Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 613 - contact

“What are you talking about? Ms. Elaszlo will soon resign to the position of High Master?” In the chat, Lane received a very important message, that is, this time period is just the first unified regime of the Northland Silver Moon Federation. On the eve of this, this group of businessmen also ran for this matter, because it means that the Northland will develop further, and the recent moon celebration will definitely consume a lot of materials, and the goods in their hands can be sold for a good price. .

Now the caravan in front of Lane is a small caravan from Silvermoon City, which is a relatively safe route running to Deepwater City. Some places farther away, such as Sandaba or Adeba Fort, are not accessible to them.

In this medieval environment, long-distance running business is a very dangerous thing. For example, Ryan ’s army in the Kingdom of the Lord of the Rings and the World of Songs of Ice and Fire, in peace time, except for the city and training, the rest of the time Used to strangle robbers who can never be killed on trade routes. For example, if this caravan is not meeting Ryan, it would be nice to be able to rush out half of the people, and the goods will definitely be lost.

“We seem to be one step late, it seems that we can only enter the city tomorrow.” After cleaning the battlefield, everyone accelerated their pace. It’s a pity that when they rushed to the gate of the city, they found that the gate had been closed.

“So where are we going tonight?” Ryan asked the caravan leader after looking at the sunset at the horizon, “It shouldn’t be camping.”

“That’s not enough, there are a lot of small villages around here. It happened that I had a friend’s house nearby, and his family opened a hotel part-time, and we can stay at his house for one night.” The caravan leader said Everyone walked down the main road and walked eastward along the city wall. Before going too far, I saw a small village with seven or eight buildings. One of the buildings had a sign hanging on the door, and a wooden wine barrel and A pitchfork.

After the caravan was settled, Ryan immediately took Hermione and Rose Crystal to the tavern on the first floor to find out the news. This is a good place for the peasants nearby to spend a few coins after spending only one silver coin (the spoils just now), and they heard a somewhat unusual news.

“Are you wizards?” Said a rosacea farmer drinking the ale invited by Lane. “Then you can visit Andorin. She and her husband, who is a famous chef in Silver Moon City, live in the house on the other side of the field. This couple is very good. But this morning their chimney There was a smell that I smelled the worst in my life, and I am a little worried about them now. “

“It sounds like the beginning of a mission.” After the farmer walked away with the wine glass, Hermione said to Ryan, “But for us, this is an excellent opportunity to get in touch with local casters and magic. We Go now. “

Lane very much agreed with Hermione’s point of view, and after saying hello to the caravan leader, the three of them walked to the farmer’s place just now. At this time it was getting dark, and the farmland without light pollution seemed very dark. Ryan and Hermione could only hold a lantern grass in one hand to illuminate themselves, while Rose Crystal was flying low above their heads. Watch around.

After five or six hundred meters, they saw the small wooden house nestled in a sparse maple forest. But the strange thing was that the door was half open, and Ryan saw the darkness inside through the crack.

“It’s not right, normal people who will open the door at night.” Ryan and Hermione pulled out their wands at the same time. Then Ryan created a breeze and opened the door, lit the wand in his hand and took it in. They saw the one facing the door. It is a living room with a large sofa that looks very comfortable. On the left is an armchair placed in front of the fireplace and under the window on the right is a desk.

“It doesn’t seem to be anything here, but I heard the sound of tearing behind the front door.” After a brief glance, Ryan and Hermione crept through the living room, but they leaned against the fireplace as they walked to the fireplace The fire stick on the side came to life at once, and then thrust sharply to Ryan walking in front.

Ryan responded in time to block the blow with an iron armor curse, after which Rose Crystal swooped down and waved the sword to cut the iron rod with two cuts.

“This should be an activated item. We’d better be more careful.” Ryan said after checking the two iron bars that fell to the ground, because considering that there might be enemies in the house, they had to give up the magic investigation, but the result was not I think there are still institutions waiting for them.

After being attacked, the three men continued to move forward vigilantly, but did not wait until the second round of attack until they reached another door of the house.

“The sound came from here.” Lane closed his eyes at the door and listened to Hermione and Rose Crystal through the soul connection for a few seconds. “It looks like the enemy is probably inside. Ready to fight.”

After everyone was ready to fight, Ryan threw a flash of sunlight crystal into the room, and the strong sunlight enveloped the whole room. A scream came from the left.

Screamed at a 2-foot-tall, dark red skin with leather-like bat wings, spiked tails, and ultra-small humanoids with curved sharp corners. Ryan and Hermione, who are running team enthusiasts, immediately recognized that this was a little devil from Bartoll Hell.

The next battle ended in an instant. While the little devil covered his eyes stabbed by the strong light and failed to react for a while, Ryan quickly blocked it with a curse spell, and then Rose Crystal quickly waved the crystal sword. The struggling little devil cut into a dozen pieces of table tennis-sized meat, and the whole process took only a few seconds.

After confirming that the enemies were cleared, they heard a weak moan. Ryan and Hermione quickly walked to the side of the bed, and then saw a bruised man with blood on his face collapsed on the bed, his wrists and ankles were tied. With.

Ryan hurriedly released the shackles of this man and Hermione quickly checked his physical condition with magic. The condition of the man is much better than expected, most of the blood on his body is just some ketchup. It looks weak now because of a paralytic poison and some dehydration.

The man was awake after being fed a bottle of antidote and a glass of water. He told Ryan and Hermione that they were the husband of the wizard Andorin and chef Gandro. He made it this way because he made a cheese golem with his wife. The result was when his wife went to the laboratory to study magic. This little devil sent by a demon named Wo Gang Demon who had enmity with his wife a long time ago just came in to make trouble ~ ~ It triggered the violent mode of the cheese golem and wounded Gandru, and then tied him He beat him in the bedroom.

“Remember, don’t use flames against that golem, flames will only make him stronger, and this golem is very strong.” After learning that Ryan and three of them were going to destroy the uncontrolled cheese golem , Ganderru seriously told, except that he only knew that the Golem was still in the house, but he didn’t know the exact location.

Soon they came into the dining room alertly from the living room. There was nothing strange in the dining room. But after stepping into the kitchen through another door, traces of the destruction of the golem appeared in front of them: a few iron pans and kettles fell to the ground, the pottery was broken, and the broken pieces were everywhere in the room. Yes, the wall was splashed with a mixture of spices, and it was still dripping wet.

After entering the tattered kitchen, they saw a door in the room that looked like a door leading to the basement. It was closed and held tightly by a chair. It seemed that someone was afraid of something coming out of it. Reminisce about the golem that Gander just said did not leave this house. Ryan they probably can be sure that the golem is now in the basement.

After confirming that the enemy is a golem, Ryan summoned his own Lady of Roses to float in front of her chest and opened the door of the basement and walked in first. He felt that he could just have a magic against this enemy. use.

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