Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 625 - Pink devil

After the Death Eaters found that they could not attack Azkaban, the lead man took out a small silver ball and threw it onto the magic barrier. The moment when the ball touched the barrier, a strong light was emitted from the contact point, and then a strong energy spread from the contact point to the four sides.

When the light was weaker, Ryan discovered that the magic barrier was actually penetrated by the small ball. With the contact point as the center, the entire magic shield dissolves and collapses as quickly as the butter hit by the red hot knife.

“Praise the great Dark Lord.” The leading Death Eater shouted loudly, and it seemed that the thing he had in his hand was given to him by Voldemort. After shouting the slogan, a dozen Death Eaters flew toward the main part of Azkaban Castle like an arrow with a broom. Halfway through the flight, they were divided into two paths. Some of them quickly descended on the broom in an attempt to attack the main entrance of the weakest magic defense, while the other half pulled up the broom and flew to Lane standing on the roof.

“The next step is to face up, let me see what level I am now.” In the previous battles, Ryan generally used sneak attacks, surprise attacks or preset positions to fight. And now, after mastering some of the rules of alchemy, Ryan intends to confront these dark wizards head-on in order to determine what his level of melee is.

After inspiring Our Lady of Rose, Ryan’s back grew crystal-like pink transparent wings again. But when he just flew up into the sky to meet the Death Eaters, he saw that the Death Eaters in front of him began to turn in a panic, and fled in the opposite direction frantically. The devil is actually here. “

“Pink demon, why don’t they say piggy page.” Ryan began to be confused, but soon remembered that he was waving pink wings on the day he helped Harry leave from his aunt’s house. It seemed that the attack left a deep impression on the group of Death Eaters. Even so, Ryan had never imagined that they had reached the point of escaping directly after seeing the pink wings.

But in fact, Ryan ’s deterrent is not so strong, but this time the Death Eaters are also some people. According to the original plan, they should easily receive the chaotic Azkaban prison and release the prisoners and Death Eaters after the Ministry of Magic was broken, and then use these Death Eaters and Death Eaters Wrapping up other criminals creates chaos.

Even if there were guards stubbornly resisting, they felt that as long as the thing given by Voldemort was used to break the Azkaban defense, the people inside would flee. Then they can complete the task given by Voldemort without any effort.

But the appearance of Ryan gave this group of new Death Eaters who thought they could pick up a cheap blow, and they had no plans to participate in a **** battle, and their morale collapsed on the spot.

At this time, the real elite was taken by Voldemort to attack the Ministry of Magic. All the speculators or parallels came here. In the case of drastic changes in the situation, it is also reasonable to lack the corresponding judgment to directly clear the morale.

Saw that the group of men who were still menacing just now fled around, Ryan flapped his wings and chased down. However, the group of guys that he was staring at found Ryan chased down and flew away in all directions. In this case, Ryan could only kill one target.

After chasing out a few hundred meters, Ryan saw the man in front of him illusionally before he attacked. An empty broom and a right leg were left in place.

Phantom shifting is not always possible. In panic, phantom shifting is prone to various dangers. For example, the Death Eater in front is split, and if the damage to the limb cannot be retrieved, then the wound is as if it was injured by black magic. It is impossible to grow back with magic.

“Fortunately.” Looking at the broom and thighs that fell like the sea, Lane snorted and returned to Azkaban Castle. After all, his task was to guard the castle. At this time, all the attackers had escaped from the area affected by Azkaban. The phantom moved and several guards were coming out of the castle to check the place destroyed by the group of Death Eaters.

“Is the battle over?” After landing on the roof, Hermione came out of the door of the roof. “How can it be so fast? It feels like there is no fighting. I don’t even hear the sound of something hit after the magic attack.”

“There really is no fighting.” Ryan folded his wings. “The attackers didn’t expect anyone to resolutely resist, so they retreated after they found someone resolutely resisting.”

“It turns out that way.” Hermione opened the door and walked downstairs, Lane followed behind her. “It’s really stupid to attack a castle guarded by 11 people with 12 people, but we’d better arrange them to prevent them from bringing more people to attack.”

Ryan does not think that there will be a second batch of attackers. Today Voldemort ’s core mission should be to completely capture the Ministry of Magic and stabilize the situation. In order to achieve this goal, his main force is mainly piled in London. Even because of the lack of power in his hands, Voldemort hired a black wizard from Europe to attack the Hogwarts Express to ensure that Dumbledore could not interfere with his actions.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to try to win Azkaban while taking over the Ministry of Magic. The reason for sending people to Azkaban is that in addition to hoping to further disperse the strength of Dumbledore ’s side, I thought that it would be possible to use the chaos to entrap the criminals in the prison and increase their own strength.

As for the Azkaban Castle itself, Voldemort will not foolishly disperse not much power in his hands in multiple places while Dumbledore is still alive. Especially in places like Azkaban where value is not great.

However, for reasons of prudence, Ryan and they are still on alert in the castle to prepare for possible enemies. Fortunately, the principle that the silver ball just destroyed the magic barrier just used the powerful magic power to overload the barrier. So after spending half an hour, Ryan repaired the magic barrier of Azkaban Castle.

“It looks like we will at least wait until the dark classmates enter Hogwarts Castle before they can get reinforcements.” Hermione said at dinner at noon, and a murmur came from a magic radio on the table. ~ ~ As usual, the broadcast of the wizards should broadcast the news at noon, but now there is nothing.

The guards next to also looked sad, and many of their friends could not get out in the Ministry of Magic now. The only good news for them is that many of their loved ones are in the Muggle world, and the coups of the wizards have not been affected temporarily.

“I must let my mother and my dad go abroad to hide. I am worried that they will be the target of the attack in the current situation.” Susan said, “When the replacement man comes, I will go out as soon as possible. Find a way to get my parents to Australia or New Zealand. “

In addition to Susan, everyone else also revealed the intention to let his family leave, and even a few plans to go with his family.

“Fortunately, our parents have left, and don’t need to worry about this for the time being.” Ryan said to Hermione after listening to everyone’s discussion, “As for the reinforcements, it doesn’t matter at a later time, anyway, we have nothing to do. And this place is taking photos The soul monster is quite habitable after leaving, and it doesn’t matter if you stay longer. “

“Yes, but we have a high probability of missing the school banquet today.” Hermione said with a fork and dialed the green peas on the plate. “I just don’t know what song this year’s hat will sing. Although its song is very unpleasant, I still feel sorry when I can’t hear it, especially since this is our last school banquet.”

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