appearance when changing phantoms in the past, Ryan and Hermione suddenly appeared from the room hand in hand, and the two suddenly appeared before the person like the one edited in the video. Empty place.

“Can I ask what your plan is?” Tonks asked curiously.

“Of course.” Hermione nodded and introduced. “We will dig out an underground passage that knows Aunt Harry’s house from here within three days without any magic, and then let Harry evacuate through this underground passage. Others will continue to attract mysterious people according to the previously planned plan. By the way, Harry ’s attention is time for Harry ’s evacuation. “

“Although the distance to be excavated in this place is closer to 100 meters than we expected ~ ~ but if we start construction now, we should finish our preparation within the scheduled time.” Ryan and Now Gao Xuan made a plan after contacting a spacecraft serving as a reconnaissance satellite in low-Earth orbit for a while. “We are about to start work now. I hope you will be able to keep the information secret when you go back. You can only tell Moody or Dumbledore at most.”

“Got it, let’s go back to the Burrow now and come back in three days.” Lupin seemed to realize something after listening to Ryan, so he nodded solemnly and took Tonks away.

“Okay, let’s start work now.” After Lupin and them left, Ryan first laid some rune gems around the house to build a defensive alchemy circle here, then opened the space door and took it out A silver-white minivan-sized laser sintered shield machine. Fortunately, such a thing can be put down in the living room of this house.

This shield machine was last obtained by Ryan from the world of the man in black. Previously, he wanted this to be able to provide a new underground bunker excavator for the radiation world, so that the pioneer troops could enter those previous ones. New dangerous bunkers can be quickly excavated to ensure safety after never entering a dangerous area. And now this thing just happens to be used to execute this retreat plan.


For the next three days, Ryan and Hermione have been supervising the excavation of this shield machine in this room until the day of the scheduled retreat.

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