Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 630 - School Manager

Hogwarts’ school director, Dumbledore’s answer really surprised Ryan. He did not expect that the principal would actually use this thing as a transaction. “But I haven’t even graduated, and if I remember correctly, the joining of Hogwarts school managers requires the unanimous consent of all school managers.”

Ryan didn’t think those pure-blood families would agree that such a mud type in their eyes would become Hogwarts’ manager, but Dumbledore’s next words surprised him.

“Now all the school managers have agreed.” Dumbledore said after scratching his white beard. “The Longbottom family, the Black family, and the Weasley family all agreed.”

“They shouldn’t be school managers?” Ryan said. “If I remember correctly, those school managers should belong to the ancient pure-blood family–“

“Yes,” Dumbledore continued, “but that was the past, and now they are not school directors. Or that we are not Hogwarts now.”

“What? What the **** is going on?” Ryan and Hermione asked at the same time. They couldn’t figure out how they had just stayed in Azkaban for a week and how such a big change happened outside. This place is clearly Hogwarts Castle.

“Ah, by the way, you may not have known this before,” Dumbledore raised a finger. “On the third day after the start of the school, the Ministry of Magic announced that we are the stronghold of the rebels, and at the same time announced the establishment of a new Hogwarts under Voldemort’s instructions, and asked all students to go to the site after undergoing the bloodline review Hogwarts goes to school. “

“He said it was Hogwarts. That’s Hogwarts?” Ryan was stunned by the operation of Voldemort’s side. The heritage and true strength of a thousand-year-old school can’t be changed by a brand change, just like the previous Peking University. Jade Bird carries the words Peking University, but it definitely does not mean that it is the level of Peking University.

“The vast majority of Slytherin students, nearly one-fifth of Ravenclaw students and individual Hufflepuff students have chosen that new Hogwarts.” Dumbledore said with a helpless look. “So on the second day of the announcement, I used the Hogwarts Express to send those students who wanted to leave back to London, and then picked up a group of Ministry of Magic staff and their families who were willing to come.”

“This is simply–” Ryan understood the specific situation now, that is, whether Dumbledore’s side or Voldemort’s side is now accumulating strength, and there should be no large-scale fighting on the performance stage. Instead, it is mainly based on the accumulation of strength from both sides to help the helpers. This is why there is such a train, because both sides hold people who cannot afford each other.

Thinking of this, Ryan suddenly realized that the reason why Professor Dumbledore wanted him to be Hogwarts today was that he wanted to be on his side. After all, there are too many routes for him to choose from, and they do not need to be tied to the United Kingdom.

A legend, an alchemist will be welcomed no matter where he is. For Ryan, except that he is absolutely impossible to be accepted by Voldemort’s group because he is not a wizard family, he will be the most warmly welcomed whether traveling to Europe or the New World. Not to mention that because of his bloodline, he can even be perfectly integrated into the powerful magical world of heaven.

Ryan likes to take everything with him from daily necessities to a lot of wealth. Especially for alchemists, the most important alchemy equipment and alchemy materials are all crammed into the world of grocery stores and other worlds.

For him, this is very convenient when he needs to use alchemy equipment, and can start working anytime, anywhere. You can also bring out what you need in a variety of situations, but in the eyes of others, such as Dumbledore, Ryan has always lacked a sense of belonging to the British magic world, so he brought everything On my body, it seemed to be ready to roll and run at any time.

Later, whether it was to open the store and put the core production organization in Norway, buying houses in the non-magic world and relocating the family to the heavens, these actions further deepened everyone’s previous impression that Lane was ready to run. So in order to draw Ryan to bind him to the British magic world, Dumbledore felt that he had to take some actions.

As an old man in his 100s who has experienced so many ups and downs, Dumbledore naturally knew that simply shouting slogans would not be able to stay with Ryan. From the time that Ryan did not hesitate to let his loved ones immigrate and bring those wealth to him, he knew that Ryan was a person with his own ideas, and unlike Harry, he could do everything for a certain slogan of justice.

And he believes that the most important reason why he has found Ryan ’s lack of belonging to the British magic world is that as a hemp wizard, Ryan can be said to have nothing in the British magic world except his own ability, and this ability is not because of If the location is changed, the original value is lost. Since there is nothing worth defending and missing in the UK, is it normal to feel no sense of belonging here?

So this time Dumbledore directly took out the Hogwarts school manager status as a bargaining chip. In the Western world, the identity of the school manager is equivalent to a stepping stone to enter the upper class.

Seriously, Ryan would be very excited if he acquired this thing a few years ago. But now that he has mastered multiple worlds, he has little interest in the status of the British magic world.

Even Hermione was the same. In the second grade, she saw the injustice of the British magic world and wanted to change. But after traveling through countless worlds now, she felt that she needed to change, needed improvement, and there were too many people and things to save. The British magic world is only a very small part for her, and it is not worth her putting too much energy into it.

But this kind of thing is always a obsession. Both Ryan and Hermione hope that their childhood dreams can be completed, which is why they now choose to stay in the United Kingdom and fight Voldemort.

So after a brief exchange through the branding of Phoenix ~ ~ Ryan said very calmly to Professor Dumbledore. “It is an honor for me to be the manager of Hogwarts. Please give us the list of expenses in a moment. We will fulfill the obligations of the school manager and donate the funds and materials needed for this year.”

“Anyway, I need to thank you for your help in this critical situation.” Dumbledore smiled. After signing a series of documents, Ryan and Hermione left the principal’s office.

“Albus, I think you are looking away.” Just after Ryan and Hermione left, a witch with a goatee and a smart face in a portrait on the wall of the principal’s room. “That boy has more secrets in his heart than you think. The chip you brought out doesn’t seem to play the role you want.”

“Phoenix, everyone has their own secrets. We can’t ask everyone to expose their hearts to others.” Dumbledore raised his head and looked at the portrait of the vice-chancellor. “As for the role of chips, I think it’s enough to let Ryan stay on our side. I don’t think I have the right to ask others to dedicate everything to them.”

“That’s right, Albus. Only the sly black wizards will ask others to devote themselves to everything, and what we want to protect is this freedom of personal choice. Otherwise, we are different from those black wizards. What about it? “An old witch with long silver hair curled said immediately.

“Thank you, Dalice,” Dumbledore looked at the portrait of Phineas after he finished speaking.

“Okay, okay, you are all saints. But I don’t think you are the best choice to do this at this time, war is always cruel …” The portrait of Phineas is still chattering, but this time everyone All started to be busy with their own affairs, and no one listened to his nagging anymore.

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