Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 614 - Silvermoon City

As soon as the basement door opened, a burst of heat came, and the heat was mixed with cream and tomato sauce.

“This should be one of the enemies I’ve seen that smells the best.” Hermione said after putting a shadow shield on everyone. “However, such a large ball of cream dessert is not easy to beat, because we have no experience with it at all.”

“Don’t worry, if I feel right, the battle will end soon. I can be quite sure with this construct.” After Ryan first walked into the basement, he saw a standing mess Pale white humanoid.

“Explode.” Ryan manipulated the Virgin Rose to release a pink light containing a large number of color runes on the construct. The cheese construct that was walking step by step was stopped immediately after being hit, and then a series of slight explosions occurred inside.

“It’s—” Hermione looked at the big white guy standing there strangely when she came down. Just when she was about to say something, the large cheese dim sum structure in the basement suddenly swelled. Get up, and then explode with a bang. Fortunately, before they all had enough magical protection on themselves, no one was injured, but they were taken aback.

“This is really a magical world. I felt this way when I was playing games. Now when I really arrived here, I found that the games on the desktop are far from the real world.” Hermione came to be broken After checking the pieces before saying. “At least I’ve never heard of such a strangely adequate body no matter where I was from before.”

“Hello, how is the situation in the basement now?” Just after Ryan and Hermione examined the now-destructed structure, a voice of a middle-aged woman came from the basement.

“That construct has been wiped out and everything is safe underneath.” Ryan replied. Soon a middle-aged female mage in a robe walked down the stairs. After looking at the mess in the basement, she confronted Ryan and He. Min said. “Thank you very much for saving my husband. My name is Andorin. I am a mage. I hope I can do something for you in return for your help to our family.”

“We are a wizard from a distant place, my name is Lane, and this is my fiancee Hermione. The reason why the two of us came here is to hope to be able to exchange knowledge with other wizards.” Lane introduced very simply Knowing his identity, he spoke slowly after considering it. “So, I hope–I hope I can learn something from you.”

“Of course.” The female mage Andorin nodded. “Knowledge comes at a price. As long as you can bring out the knowledge that interests me, I will exchange the corresponding knowledge with you. In addition, in order to thank you for saving my husband, I can teach you You magic. “

“This is simply amazing.” Ryan said happily. He didn’t expect to get new magic knowledge on the first day of coming to this world. “We really didn’t come to the wrong place. The place of Silver Moon City really is like a legend. It ’s like a mage ’s paradise, where all kinds of magical knowledge is tightly blocked in our hometown. Only the immediate blood relatives of the knowledge master can learn. ”

“That’s really bad.” Andorin said when everyone went upstairs together. “Only communication can promote the development of magic. If everyone only cares about hiding their secrets, the development of magic will be very slow.”

“This is indeed the case, this is why we came out to study.” Hermione whispered, and then greeted the rose crystals who were ambushing on the room beams before greeting them on the back road.

Seeing a purple shadow suddenly emerge from the beam of the house and flew down, Andorin was surprised, but her eyes lit up when she discovered that she was a puppet. “Ryan, what is this puppet?”

“My name is Rose Crystal.” Rose Crystal floated in the air elegantly and said to Andorine after a dressing ceremony. “My elder brother is my creator.”

“This is unexpected. You are so young-I’m sorry I didn’t expect you to be so powerful. I’m honored that you have come to my house as a guest. Please allow me to leave now to prepare a sumptuous banquet for you and your wife. “

Andorin had left some words without a preface and hurriedly left, leaving Ryan and her thoughtful Hermione with a sullen expression.

“What’s the matter with him?” Ryan felt a little inexplicable. The middle-aged mage just had a good chat just now. Why was he suddenly so excited to say a lot of words and left.

“I think it may be the reason why you are so powerful in her eyes.” Hermione said thoughtfully. “If the statistics of performance when I played the game were correct, there is a necessary spell for making alchemy creatures like Madonna Rose that has its own life. This is a ninth-level spell of change. You can To release such magic means that you are at least a powerful mage with professional level 17. Although the real world may be different from the digital representation in the game, there will not be such a precise level division. But after mastering some magic What should be clear to most people. “

Indeed, as Hermione said, Andorin appeared to be much more humble in the subsequent communication. This attitude made it easier for Ryan to communicate. After eating, Rose Crystal ran to the caravan in the hotel. They left the matter, and Ryan and Andorine started a discussion directly.

In the next three days, Ryan set up tents directly in the open space in front of the hut door, and then began to exchange a variety of knowledge, although there are no small differences in the use of magic in different worlds, but the power The essence has not changed much. After spending some misunderstandings caused by different cultures at the beginning, the following communication was very smooth.

With both parties having a heart to communicate, Ryan quickly collected all the magic written in Andorin’s spellbook, but by watching Andorin happy, he knew that he benefited greatly from this communication. It can even be said that she thinks she has gained more than she paid.

“Time has passed so quickly.” After the exchange on the morning of the fourth day came to an end, Andorine looked at the calendar on the wall and said in surprise, then he said to Ryan and them. “Since you plan to go to Silvermoon City to exchange magic, then I think I can introduce you to Ms. Elaszlo.”

“Ms. Erasjo?” Hermione was a little surprised. “Can you introduce her to us?”

“Of course.” Andorin seemed a little proud of this. “Because my husband and I are in charge of eating and drinking at the Moon Celebration Banquet ~ ~ we have the opportunity to meet Ms. Elaszlo. At the same time, I believe that Ms. Elaszlo will not refuse in this situation. Meet two of you powerful and friendly mages. “

“This sounds very good,” said Hermione, and half an hour later they were standing at the gate of Silvermoon City. Because Andorin and her husband were the guarantors, Ryan easily passed the interrogation of the silver knight and entered the city. From the tone of the knights, Ryan found that he was very welcome to be a mage like this.

“Because the mages are expensive, they are not as good as those rude mercenaries or adventurers, or they are drunk and fight everywhere.” After listening to Hermione’s inner doubts, Andorin smiled and answered. .

“Where are we going next?” Ryan asked.

“Go to our shop first.” Chef Gandro said. “Ms. Erasjo will come to our shop to eat several times a month, as long as you stay in our shop, you will always meet her.”

Gandru ’s restaurant is located on the side of a small square, which is very modern, with fountains, benches, flowers and trees. There are also some small vendors selling snacks and various small things.

There are a lot of children playing here, and they do n’t have to worry about being kidnapped by bad guys like most medieval cities. Because from time to time in the square there are silver knight patrols to maintain order. At the same time, Ryan could feel that the two statues on the fountain were not pure stone carvings, but two graphite statues of alchemy structures. The average adventurer is really not an opponent of these two golems.

“No wonder this place will be called the Pearl of the North.” Hermione said by holding Ryan’s hand. “It seems that we did come to the right place this time.”

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