Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 610 - Azkaban

This wedding was very late, until the party in the early morning did not end. Fortunately, everything was fine for this wedding, no one came to attack them, and there was no news of the fall of the Ministry of Magic.

But because of a little tired playing the previous day, Ryan didn’t get up until 9 o’clock the next day. After hurriedly tidying up and eating a sandwich in the kitchen, Professor Dumbledore came from outside.

“Ah, Albus, would you like some sandwiches? Yesterday we slept a little late, so we ate a lot later this morning,” Mrs. Weasley asked Professor Dumbledore.

“No need for the time being, I just need a cup of hot tea.” Professor Dumbledore took a sip of the tea cup handed over by Mrs. Weasley. “Your craftsmanship is really good, especially today we are going to a very cold place later. It is very good to drink a cup of hot tea before that. By the way, Ryan, I suggest you wear more clothes later.”

After drinking hot tea and saying goodbye to the people in the room, Dumbledore greeted Ryan and set off. After leaving the courtyard of the Burrow, they walked along the path for a while, and they crossed the hedge to a clearing.

“Okay, I think there should be no one around.” After looking around, Professor Dumbledore pulled out a black iron money from his arms. Ryan saw a skeleton pattern embossed on the iron money. “This is a special door key to Azkaban. There is a complex magical protection in that place. Only this special door key can pass. Ah, it’s time. Put your hands on it.”

Ryan put her finger on the iron money according to the words. After another familiar sense of weightlessness, Ryan found himself on a small black island with no grass, and Professor Dumbledore stood beside him.

“Is this Azkaban?” Ryan looked up at a triangular black castle hundreds of meters away. The castle stood on a separate island and occupied the entire island. Only there is a slightly protruding piece of land that is not occupied by the building, directly facing the island where they are now settled. According to the trestle on the land and the two black wooden boats, Lane can be sure that it is Azer. Entrance of Kaban.

Even if it is a few hundred meters away from the real castle, Lane can feel the strong negative emotions from that castle. Even after those negative emotions merged with the local special magical environment, a thick haze formed around the castle. Even the morning sunlight cannot penetrate that haze.

And because of this heavy haze inside the castle, there is no sunlight all day long, and Ryan can see the dim lights in the castle window made of black stones. However, after careful inspection, he found that the lower level of the castle was much brighter than the upper level.

“The people in the Ministry of Magic have changed from one to the other. They always refuse to transfer Azkaban’s Dementors. Even after most of the Dementors defected last time, I wrote to ask them and they told me only Some Dementors defected, and those who stayed in Azkaban were reliable. “Principal Dumbledore looked at Ryan’s direction and said in an angry tone,” Fortunately, I didn’t know it happened a while ago. What dementors disappeared most of a sudden. Only the survivors dared to hide at the top of the castle, which made us a lot easier. “

After speaking, Dumbledore threw the black iron coin in his hand into a black stone basin filled with silver liquid. Suddenly, a small black wooden boat docked on the trestle at the entrance of Azkaban left the trestle and drove towards the island. After the boat docked, Lane and Principal Dumbledore boarded the boat. After sitting firmly, Dumbledore knocked on the boat with his wand, and the boat quickly turned towards Azkaban Castle.

The closer to the castle Lane, the more depressed, especially after standing at the gate of the castle, the high black wall is like a cliff, which gives great mental pressure. This may be that the whole building was designed to intimidate people who entered the castle when it was originally designed, plus the wailing of countless prisoners and the camping of dementors for hundreds of years, let a large amount of negative energy gather in Here, after mixing with magic, it naturally gives people an extremely depressed feeling.

“Hello, we took Lucius Malfoy out of prison. This is the release certificate issued by the Ministry of Magic. I think the Ministry of Magic should have informed you about this matter in the morning.” After walking to the gate of the castle, Dumbledore knocked on the iron door. The iron door quickly opened a small eye-level hole on it, and Professor Dumbledore immediately expressed his intention and handed in a rolled parchment.

“Okay, come in.” A few dozen seconds later, the man appeared again after checking the documents and opened the castle door for Ryan and Dumbledore with his wand. The gate of Azkaban as a fortress is not large, and at most it can accommodate two people side by side. But the doorway is very deep and very dark. Lane walked into the door and couldn’t even see the exit of the door for a while.

Fortunately, the wizard who opened the door to them lit his wand, and then led them into the castle. He said while leading the way ahead. “The work on duty in Azkaban is really terrible. I wouldn’t come here to do this if I had tight hands before–“

After five or six minutes of walking, Ryan and they came to a hall. Unlike the imagination, the style of this hall is totally different from the overall style of Azkaban. Under soft lighting, a few soft cream-white sofas were placed around the fireplace, and against the wall were a row of bookshelves, filled with books on the top. The ground is covered with a thick red carpet, there is an iron shelf in the corner, and a few pots of beautiful plants are placed on it.

There are now two wizards sitting on the sofa playing wizard chess. When they heard the door open, they looked up and saw Professor Dumbledore.

“Principal Dumbledore, I’m so glad to see you today.” A witch with her short, short hair greeted him enthusiastically. “You are here–“

“Professor Dumbledore is here to go through the bail formalities of Lucius Malfoy.” Said the middle-aged wizard who brought Ryan and them in. “Susan, you give Professor Dumbledore some hot tea. Peter, you Use a double-sided mirror to notify Albert on patrol. Let them bring Lucius Malfoy over. “

“It seems different from when I came here.” Dumbledore and Ryan sat on the sofa facing the fireplace. After receiving the tea cups and thanking them, Dumbledore asked the middle-aged man who had just received him. wizard. “When I came at least two years ago, I remember this house was still a black stone hall, and even dripping water from the ceiling.”

“You are right.” The middle-aged wizard just said, “The two dorms next to this house were repaired a few months ago. After most of the dementors disappeared, the magic The department can only make us Aurors and strikers make up for the personnel gap. We have three Aurors and six strikers divided into three teams here, usually one team patrols, one team rests and serves as a reserve force, and one team sleeps. But because The environment in Azkaban is too bad, we can only persist if we try to make the rest and the living place as good as possible ~ ~ At the beginning, the Ministry of Magic didn’t want to spend this money because it was willing to come Generally hemp wizards or half-blood wizards, “said the young witch named Susan, who was very angry. “Fortunately, we collectively said that if there is no corresponding protection, they refuse to come here, and they can’t find someone who can replace us. In the end, we can only grind our teeth and pay us to prepare this.”

“I repeatedly told the Ministry of Magic that Azkaban does not need Dementors. Dementors like this evil creature will only be Voldemort’s helper. But magic never accepts my statement.” Dumbledore said.

After hearing the word Voldemort, the staff of the Ministry of Magic both shivered. Then the middle-aged wizard said, “But this is much better than in the past. When I sent the prisoner over, I was all in the door. Shit, now only those who go to the top floor of the prison cell where there are dementors will have that feeling. “

“Boom-Boom Boom.” Just as Dumbledore was talking with the head of Azkaban, there was a long, two, three short knocks on the other door of the hall. The middle-aged wizard nodded apologetically to Dumbledore, and then walked to the door, holding his wand.

“Lightning.” The middle-aged wizard shouted.

“Thunder.” There was a thick voice outside the door, and then the door opened, and a wizard with white temples came to the front, and the two wizards walked in with Lucius Malfoy in prison uniform. .

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