Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 611 - past

“Okay, the people have arrived, and we continue to patrol now.” After letting Lucius Malfoy stand in the middle of the hall to lift the shackles and shackles, the two-faced wizard had waved to the people in the hall. Just left.

Lucius seems a little depressed, the whole person looks very indifferent, basically has no reaction to the outside world. This is normal, and it will be true for anyone after living with Dementors for a whole year.

“Let’s go. I think Lucius should be able to recover after returning to his wife and children.” Professor Dumbledore told Ryan, and then they said goodbye to these guards and left Azkaban.

“Lucius, how are you?” After Ryan knocked on the gate of Grimo Square 12, Narcissa Malfoy opened the gate immediately. Seeing her look should have been waiting here in the morning after learning that Lucius was released from prison today.

“That, Mrs. Malfoy.” At this time, Professor Dumbledore was not suitable to come forward, so he could only rely on Ryan. “He just stayed with Dementors for a longer period of time, just to recuperate for a while.”

“That’s good, that’s good–” Mrs. Malfoy murmured, and then walked Lucius Malfoy into the room. And Draco Malfoy, who followed, very seriously thanked Ryan. Since such a big change at home, Malfoy has changed a lot. As Sirius said, the little guy at Malfoy looks much better than his father, at least not so annoying.

Professor Dumbledore sent Ryan back to the Burrow and left. Just after the principal left, Harry turned from the corner with a complex expression on his face. “Ryan-can I talk to you about something?”

“What’s the matter.” Ryan looked at Harry’s expression behind him, worrying that Harry wouldn’t have suddenly awakened something strange after seeing so many weddings yesterday, but things didn’t turn to strange places.

“I just want to talk to you about Principal Dumbledore.” Harry said that he was a little uneasy at this point. “Because at yesterday’s wedding, I heard something about Principal Dumbledore’s youth from some old people. Time. Some of these are things we have never heard of before, I think— “

“What happened to Mr. Principal when he was young?” Ryan thought of something. It seemed that Harry had heard something about Professor Dumbledore’s past at the wedding, which was precisely incomplete and with a strong personal tendency. Argument. He knew that he needed to tell Harry some real truth at this time, because any small gap in the war era would cause serious problems.

“About Mr. Principal when I was young, I really know a little more than you.” Ryan said. “Because I learned from some special channels (the seven novels and nine movies of my last life, and a lot of materials from the perspective of pottermore.) I knew something about what happened to our principal when he was young. He is not a A perfect person, but definitely not an evil person. “

“So what’s going on with his sister?” Harry blurted out after listening to Ryan’s words, then he said a little embarrassedly. “This was what I heard from Ron’s Aunt Muriel at the wedding. She told me that Dumbledore imprisoned her sister at home. Just because she was a dumb gun, she might be ashamed of their family.”

“Ryan, Harry, what are you two standing in the yard?” Ryan heard Hermione’s greeting just after he heard Harry’s words and was about to answer. It turned out that Hermione saw that the two had been standing at the door, feeling a little strange, and came out to call them.

“It’s okay, we are talking about something.” Ryan said to Hermione, then turned to Harry. “Let’s talk after we enter the room. It’s a bit silly to stand in the yard now.”

Harry seemed to think so too. At this time, several brothers of the Weasley family and Ginny had gone to Bill ’s new house, so the room seemed empty, and only Mrs. Weasley was cooking in the kitchen. sound.

“If you want to chat, you can go upstairs and talk, standing in the courtyard looks a bit strange. Well, I’m going to work for Mrs. Weasley, otherwise it is difficult to guarantee that lunch will be served on time. By the way, Ryan, this morning Is everything going well? “Hermione asked after they went into the door.

“Very smooth.” Lane nodded. “Lucius Malfoy has reached 12 Grimmauld Place. Fortunately Sirius took his wife and the Lupin couple to travel in Northern Europe. Otherwise, I believe it will be noisy now.”

After Ryan and Harry walked into Ron’s room and closed the door, Ryan began to tell Harry about the past, including why Dumbledore’s father was in prison, his sister was silent and when the principal was young The experience with Grindelwald.

The amount of information contained in this conversation is so great that Harry seemed to be in a trance during lunch.

“Harry, what’s wrong with you?” Ginny asked when eating. “Why do you think you are very confused now, and you have been like this since this morning.”

“Ah-it’s okay.” Harry recovered, and then calmed down. “It was just too tired to play at that wedding yesterday, and then it was only Sirius’s invitation to drink half a glass of fiery whiskey.”

“Sirius is a bit over.” Mrs. Weasley said dissatisfiedly, “Harry, he is just an adult, how can he drink such a strong wine.”

“It’s okay, I don’t think it’s a problem with alcohol. Just take a short break.” Harry had wanted to find an excuse for his abnormal state to cope with the past, but he didn’t expect this fire to burn Sirius , So he quickly refuted. It’s just that Mrs. Weasley didn’t think Sirius was innocent. It seemed that she planned to wait for Sirius to come back and discuss the parenting issue with him.

After lunch, Ryan and several of their students got together to write summer homework. While writing, Harry suddenly asked Hermione: “Hermione, have you heard of the Silent One?”

“Of course I know.” Hermione took out a book from her school bag. “This thing is not classroom content, but there is this content in the supplementary extracurricular book of the black magic defense technique class-yes, this is it.”

Hermione took out a big black-skinned book from her bag, titled “The Source and Flow of Black Magic,” and she turned to a page where she read: “The young wizard will restrain her own in order to escape doom. Magic power, but due to lack of guidance, they did not learn to control and control their own power, so they derived a parasite-dark magic power silently. It is a very unstable and difficult to control black magic. It moves very fast , Will break away from the host and attack others. In the historical records, there is no case that the silent person can live 10 years old. “

“The silent person is the host, and is hosted by the dark magic power of” silently “. Once the wizard is subjected to great emotional fluctuations, the silence in the body will explode, and the silent person will become a black, unsubstantial black mist. , Destructive power is extremely powerful ~ ~ If they have not used magic, they will silently bite the host, and eventually take over the host’s body without control, resulting in disaster. “

“Fortunately, with the separation of the magic world and the Muggle world, children are no longer forced to hide their authenticity in their own world, and the number of silent people is gradually decreasing. Today we can hardly find Silent. “

“So what would you do if you found the silent in the past?” Harry went on to ask, and Hermione gave Harry a curious look, because he was not a good learner. But since he asked, Hermione felt he should answer it.

“It will be executed directly after early detection, which is for security reasons.” Hermione said, “but by the 20th century, because of the preventive detention of silent people by humanitarian wizards, the place of detention is often the country. Wizard Prison. “

“Understood, I understand. It all makes sense now.” Harry stood up excitedly. Ron, Ginny and Hermione stared at Harry a little confused, not sure what he was going crazy at this time. Only Ryan knew that Harry had figured out what Professor Dumbledore’s past was all about at this time, and there was no longer the doubt and confusion about everything around him.

“Okay, nothing.” Harry explained quickly after watching everyone staring at himself with strange eyes. “I just figured out a key question just now, let’s continue with our homework.”

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