Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 624 - Play against

“How is your magic prepared?” When the Aurors went to the prison cell to drive out the dementors, Ryan quickly arranged the magic circle to stand up and ask Hermione next to her. A nervous preparation for a new magic learned from Silvermoon City.

“No problem.” Hermione made an OK gesture. “In order to prevent accidents. This time I prepared a powerful spell. I believe this spell can be used against evil creatures like Dementors.”

After listening to this sentence, Ryan nodded with confidence, and he had a top alchemist as a guide. After Hermione began to analyze the death rules, no one could give her precise guidance, so before she could only use those marginal magics such as shadow magic or blood magic to try to exert the power of death, while trying to collect information for self-study.

Unfortunately, even with so many worlds as the backing, there are still not many suitable ways to use the power of death. The only thing that should be touched is the part of the information about Maoshan’s corpse that Uncle Jiu took out after hearing Ryan’s distress, but for Hermione, things like keeping corpses and corpses are really not of her interest, let alone This does not fully exert the power of death.

The same is true in this world, except for the life-spelling mantra that can be related to death, only the corpse is made. But these black magics with serious sequelae are at best reference value, so for a long time before, Hermione used the power of death as clumsy and inefficient as the people who took the RPG bazooka.

Fortunately, the last trip to Faerlen World solved all this. As one of the most powerful legendary magicians in the North, Ai Lai Zhuo collected almost a full set of general magic. During that day and night study, Hermione obtained the key to open the door used for the power of death. Today is the first time she has shown her strength after returning here.

Ryan used a wand to light up a few carved metal pieces that had just been placed in the corner, to ensure that even if Hermione’s spelling was slightly wrong, he could make up for it in time.

A few minutes later, as the cold feeling continued to intensify, a group of dementors in their cloaks, showing rotten limbs from the cloak, swarmed into the hall from several passages. Behind them there are flesh and blood patrons driving them.

“Spirit Nova.” Seeing that most of the dementors had rushed into the hall, even some dementors rushed to a place five or six meters away from her. Hermione waved her wand hard after chanting the mantra calmly. In an instant, an invisible wave of souls spread out with her as the core until it covered the entire hall.

In the face of this kind of magic specifically for incorporeal creatures, in the world of Harry Potter, it is considered that only the patron saint can resist the dementors as fragile as the castle on the beach. In the surprised eyes of the prison staff who were chasing behind, the dementors stopped moving at the same time as Hermione’s wand was waving.

A subtle click and click came out of these dementors, and then all the dementors began to emit a lot of black smoke to the surroundings. In just ten seconds, the dementors in Azkaban Castle disappeared completely.

“This is incredible.” The guards, after confirming that the dementors had indeed disappeared, put away their physical guardians, and after carefully checking the hall, the youngest Susan couldn’t help but sigh in surprise. Lively looked at Hermione with curious eyes. “It’s that simple, the monsters disappeared?”

“It’s not too difficult, as long as you master the power of death–” Hermione was very happy that she had achieved such accomplishment for the first time using the power of death in combat. Susan seemed very happy after being asked. So I picked up some non-critical things and started talking, but this is enough for wizards who don’t know another magic system.

“Let’s next—” The oldest Auror Albert just opened his mouth, and heard a huge roar from outside the castle, as if someone was hitting with a huge siege hammer The wall is the same.

“Damn, the attackers came too quickly.” Ryan felt the impact of Azkaban’s magical defenses at once.

“Now everyone follow the method in the previous plan to protect their respective areas according to the team. I believe that now the mysterious people should not come over in person, so we can keep it here with the help of the magic circle on the castle.” Lane saw the guards’ faces. Not good-looking, so he exhaled loudly, and at the same time released a newly learned magic firm confidence.

This second-level magic effect is very good, and after calming down, they also knew that Voldemort could not come by himself just after he captured the Ministry of Magic. Within a few seconds, the guards recovered their composure, and then began to rush to their positions in the castle to prepare for defense.

After everyone had gone away, Ryan walked upstairs, and Hermione passed a parchment behind him and asked with a very quick speed, “The prisoner downstairs is not a big problem, not the previous one. I was arrested by the Ministry of Magic for a while. Some minor criminals who only need to stay here for a few months have been committed. I believe they will stay in their houses for a while, but the heavy criminals upstairs How to do?”

“Six real Death Eaters, plus three black wizards who committed a lot of crimes, are there only nine people in total?” Ryan did not stop, but looked down at the list and said. “Then you can go directly to the prisoner’s prison area after going upstairs. I think I can stop the attackers coming by myself.”

“I’m going to the prison cell?” Hermione thought about something immediately, and she bit her lip lightly. “Is an emergency prevention plan needed today?”

“It shouldn’t be too much. I don’t think the Death Eaters are easy to get in when they have defenses here.” Ryan reassured that after experiencing so much world, Hermione still has some psychological obstacles to killing unarmed people. Even if these people do deserve it. “Just in case–“

“So just in case, as long as you send me a signal, I will execute all the convicts as quickly as possible.” Hermione said, looking at Ryan with a slightly surprised face. “After so much experience, I am no longer as naive as before. I know there are some things that I do n’t like but I still have to do.”

Ryan took a deep breath and then turned to hug Hermione. He knew how difficult it was for Hermione to make the change now.

A few seconds later, the blushing Hermione broke free from Ryan ’s arms, and then walked into the guard room beside the stairs leading to the gate of the heavy prison area ~ ~ while Ryan pulled out her wand Continue up the stairs.

The prison cell for the prisoners is on the top floor of the castle, after saying goodbye to Hermione. Ryan went up the stairs for a short while and came to the front of a heavy iron door. After using the method the guards told him to knock on the iron door with magic, Ryan opened the iron door and stood in the castle. Top level.

A milky white translucent protective cover has now been raised around Azkaban Castle. From time to time, one or two explosion sparks bloom on the protective cover. Through the protective cover, Ryan saw a dozen Death Eaters riding on a broom and trying to attack with a wand in his hand.

Their level is very general, if only this level, Lane thinks they should not be able to attack. However, they did not intend to attack the castle in this way. After seeing Ryan coming out, one of the Death Eaters shouted: “Quickly stop your resistance. According to the Ministry of Magic, you should immediately put Az Kaban handed over to us. “

After talking about the Death Eater, he waved the parchment in his hand, and the sharp-eyed Ryan saw that it was indeed covered with the seal of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic.

“Ministry of Magic? Sorry, I don’t think the Ministry of Magic is a legitimate organization now.” Although Ryan was a little surprised that Voldemort and the Death Eaters were controlling the speed of the Ministry, he refused the request of the Death Eaters decisively.

“Don’t deliberately fight against the Dark Lord. At this time, if you don’t surrender, no one can save you.” The leading Death Eater shouted angrily after hearing Ryan’s reply. “If you surrender now, I can guarantee the safety of your life. But if you continue to be stubborn, when we enter, you and all the resistance will die miserably.”

After he finished, he took out a small silver ball and slammed it against the barrier.

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