Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 609 - analysis

After a few more chats with Ryan, Professor Dumbledore left. This is because, on the one hand, he is very busy in the current situation and does not have much free time. On the other hand, most of the people present at the age of Principal Dumbledore are his students. If he sits here, many people are embarrassed to relax themselves.

“Professor Dumbledore is looking for you?” After watching Mr. Principal leave, Hermione asked with two glasses of cold butter beer and sat beside Ryan.

“He told me that I will go to Azkaban with him tomorrow morning to pick up Malfoy’s father.” Ryan said after taking the butter beer in Hermione’s hands. “Lucius Malfoy’s bail was successful, we need to send him to a safe place.”

“Successful bail?” Hermione asked incredulously. “Can Lucius Malfoy, the core Death Eater, be released on bail?”

“Yes.” Lane nodded. “Before writing to Dumbledore ’s principal, I obtained the files inside the Enforcement Department of Magic Law through Percy. What shocked me was that Lucius Malfoy was only involved in attacks involving ordinary people in very rare cases. , And there was no murder in the attack. That ’s why he was allowed to be released on bail. “

Ryan was also surprised when he saw these files for the first time, but soon he was relieved. After the end of the second war in the original book, there was no one in the Malfoy family who was jailed because of the Death Eater status. It was not just because they provided help. Especially both Harry and Hermione are the kind of people who recognize justice from the bones. If the members of the Malfoy family are really the kind of innocent people who want to come to Harry, they will not agree to let the Malfoy completely Without any punishment.

“Incredible.” Hermione said in surprise after hearing what Ryan said. “I can hardly believe that such an extreme pedigree of Malfoy actually has no human life.”

“But that’s how it is.” Ryan explained to Hermione after a big sip of butter beer. “Their family is not so much pursuing pure blood as it is pursuing power and wealth. Before the Wizarding Confidentiality Ordinance was implemented in 1692, the Malfoy family had even been active in the noble circles of the Muggles, according to my Sirius family. The notes found stated that the Muggle social circle had to be withdrawn from consideration of compliance with the secrecy law. The Malfoy family was also a firm opponent of the regulations at that time. “

“This is really an interesting history.” Hermione was quickly interested in this secret, and she put the cold butter beer in her hand on the table, and then asked. “What else do you know besides this?”

“According to the rumored news. The first Lucius Malfoy had unsuccessfully pursued Elizabeth I, and even some historians of magic said that the queen later opposed marriage because of Malfoy’s curse.” Ryan first broke the big news He further mentioned Hermione’s interest.

“For centuries, Malfoy has been pursuing the principle of keeping its body safe. Since the secrecy code came into effect, Malfoy has cut off contact with Muggle nobles. Malfoy believes that further opposition and protest will only keep them away from the new center of power- -The Ministry of Magic that was just established. Their attitude took a 180-degree turn, and they began to support the regulations like those who supported the bill from beginning to end, and denied that they had any contact with Muggles. “

“It seems that every generation of Malfoy is so cunning.” Hermione commented after thinking of something.

“Yes.” Ryan nodded. “They prefer to use the wealth or money in their hands to stand behind the scenes and do everything instead of coming to the front. That’s why I believe they did not kill innocents indiscriminately.”

“Yes.” Hermione nodded. “According to you, the Malfoy family should be the kind of person whose interests take precedence and like to hide behind the scenes. Such a person cannot be like the street gangsters who just ran openly to kill people just to vent or to have a certain idea. Because it ’s not beneficial to him. “

“It is true.” Ryan said. “According to the archives I found, in the last war, the Malfoy family mainly bought secrets and personnel for the mysterious people and Death Eaters through their own rights and money, and at the same time provided money support for the Death Eaters. The record of the battle. Or, to be precise, the members of the Malfoy family never appeared on the battlefield publicly before the last Ministry of Magic battle. “

“What happened to the last battle in the Ministry of Magic?” Hermione asked curiously.

“After the mysterious man was resurrected, he developed a strong sense of distrust of the Death Eaters who did not escape the trial for him to enter Azkaban. So he requested that Lucius Malfoy, who had been standing behind the scenes, must be open Fights with Harry to ensure that the Malfoy family can stand 100% on his side. “

“Is it similar to what the Tian Chaoren said?” Hermione said in Mandarin.

“That’s what it is.” Lane confirmed, “The mysterious man must make sure that the Malfoy family is no longer betting on both sides this time, and must be loyal to him wholeheartedly. This public attack on the Ministry of Magic is for this purpose.”

“So after everything was messed up, Malfoy had to fall to Dumbledore and us. Because only then can he save his life and his family.” Hermione answered immediately, “but you feel like Malfoy Can this kind of pure-blood really blend with us? “

“You are wrong, we don’t need him to get with us.” Ryan corrected, “Just as the mysterious man has been trying to divide us, we should also use the same means to divide the Death Eaters. And accept Marl Blessing is just to tell them that they have other options besides the mysterious man. Even if they ca n’t divide the Death Eaters, they can create more cracks and suspicions between the mysterious man and his men. As for Malfoy, what are they? I do n’t think it matters. “

“Not to mention that the people of the Malfoy family are pure animals of interest. I believe they will take the initiative to approach us after seeing the status quo. At least this will be the case in public.” According to the previous habits of the Malfoy family, Ryan inferred. “Of course, it’s basically impossible for them to come out of their hearts. But on the surface, it’s enough for us. And more complicated things don’t need us to think about before the war ends.”

“Then wish you all success with Dumbledore tomorrow.” After hearing Ryan’s words, Hermione raised the glass in her hand. Ryan immediately touched her with the glass in her hand, and then raised the glass to put it in the glass. Drink the remaining butter beer in one go.

Ryan has participated in many weddings before, whether it was a wedding in the previous life or a wedding in this life with his parents. But he never saw the wedding of the wizards.

Later, he and Hermione visited the entire wedding scene. They saw a bottle of champagne floating in the crowd, and in the middle of the tent was a huge cake with two phoenix models on top. When the cake is opened, they spread their wings and take off.

At the same time, it may be because the wedding is a time when few people can get together, so this wedding lasts a long time. As night fell, golden lanterns floating in mid-air illuminated the ceiling, moths began to fly under the ceiling, and the atmosphere of the carnival became more and more intense ~ ~ increasingly uncontrolled. Fred and George had long disappeared into darkness with a pair of cousins ​​from Furong. Charlie, Hagrid and a chunky wizard wearing a purple pie-style hat sang “Hero Otto” in the corner.

After playing for hours, Ryan and they were also tired. So he and Hermione hand in hand ran to the table and chairs by the bushes outside to hide. As a result, he turned around a hedge and saw Lupin and Tonks, who were preparing to walk out with several disguised werewolves. Lupin seemed to drink a little too much, and he stumbled. And Tonks looked at Luping with a funny face.

“Are you going to leave now, I think Weasley should have enough places for all their guests.” Lane looked at them and said.

“We won’t trouble them anymore.” A seemingly strong werewolf replied. Ryan remembered that his name was William, a former Auror. “The British Ministry of Magic is not friendly to us. We are very happy to be able to attend the wedding. We shouldn’t trouble the kind Weasley family.”

“So where are you going next?” Hermione asked Tonks, of course it should be Mrs. Lupin now.

“We plan to travel to Northern Europe for a month.” Tonks said, “Lupin is too tired during this time and he needs a good rest.”

“Then wish you all the best.” Ryan and they watched the wolves walk a long way before returning to the happy wedding scene.

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