Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 600 - Stealing beams for columns

Came to the top of the spiral staircase and Ryan pushed hard up, and a wooden floor was lifted up. While Ryan was climbing up, he just saw Harry open the small door and looked at Ryan in a suit that looked exactly like what he was wearing now. It’s just that the suit looked a bit stretched on Ryan.

“Good evening, Harry.” Ryan raised his hand and greeted Harry before saying to him. “Now time is tight, so I wo n’t say anything else. You are going from here now, Sirius is waiting for you underneath, he will tell you what to do next. By the way, all your luggage must be left Give it to me, you just have to leave with your wand empty-handed. “

Harry looked confused, and he turned to look at Moody who was following. I saw Moody nodded seriously and said, “This is another part of our plan. Professor Dumbledore knows this.”

“—Okay.” Harry froze for a moment, a confused look on his face. But he knew this was not a time to delay, so he quickly squeezed into the small warehouse according to Ryan’s request, and then entered the underground tunnel.

“Let everyone take care, I hope we will see you later.” As he walked down the stairs until only his head was left on the ground, Harry looked at Ryan seriously and said.

“You’re the same.” Ryan waved his hand, then watched Harry disappear completely on the stairs and then stepped forward to close the floor, only to restore everything on the floor to its original appearance.

“It’s time for us next.” Moody nodded slightly, and then took out a small branch of clear golden yellow liquid. “You drank the compound decoction first, we don’t have much time, we can’t let the outsiders notice the wrong here.”

Ryan took the small bottle and drank it. This time it tasted a bit like a wine mixed with mustard. As a burning sensation spread throughout his body, he felt a melting fever started. The whole body is getting smaller like shrinking. Finally, all the strange feelings faded and the transformation was completed.

Lane found that everything was fogged in front of his eyes at this time, so he quickly took out the round glasses from his pocket and put them on. After putting on the glasses, everything in front of him was clear again.

“Ah, it feels much better. The suit was a little too tight just now.” Ryan moved his hands and feet. He just put on the same clothes as Harry in advance for convenience. He had been worried about which button on the road. Collapsing.

“Okay, come with me.” Moody pulled Ryan out of the small storage room, and then took him to the kitchen. At this time, there were already six Harry standing in the kitchen. Ryan was a little curious about who Hermione did not fill the gap today, but this time he was posing as Harry, so he could only bear his curiosity until everyone arrived. Say after a safe place.

“Harry, how did you go to the bathroom for so long?” One of Harry asked. Ryan thought it was Ron who could ask that. But Moody answered on his behalf before he could answer. “When you just changed clothes, you should also respect Harry’s personal privacy a little bit, otherwise you think why Harry went to the bathroom behind.”

“Sorry, buddy.” The Harry said again, and Ryan could be sure that this Harry was indeed Ron’s change. At this time, Moody pulled out a backpack and an owl cage from a space pocket, and each cage contained a peeled snow specimen.

“We don’t have to take so many things.” Ryan stepped forward and said in Moody’s amazed eyes. “I just need Hathaway to help me send a letter to my friend. We should be able to run faster with one cage less.”

“Okay, hurry up.” Moody motioned Ryan to write a letter behind him. He suddenly thought that the difference between live owls and owl specimens might not be able to conceal those Death Eaters. Ryan wrote the address of Weasley’s burrow on an empty envelope on the back table, imitating Harry’s notes, and then gave Hathaway to leave with a letter.

Watching Hathaway become a small spot in the air, Moody put away those snow-clogged specimens and cages and started the next arrangement.

“The grouping is like this: Harry and I ride the broom. This way we can guarantee that even if a real mysterious person attacks, we can get Dumbledore to come and support us. Arthur, you take Fred, Rai. James, you bring George. “

The two Harry standing in the middle nodded at the same time, and Moody looked at the other Harry: “Miss Dracul–“

“I take Furong to ride the night chick,” said Bill, who was not disfigured and still looking handsome. “She doesn’t like flying brooms very much.” Furong walked over to stand next to Bill, using the sentimental, little bird to follow people Looked at him. Everyone in the room watched Furong’s expression on Harry’s face, and there was a chill in his heart.

“Ron, you and Kingsley also rode the night Qi–” Moody arranged. “Because I want to make sure that each group is sure to escape successfully. So Ron, you have to be with Kingsley, who is second only to me here.” Ron nodded with a look of joy, and he seemed to have arranged for this very satisfied.

“Percy, you are with Tonks.” Moody finally spoke about the arrangement of the person that Ryan didn’t know. It’s reasonable for Percy to appear here now. All the adult men of the Weasley family in Britain today Now that they are all involved in this operation, then Percy, who has not been upset with his family, is certainly not the exception. Not to mention that Percy has been on the front line of fighting the black wizard for the past two years. From a certain perspective, he is more suitable to participate in this type of combat-related operations.

“Great, I’m glad to work with you again.” Tonks said happily as she waved Percy over a cup holder.

“Then please take care of me.” Percy said politely, pretending that he didn’t see Tonks’ clumsiness.

“Okay, Mundungus, then you follow me.” Hagrid grabbed the last harry Harry who tried to escape himself from everyone’s sight. “You will sit in the car for a while, and if you dare to run away, I promise to see you and beat you again and again.”

Mundungus turned into what Harry wanted to say, but after seeing Hagrid shaking his basketball-size fist in front of him, he swallowed and swallowed back the protest he just wanted to say.

“We can all guess that Death Eaters will think you are riding a broomstick.” Moody said to Ryan, “but this time we only need to drag the mysterious man for five or six minutes. Professor Dumbledore will come to support us, So instead of letting you gamble on luck in transportation that is not good at you. It is better to let you use your best golfer’s flying skills to drag through these few minutes. “

Ryan nodded, he knew that Moody still did n’t say a word, that is, the so-called true Harry who followed him was actually Ryan, and he hoped that by cooperating with Ryan, he could drag Voldemort and Death Eaters as much as possible. Let ’s get more time to help Harry escape.

Moody packed everything and led everyone towards the door, and said, “We leave within three minutes. The back door doesn’t need a lock, Death Eaters have to come and search ~ ~ The lock can’t stop them … …bring it on……”

Lane quickly ran to the living room in the direction of Moody’s finger to get Harry’s backpack and firebolt, and then came to the black garden backyard with everyone. Beside him, he jumped the broom into the hands of man. Ron had already sat on the back of a huge black Ye Qi under Kingsley’s help, and Bill helped Furong ride another Ye Qi. Hagrid wore goggles and stood beside the huge motorcycle, ready to go.

“Sirius generously counted this motorcycle as a public property of the Phoenix Society. He and Mr. Arthur had been busy with this motorcycle and installed a lot of institutions on this car last night.” Seeing Ryan staring at the motorcycle with some curiosity, Hagrid said with a smile. At this time, Mundungus threw himself into a bucket the size of a boat, and then sat up scolding and rubbing his elbow desperately.

“Speaking of the organization, Hagrid.” Mr. Weasley grabbed his broom and stood beside them. “We didn’t have time to test before, so there was no way to determine whether they were safe. -“

“Okay, okay,” Moody said, “Everyone is ready. After I give the order, everyone should leave at the same time, otherwise the entire containment tactics will fail.

After hearing this sentence, Ryan immediately crushed another badge in his pocket and sent the news of the start of the operation to Sirius on the underground train.

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