Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 606 - Prelude

At 11 am the next day, Ryan put down a newly made fireball ring and heard a loud noise coming downstairs. Through the glass they saw Harry, Ron, and Ginny standing in decent lines standing in the sunny courtyard, ready to meet the guests.

“Fortunately, we have important things to do, so Mrs. Weasley did not arrange anything for us. These two days, Harry and they were very busy.” Looking at Harry standing in the courtyard, Hermione said with some luck.

This morning, the courtyard of the Burrow appeared in front of everyone in a clean and tidy gesture: the rust crucible and old rain boots that were usually scattered on the back door steps were gone, and two new plants were replaced in the big pots. A fluttering shrub with a pot on each side of the door. Although there is no wind, the leaves dance lazily, forming a fascinating, microwave ripple effect. The chickens were all closed, the yard was cleaned, and the nearby gardens were all trimmed and dressed up. All this is full of the labor of Mrs. Weasley and Harry.

For security reasons, the Phoenix Society and the Ministry of Magic have imposed a large number of security spells on the Burrow to ensure that no one can come here directly by magic. So it wasn’t until a few minutes later that they saw Mr. Weasley smiled and carried the heavy luggage into the yard with two people. After that, Furong rushed directly to hug the female guest. It seems that the guests coming today should be Furong’s parents.

Furong’s mother is a beautiful blonde woman wearing a leafy green robe, at least in terms of charm, it is a mixed-race Meiwa. But Furong’s father is indeed not as charming as his wife. He was shorter than his wife, chubby, and had a sharp little black beard. However, it seems that he has a good temper. After entering the courtyard, he kissed Mrs. Weasley’s face very politely.

Is followed by a series of greetings, but I do n’t know what happened. After Furong ’s mother said a word, Mr. Weasley smiled nervously, so that Ryan could hear him upstairs. But Mrs. Weasley glanced at him, and he said nothing at once, with an expression on his face that seemed to be sitting beside a friend’s bed.

Soon everyone walked into the Burrow, Ryan withdrew his gaze and continued to work on his own affairs. In addition to making a batch of necessities for a war that could break out at any time, he now also wrote a letter to Professor Dumbledore asking for his help.

After all the things were done, it was lunch time. After going downstairs, Ryan contacted the Draculs for the first time today. The atmosphere at the table was even warmer after they joined Ryan, because Ryan and Hermione spoke French as fluently as their mother tongue, and they helped facilitate the communication after the translation. Especially when they communicated with Ryan in French before, they were Mr. Luo Zhen, which made the French of the two people with a kind of accent in Paris area makes the Draculs feel very kind.

Since Furong helped Bill block the spell during the last retreat of Harry, the Weasleys’ attitude towards her has changed a lot. For example, they have now accepted Furong as their family. This also made the two seem very harmonious when they met today.

“Thank you very much for your wedding gift.” After the lunch, Furong and Bill solemnly thanked them. The wedding gift that Ryan gave them was a pair of big porcelain dolls, but this pair of porcelain dolls is not a decoration. Products, but alchemy puppets. As long as the puppet enters the magic power, it will become a person who looks exactly like the user, helping the user to distract the enemy or do some other things.

Although this function can only be used once a day, each time the puppet becomes humanoid can only be maintained for five minutes. But for Charlie, who had seen countless treasures before working in Gu Ling Pavilion, he understood how precious such alchemy products were. This is why he came to thank him specifically for this.

After lunch, Ryan soon discovered that the Draculs were pleasant guests and were happy to help others. They are very satisfied with everything and actively help to prepare for the wedding. From the seating arrangement to the bridesmaid’s shoes, Mr. Dracul said in French “Too cute!”

And Mrs. Dracul was also a good hand at housework spells, and wiped the oven clean in a blink of an eye. Hermione has been following her and Mrs. Weasley trying to learn. Gabrielle followed her sister like a little tail, trying to help a little while tweeting in French, making the atmosphere in the room alive.

But after everyone was crowded into the room, the house seemed much smaller. In order to avoid encountering other people, Lane could only carry his alchemy table to the shed. It turned out that within a few minutes, Mr. Weasley, who was considered to be chaotic, was also pushed out of the house and came to the shed.

“Ryan, you are here too.” Mr. Weasley, who was planning to go to the shed to take a rest, looked at Ryan as he was astonishingly dispersing a ball of football-sized liquid suspended on the alchemy array. Into a few crystal bottles reinforced with metal.

“To be honest, I think you should take a good rest, and some work will not be a problem for a few days. It should have been a time to relax now. As a result, I have seen you busy since you have been in the Burrow. “After watching Ryan fill these potions, Mr. Weasley persuaded that he hardly saw Ryan taking a break these days.

“Nothing, Mr. Weasley.” Lane said after closing the stoppers of each crystal bottle. “Actually, this does not cause much pressure on me. Besides, I will definitely stop working tomorrow, because as a bestman of Professor Lupin, I still have to rehearse a little bit.”

The main reason for keeping Ryan busy these past two days was that after Snape defected, the lack of a potion master caused some problems with the supply of potions in the Phoenix Society. Ryan can only go to take care of these deficiencies.

“I’ll help you.” Mr. Weasley took the initiative to walk to Ryan. “Although I only got A in the potion in the NEWT exam, I helped you deal with the raw materials when making these commonly used potions. Still no problem. “

That night, Ryan and his group of young people slept again in the living room in a tent. Charlie also came back from Romania in the afternoon. This wedding was the most complete visit of the Weasley family in a few years.

“I heard that Miramán’s magical tent will be used on the wedding day. I have seen that tent, which is so beautiful.” After they all gathered in the tent, Ginny used a kind of excitement. The tone said. “Of course, thank you, Ryan. The set of gold and silver tableware you lent us enough for everyone at the wedding is also great. Bill told me that the gold and silver utensils are more delicate than the fairies.”

“I’m very happy to be able to help you.” Lane smiled, and so many dishes he had taken from the “Lord of the Rings” world before. The craftsmanship of the dwarves is much better than the goblins of this world.

The next day was Harry’s birthday. When Ryan took Hermione into the kitchen, she put their gift on top of a pile of gifts. “Sorry, Harry, the time is a bit tight, so I’m a bit hasty when preparing gifts for you. I hope you like this thing.”

“This, is it too precious?” Harry opened the small box and found that it contained a thumb-sized embossed gold lion brooch with many rubies on it.

“This is not the jewelry you imagine.” Lane said. “It’s what I made to match the headband I gave you two days ago ~ ~ It can protect your brain and soul to the greatest extent.”

“Thank you so much.” Harry said very sincerely, and solemnly put this brooch in his chest pocket. “After taking the headband you gave in these two days, I feel that after falling asleep, my brain doesn’t have the empty feeling that I had before, and I have never had a nightmare.”

“That thing works just fine.” Ryan said, “But I suggest that you can always wear it. The headband is woven with several magic metals, even if it is worn every day, it will not be easily damaged.

Harry’s birthday party started on time in the evening. Due to the large number of people, he put together a few tables in the garden. Fred and George used magic to transform a large number of purple lanterns, which hung over the guests’ heads. A dazzling number flashed on the lantern: “17”. Ryan and Hermione sprayed purple and gold banners back to back from the tops of their wands, hanging artistically in trees and bushes.

Mrs. Weasley prepared a huge golden thief-shaped birthday cake for this birthday party. In addition, some guests came to visit, such as Hagrid, Lupin and Tonks.

“Relax, I have tried the clothes this afternoon, and I will definitely give you the temperament when I will give you the best man tomorrow.” Lane said to Lupin sitting on the side.

“That’s good, I hope to give Tonks a perfect wedding this time. I still owe her too much.” Lu Ping said.

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