Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 607 - ready

Just before the dinner, the Minister of Magic came with Mr. Weasley, and he insisted on having a good talk with Harry as soon as he came. However, less than ten minutes after the two approached the Burrow, Ryan heard a fierce quarrel from the Burrow, and then the door of the room opened, Scrimgeour came out from the inside angrily, without anyone. Say hello and leave.

“What happened, Harry?” When Mrs. Weasley put the dishes together and everyone started to eat, Ron approached Harry and asked. “I just saw Scrimgeour’s expression very bad.”

“Because I once again rejected the so-called suggestion of cooperation with the Ministry of Magic.” Harry seemed to shake his head indifferently. “I think he couldn’t persuade Professor Dumbledore, so he tried to open the gap from me. He vowed that the Ministry of Magic had complete control over the current situation, but refused to explain why Voldemort would organize dozens of people to lay siege. we.”

“I just questioned him, and he jumped like a thunder, and he used a wand to make a hole in my clothes.” Said Harry raised his chest, even if Ryan sat across from him, he saw a similar cigarette on his clothes. Hot holes.

“It seems that the mysterious person’s penetration of the Ministry of Magic is far more terrible than we thought.” Lane whispered to Hermione. “Now that everything is abnormal, the Minister of Magic feels that everything is under control, which means that at least a large part of those around the Minister of Magic are already unreliable.”

“People around the Minister of Magic!” Hermione grabbed the key to the problem all at once, “You mean that the Ministry of Magic is now close to the mysterious man?”

“Yes.” Ryan nodded. “I think that after several head-on collisions, the mysterious person should now find ways to get rid of this unfavorable situation. After many fights, I think he also knows that he will not It is possible to defeat Principal Dumbledore, and it is even less likely to capture Hogwarts School. What do you think he will do to restore his reputation and show his strength at this time? “

“——Subvert the Ministry of Magic.” Hermione pressed her lips for a while before spitting out this sentence. “Can’t this happen happen?”

“It can’t be stopped.” Ryan carefully analyzed, “The Ministry of Magic itself is controlled by those pure-blood families, so it is naturally inclined to mysterious people. Not to mention that the Ministry of Magic’s many years of struggle with the principal has flooded the Ministry of Magic. Dumbledore ’s repulsive emotions, if we intervene, will not only make the situation better, but will probably involve a lot of energy in the endless whipping with the Ministry of Magic, further weakening the power to fight the mysterious people. “

“Ah.” Hermione shook her head in frustration, but she quickly got up and chatted with Tonks. As Tonks tomorrow’s bridesmaid, Hermione hopes that she will not make any mistakes at least at tomorrow’s wedding.

Because of the visit of the Minister of Magic, everyone seemed to lack interest in the following banquet. After hurriedly eating all the dishes, everyone sang a song “Happy Birthday” and ate the cake in threes and twos, and the party went away.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Ron, Fred, and George stood outside the huge white tent in the orchard, waiting for the guests who came to the wedding. Ryan and Hermione have been with Lupin and Tonks in the tent. Lu Ping had few friends because of the werewolf problem. When Sirius was the groom today, he could only find Ryan as his best man.

Harry naturally went to be the best man of his godfather. Unlike the customs of the heavenly dynasty, the best man in the West was not required to be the groom’s peer.

“Remus, would you like some sedative?” Looking at Lupin, who was nervous and didn’t know where to put his hands and feet, Ryan thought of trying to get out a bottle of light green potion with a grassy scent from his arms. “Relax, this thing will only make you no longer over-stressed, with no sequelae.”

“Thank you.” Lupin took the potion in Ryan’s hand and drank it. After a trembling, he quickly returned to normal. “This potion is really effective. I was overstressed just now. After all, this is my first marriage and the only one in my life.”

“Understandable.” Lane smiled. “Actually, I have been worrying about whether my legs will be stretched when I get married.”

Lupin wore a black dress robe today, embroidering some simple patterns with silver thread at the corners of the robe. The gray hair has been re-dyed into brown, and even Ryan used a formula found in Sirius’s home to configure the glory remedy to help him wipe out the wrinkles on his face caused by the life of the past ten years.

After being transformed into a new werewolf, Lu Ping’s body not only made up for the previous shortcomings, but even became as strong as a sportsman who regularly exercised. Unfortunately, white hair and wrinkles cannot be removed anyway. So in order to make him look like a much younger Tonks at his wedding today, Ryan did a lot of things after consulting with Hermione, and now it seems that the effect is very good.

There was now a loud noise from the front of the tent. An hour ago, the Burrow came from a group of waiters in white robes and a band wearing a golden coat. At this moment, the wizards were sitting under a tree, not far away. Smoking a pipe and chatting the sky making a buzzing sound.

Suddenly there was a violent noise outside like a tsunami. Ryan lifted the curtain and looked out. As a result, President Dumbledore, dressed in a fuchsia robe painted with stars, walked over with French friends over Furong.

“Principal Dumbledore is here? This is great!” Lu Ping also saw this scene through the tent door opened by Lane. “Thanks to his help this time, I was able to give Tonks a perfect wedding. The Ministry of Magic is currently cracking down on the werewolves. Fortunately, at least all of the werewolves on our side are now in Norway. As for being injured accidentally. “

Now all the werewolves in Norway have been healed, and the number finally stayed at 52. In addition to two children, the remaining 50 people can participate in the battle, and there are more than 20 people who can take the initiative to attack in the field. Lane believes that this power, once used properly, can give the Death Eaters a profound lesson.

In addition to preparing some materials for the Phoenix Society in the recent days, Ryan has spent the rest of the time preparing magic props for these werewolves who are about to enter the battle After mobilizing the power of several worlds, all problems are no longer a problem. Ryan is now only further elaborate to ensure that the best equipment can be provided to those werewolf warriors.

“Okay, you should be in place.” When the person coming to think, the curtain was opened at once. Ron put his head in the door and said to Ryan they.

A moment later, Ryan and Lupin stood in front of the big tent. Today Ryan is wearing a dark blue dressing gown with a big white rose in his buttonhole. Opposite Hermione was wearing a long dress of the same color, and rarely stood beside Tonks in high heels.

After passing the ring to Lupin, Ryan’s life is over today. Fortunately, it was a group wedding, so the final groomsman’s speech was given to the oldest of the three groomsmen, Charlie. And Ryan came to the reserved seats as they had rehearsed in advance.

“Today you are very well dressed.” Ryan whispered her face close to Hermione’s ear.

“Thank you!” Hermione said with a smile. “Okay, let’s keep quiet. I think the most critical moment of the wedding will begin.”

Ryan listened to Hermione’s words and then looked up at the stage. Sure enough, Dumbledore was already on the stage and was ready to speak. He immediately sat up and prepared to listen to the principal’s next speech.

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