Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 605 - In the Burrow

That night Ryan and their young people lived together in a tent set up in the kitchen. Because there are too many people to live here tonight, the burrow is too small to make enough bed. So Ryan and these young people can only set up tents for one night. Fortunately, the tents in the magic world are not so tight.

To make matters worse, when Ryan was sleeping that night, a scream suddenly came from Harry’s room. He immediately jumped out of the bed with a carp, and then took the wand at the head of the bed and put on his coat and ran towards the house where Harry was. When he ran out of the door, he saw that Hermione, who lived at the opposite door, rushed out almost the same as himself.

“Harry, what’s the matter with you?” While Hermione was on guard outside the door, Ryan pushed open the door of Harry’s house and walked in, then watched Harry sit up in shock with a pajama look.

“I just saw Voldemort.” Harry didn’t want to hide everything he had just seen. “He is very angry now, tormenting the Death Eaters in a big house with a fireplace and a long table, because they are suffering heavy losses today under the guidance of fake news.”

“Listening is good news.” Lane nodded. “But this connection to the soul of the mysterious person should stop! Your scar-it shouldn’t be like this anymore! You can’t let that connection go through again.”

“I know, but I can’t close my brain.” Harry shook his head helplessly. “It’s not that I didn’t practice seriously, but every time Voldemort’s thinking can always break through my defense in my brain.”

“I think you can try this.” Ryan thought for a moment and pulled out a silver-white strap. “Tie this to your head and feel it.”

Harry heard the words and took the strap in Ryan’s hand and tied it to his head. He said it after a while. “It feels amazing. I feel like I have a pair of warm wings that protect my brain.”

“That’s good,” Ryan nodded. “This is a new magic prop that I just made recently. The main purpose at that time was to allow me to avoid mental interference when I was studying. Listen to what you just said. Now I can be sure as long as the mysterious person is not too close to you. Basically, you can be immune to the uncontrolled connection between the two souls you encounter. “

“Thank you.” Harry looked at Ryan seriously. “Also, I swear that when I spoke this afternoon, there was absolutely no intention of criticizing you. At that time, I was really just talking about myself. Please believe me.”

“I believe you, Harry.” Ryan yawned at this point. “Also, it should be one o’clock in the morning. You were really scared by the sound just now. Well, I’m going to bed. See you tomorrow morning.”

“The other’s vigilance is too bad.” After taking the door of Harry’s bedroom, Lane explained to Hermione what happened just now. Hermione nodded after listening, and then pouted at the door of the sleeping Weasley twins and Ron. “If someone really attacked just now, I guess they simply can’t respond enough.”

“You should believe the double defenses laid by the Phoenix Society and the Ministry of Magic in this neighborhood, and the things they encountered today are really too exciting for them, so this time because of the self-protection of the brain, the sleep is deep and normal “You can’t use our level to judge others.” Ryan said, and then he kissed Hermione on the cheek. “Okay, go to bed. Get up early tomorrow.”

In the next few days, everyone seemed very busy. For example, Ryan started to produce a new batch of alchemy props for the members of the Order of the Phoenix with the help of Hermione. Only Harry and Ron seemed more leisurely. But soon Mrs. Weasley found them both, and soon they were busy preparing for the wedding.

Ryan was thinking about the future in addition to making alchemy props during this time. He felt that it was basically impossible for Voldemort to attack the Ministry of Magic on the day of the wedding as originally, while Dumbledore was still alive. However, Ryan also lost In anticipation of Voldemort’s next move, everything in front of him seemed to be shrouded in mist.

“No matter what he is, the soldiers will block it and the water will cover it. It is too late to wait for Voldemort to launch an attack, but it is strange to say that when he was weak in the past, he did not worry about this. Now he can resist Voldemort directly. I started thinking. “After thinking for a while, Ryan continued to finish the work at hand after a smile. In this era of war, war-related magic props are always never enough.

“It’s really exhausting me.” This was the night before the wedding two days before Harry prepared to complain. “Did you know? Ron and I have been scrubbing the dishes endlessly over the past two days, coloring gifts, ribbons and flowers, removing the goblins from the garden, and helping Mrs. Weasley bake a bunch of appetizing pancakes.”

“No way, everyone is busy.” Ryan took the plate from the cupboard to the table and put it one by one. “But someone always has to prepare for the wedding. It’s not enough to rely on Mrs. Weasley alone.”

After several people had set the tableware, the door opened, and Mr. Weasley, Kingsley, and Bill walked in, and then sat down at the table slightly tired. Probably due to the defection of two Malfoy mothers and children living at Gasgrip at 12 Grimmauld Place, many members of the Phoenix Society often choose to come to the Burrow for dinner.

Because of this reason, the kitchen is full of people after the meal, and it is very difficult to use the knife and fork. Lion had to move his arms carefully to ensure that he would not hit Hermione sitting beside him with his elbow.

“How’s the situation outside recently?” Ryan broke the silence and asked himself the other side Bill

“Nothing happened, or it’s been too quiet these days.” Bill lowered his knife and fork with a serious expression. “The conflict in the last two days was not a big deal, but all the newspapers haven’t mentioned that thing recently, and even the Ministry of Magic hasn’t said anything about that thing. You know that several illegal doors were used at that time The key, if it is as usual that they have come to the home to ask the teacher for guilt, but they have done nothing now. “

“Does the Ministry of Magic still intend to bury its head in the sand as an ostrich in this critical situation?” Harry’s eyes widened.

“Although it sounds very incredible, UU reads, but sometimes it is always the case.” Mr. Weasley said. “Scriinger is not willing to admit that the mysterious man is so powerful, and even less so that the Ministry of Magic has been completely out of control in the current situation.”

“So what about people other than Scrimgeour?” Lane asked. “There are not many people in the Ministry of Magic. There are also many natural resistance people who are mysterious people, such as those hemp seed wizards on the front line. Do they refuse to stand up for themselves? “

“Of course there are, but people are scared,” Mr. Weasley replied. “Fear of becoming the next missing person, fearing that his child will be attacked next time! Terrible rumors are circulating everywhere, and indeed many people are mysteriously missing. But the Ministry of Magic, which should come up at this time, cannot even protect its own staff. The only thing Scrimgeour can do is to keep himself in the office all day. I really hope he is working on a plan. “

No one spoke for a while, until Mrs. Weasley magically received the empty plate on the console, and then brought out the apple pie.

“Okay, let’s be happy, after all, it’s a wedding in two days. As the organizers, we can’t be so downcast.” Mrs. Weasley said. “I hope that everyone will participate with a smile at least during the wedding.”

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