Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 612 - New world

After dinner, Ryan and Hermione declined the Weasley family’s enthusiastic retention and returned to their estate. In the previous month, the two people were really busy and a bit overdone, so after returning to their home, they took a good rest and rested for two or three days to completely soothe their spirits before arranging the next plan.

“I think we should go to a new world and turn around.” Hermione suggested, “It is simply that our own strength cannot grow so fast. I think we need to get more knowledge from different worlds from another. Angle strengthens our strength. “

“This is also a good idea.” Ryan nodded in agreement, just like a mentor said, quantity is also a kind of quality. If he can master enough abilities, Ryan feels that this will be in a favorable position in the next war.

After the battle at the end of last semester, Lane gained 50 offset points. After adding the previous offset points, Lane now has 258 offset points, which means he can go to any world. After careful thinking, Ryan decided that this time he will go to the highest level of the world to see if he can gain more power.

Actually, Ryan has the coordinates of a ninth-level world, which is the world where Jill was before. However, considering that when Jill was born, there didn’t seem to be any major events in the world, and he should not be involved in any important things. In particular, most of the magic effects in that world coincide with the magic effects that Lane now masters, and they lack sufficient complementarity.

So he feels that he has opened a new world to see, maybe there will be some unexpected gains. So after making all the preparations, Ryan took Hermione, Rose Crystal and Jill to a new world through the Wanjie grocery store.

“The woods, the woods are the woods.” Rose Crystal complained, “Aren’t you brothers, son of the jungle? Every time you go to a new world, you will appear in the woods.”

“I don’t know what’s going on.” Ryan also looked dumbfounded, but although everyone was vomiting together in such a strange situation, there was no delay in the business, and soon Rose Crystal rose into the air to investigate the surrounding situation. .

“There seems to be a fight near us on the left, because I heard the sound of metal collisions and screams. But the specific situation was not clear because of the branches blocking me.” Soon the rose crystal fell from the tree Speaking to Ryan.

“I also feel the death of life.” Hermione said after taking a serious look at the direction just like Rose Crystal. “And there is more than one life lost.”

After confirming the result of the investigation, the three immediately followed the open space in the forest to the place where the investigation was made. Two or three minutes later, they heard various shouts. After rushing out of a bush, the three immediately saw what happened on the dirt road in front of them.

More than two dozen people were struggling to resist the carriages on the road more than 30 meters away. Of course, the resistance was not all humans, but at least most of them looked like humans. The attacking party is just the opposite, a group of things that are only half the height of humans. They have flat faces, huge nostrils, pointed ears and huge mouths. The body is ugly yellow brown.

There are about 150 of these monsters, most of them only have extremely poor equipment. However, there are 12 monsters riding wolves that seem to have a full set of armor and weapons, although these weapons and armor do not seem to match at all. The commander is two monsters that are almost as tall as humans and densely armed. These two monsters are standing and pointing.

It seems that the side of the human convoy has reached the end of the crossbow, and five or six people are lying on the ground without knowing the life and death, and the others are slow. If there are no accidents, the ambush will end in a fiasco.

“Hands.” The current situation makes it easy to tell who is the enemy. When Ryan notified others through his soul, he immediately condensed a flash of lightning and shot at a monster standing in command from a height. At the same time, Hermione also shot A red and black intertwined light attacked another commanding monster.

Two monsters were killed instantly after being hit. At this time, Rose Crystal also flew over the battlefield and shot a lot of crystal fragments to the ground. After that, the whole person threw down his hands and waved his sword into the monster group to kill. For her, this monster of her height has never been seen before, and this time it is just time to try your own swordsmanship.

Although this group of monsters has a large number of people, their combat effectiveness is very general. Especially when the commander was put down in the first round, and the Rose Air Crystal airstrike just took care of the wolf knights to make them almost wiped out. The morale of these monsters dropped to freezing point. Rose Crystal and the guards of those teams just took advantage of the situation to cut down a dozen monsters, and the remaining monsters ran to the jungle like birds and beasts.

However, these monsters have not escaped Hermione ’s shadow magic, especially when facing such a large number of enemies that are not strong, Hermione has maximized the lethality of his shadow magic, and the team members standing on the dirt road Seeing the little monsters in the woods running, they fell silently one by one.

Soon after the last monster was cut by his shadow and his throat was killed, Ryan and Hermione also rushed to the battlefield just now. By this time, the two had learned the local language from the soul of the dead monster.

The shop quickly walked out of a middle-aged, fat-looking man dressed in red fine linen and fur robes. He has black eyes and hair, and he has a neatly trimmed mustache, and he looks like an Italian overall. It was just that the sweat on his head and the dust on his body made him look embarrassed.

“Thank you two spellcasters, we are a caravan going to do business in Silvermoon City. If it is not for your help, we will surely become dinner for those **** goblins tonight.”

As Ryan and Hermione, who had run several regiments in private, they knew where they were at once. Ryan spoke here. “We are the masters who want to pursue the knowledge of magic. I heard that there is a place in Yinyue City that is willing to teach people magic. So we want to go to school. Since you are going over there, we can just walk with you. These roads in the North are not very clear. “

The store representative easily believed what Ryan said, because Ryan had just shown their mage status just now. At the same time, Silvermoon City, as the pearl of the North, did attract a large number of professionals, and there are not few masters who come to study like Ryan. Caravan members have seen many such people in Silvermoon City before.

“It is an honor for the two distinguished Master Masters to wish us to go with us. We will reach Silvermoon City for a long time further north. These stubborn goblins only dare to patrol the Silvermoon City Patrol. Do these activities outside the scope of the circle. “

For this caravan, it is absolutely good news for two casters to join. Whether the caster can reduce the risk after joining, or a good relationship with the two casters is beneficial.

“As far as I know, Silvermoon City will usually send enough patrols to protect the security between their ruling areas ~ ~ Hermione asked after thinking about what she had seen in the game manual before.

“No way, the winter in the Northland is much longer than elsewhere.” The caravan leader’s face became a little ugly. “When winter is approaching, monsters in the north will go south and plunder around. Yinyue City can’t divide enough people. They can only guarantee to block large stocks of enemies.”

“Then why didn’t you come over early?” Hermione then asked.

“This lady, some things sell better in the winter, so we are taking a certain risk at this time in order to make more money. We come to Silvermoon at this time, and we do n’t encounter these disgusting things every time. Creatures. “The caravan leader is now more sure of Ryan’s identity. Hermione’s question was just like a little noble lady from other places who is not familiar with the world.

Hermione shouted her tongue a little embarrassedly, then turned her head to look seriously at the caravan that cleaned the battlefield. Fortunately, only two of the five or six people who had just fallen to the ground were killed. The other people were rescued by Ryan with their help. However, in this world, due to the extremely active magical power, the remains of the victims must be brought to the city to be buried by the priest before they can be buried, otherwise they will easily become undead attackers.

It seems that after a while and half can’t handle all the things, Ryan and they simply started talking to the caravan leader to try to get more information.

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