Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 601 - flight

Just as Ryan smashed the badge in her pocket, Harry and Sirius sat in a small train together at the pocket subway station under Aunt Harry’s house. Due to time constraints, everything here is not perfect, all facilities have only the most basic functions. For example, there is a ventilation system, but no temperature regulation system.

Without air conditioning, Harry and Sirius sitting in the car soon sweated from the body of the sultry compartment, but neither of them paid attention to it, but stared nervously at the glass on the front of the compartment.

Suddenly snapped, the front of the window glass suddenly jumped out of an Arabic number 15, composed of red light, occupying the entire glass window, and then quickly began to count down.

Sirius stared nervously at the number. When the number became zero, he snapped at the only red button on the panel in front of him. The train accelerated like a fierce horse stabbed in the ass. Harry even felt like he was pressed against the back of the chair all at once.

This feeling of fast forward in the dark tunnel is really bad, especially for Harry now. After inexplicably following Moody’s arrangement, he met Sirius, but Sirius just greeted him and asked him to sit in the subway with a serious expression. After closing the subway door, he said nothing. Nothing was explained in the seat in front of him. This kept Harry’s heart in an extreme depression and confusion, and the dark and sultry environment here also strengthened his mood.

Fortunately, this journey was not long, they appeared in another subway station after more than a minute. After climbing up a ladder in silence and moving away the sofa that was blocking the exit, Harry saw Hermione holding her wand nervously and pointed at the place where they came out. Fortunately, he and Sirius dropped the wand. .

“Harry, it’s great to see you.” Hermione greeted Harry and walked towards the garage. “Follow me, Harry, we still have a long way to go today.”

After Sirius drove out of the garage from the block and merged into the traffic on a freeway, Harry sitting on the co-pilot finally had the opportunity to ask how this series of actions was tonight. It’s going on.

“It’s very simple, Harry.” Hermione, sitting in the back seat, said after listening to Harry’s question. “We are worried that the transfer has been controlled by the enemy for a specific time, so we decided to let Ryan drink the compound soup and pretend to be you. Now after we drive the car away for a distance, Sirius will take you to a safe place. go with.”

“So, everyone in my aunt’s house is just to attract volts–” Harry just said that Hermione just sat up from the back like a spring on her back, while reaching out to the co-pilot Lifting Harry’s chin up by his position prevented him from saying the word below.

“What are you doing?” Harry covered his mouth for a while before recovering. He almost bit his tongue just now.

“To save your life.” Hermione said, “The mysterious man cast a spell on his name, and anyone who says his name can sense it. Everyone risked their lives to cover you today. You recruited him at this time. “

“Really, I’m very sorry.” Harry apologized sincerely, and then said a little puzzled. “By the way, why do so many people risk their lives to help me lead me-mysterious person, I don’t deserve it.”

“No, you deserve it.” Sirius, who was driving, glanced at the rearview mirror and found that there was no car behind and quickly changed lanes and surpassed the big truck in front. Then he said: “You are keeping everyone hope in this dark age The key is that everyone involved in the operation today is willing to participate in the war. They are all adults and you should believe their choice. “

“Seriously, I am now worried about what danger Ryan will encounter today, but I respect his ideas.” Hermione continued, “So I think that if you can cooperate with everyone’s actions now, you can reach the Burrow safely. It is the best reward for everyone ’s dedication and possible sacrifice. “

“–Okay.” Harry nodded after silent for a while, then crossed his fingers on his knees and silently prayed for everyone who was fighting.

And five or six minutes ago, Ryan smashed the badge in his pocket and immediately mounted a firebolt. Percy also smiled apologetically at Tonks and put her arms around her waist. Hagrid kicked his foot and started the motorcycle. The car roared like a fire dragon, and the sidecar jittered.

“Good luck to everyone!” Moody shouted, “See you in the Burrow in about an hour. I counted three. One … two … three.”

The motorcycle roared with shock, and in this huge noise, Ryan kicked her feet and followed Moody. I have to say that the long-distance broom flying in other worlds and the sense of balance exercised by Ryan made his flying skills also excellent. Although still incomparable to Harry, a man born in the sky, he was confident that Voldemort could not distinguish himself as a fake Harry in a short time.

Of course, Ryan must also admit that he was sufficiently familiar with how to use the Virgin Rose before he was able to meet Voldemort who would fly in the air. But he sincerely hoped that the function would not be used today.

After taking off, everyone ascended quickly, and after a few seconds they rose to a sufficient height. Ryan glanced down and found that he couldn’t recognize where he had just left. At this moment he saw some dark shadows around him.

“Well.” Ryan looked around quickly, and found a group of Death Eaters in black robes and masks surrounded them. There are about 40 people in this group. They hang in the air to form a huge circle, and the members of the Phoenix Society flew into their enveloping circle unknowingly-

“It seems that the Ministry of Magic is already exposed like a sieve. As long as the information to them is equivalent to telling Voldemort.” Lane was full of vomiting, but this time everything was not important, because the Death Eaters After they appeared, they directly attacked, and the whole sky was instantly flooded with screams and dazzling green light.

“Go North”. “Ryan heard the mad-eyed growl and immediately rushed westward with him. Because even 40 Death Eaters couldn’t completely block all the space in the air, they were in a chaos smoothly. Out of the circle.

“Except for your weapon ~ ~ Ryan directly hit the Death Eater closest to him, the wand in the guy’s hand was immediately shot down from his hand by this curse, and then fell from the sky with a spin Go down. The man had to use the broom to fly down and try to retrieve his wand.

But this did not improve his condition, because Mad-Eye Hammoudi is the most combative of this group of people, so the Death Eaters chasing them are the most, even if one of them does not let the group chasing behind The crowd can be sparse. After Ryan used the disarming mantra just now, more people came after him.

“This is awful.” Lane whispered softly. At this time, in order to pretend to be more like Harry, he could only use the disarming spell to hinder the Death Eaters who came after him. These spells obviously lacked lethality. Except for the one who was just careless, other Death Eaters easily blocked Ryan’s attack with iron armor.

After avoiding a coma spell, Ryan saw a black smoke billowing behind the Death Eater rise from the ground, and then quickly approached in his own direction.

“Voldemort is here!” Looking at the black figure hidden in the billowing smoke, Ryan recognized it the first time. Because flying without any help is Voldemort’s signature action.

Saw that the figure pulled up his arm and aimed at Moody, and Moody was busy repelling a Death Eater who was too close to find this scene.

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