Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 631 - School and War

After leaving the principal’s office, Ryan and Hermione didn’t know what to do for a while. Now that the meals have passed, Ryan they do n’t know what class they should take at this time. Because they were not in Hogwarts the previous week. So naturally I don’t know what the schedule is for this semester.

“Simply go to the dormitory to get things packed, and they can’t be messed up.” After standing silly at the door of the principal’s office for a while, they finally decided to return to the common room first.

What they did not expect was that after they had just climbed into the Gryffindor common room. A few students who stayed in the common room without class saw the students and immediately gathered around them to greet them warmly and call them heroes.

“What the **** happened?” Ryan asked after getting acquainted from a group of enthusiastic classmates, directly over the acquaintance Colin Clivi. “Why do everyone call us heroes?”

“Don’t you know?” Colin looked surprised. “Nearly everyone here knows about your previous struggles on the Hogwarts Express and your perseverance in Azkaban. You are now the most powerful heroes on our side after the start of the war. By the way, can you tell us Was the specific situation in the battle before? The light in Hogwarts was unclear— “

“Wait, what is the Hogwarts Light?” Hermione came up and asked, “Percy also said this Hogwarts Light when he entered the door, and it sounded like some kind of promotional program or some kind of The name of the magazine and newspaper. “

“Oh, by the way, you have been in Azkaban before.” Colin made a look of surprise. “The light of Hogwarts is a wizard radio station made by Senior Li Qiaodan and several classmates. They are on the second floor of the screaming shack in Hogsmeade town under the mountain. If you stand on the astronomical tower, You can still see the antenna of their radio station. “

Is this the battle of public opinion? Ryan thought that the reason why he and Hermione became the focus of propaganda was definitely because it was too ugly to lose with Voldemort before, so they must find some so-called heroes to boost morale.

“What about Death Eaters? Have any Death Eaters attacked here recently?” Ryan asked. “After they took over the Ministry of Magic, they couldn’t stay in London so well all the time.”

“This, I don’t know very well.” Colin said. “I’m just a student, and the only way to get outside information is the Hogwarts Light Radio and the” Prophet Daily “. Now the” Prophet Daily “is full of nonsense, and Hogwarts Light There are not many programs broadcast by radio stations every day. “

Speaking of which he looked at Ryan who was a little disappointed and they thought for a while, then added. “But on the night we arrived at the school, the explosion from Hogsmeade sounded sporadically for one night, and we could all hear it in Gryffindor’s bedroom. The next morning Deng Brido told us it was just a scattered Death Eater attack. “

“After that, as many wizards came one after another. Both Hogsmead and Hogwarts also formed a patrol. Then until today, I heard no sounds of attacks nearby. But listening to reports on the radio, there have been attacks and even murders in many places to the south. “

“It sounds terrible.” Ryan shook his head. “I can only pray now that I will get better.”

“It will definitely get better in the future.” Colin Crivi looked confident. “We have Principal Dumbledore, savior Harry Potter. By the way, and even heroes like you. I believe we can definitely defeat the mysterious man to get the final victory.”

“Yeah, we will win.” Hermione said. She and Lane both feel that as long as everyone can guarantee such an optimistic attitude, this war will definitely not fail.

When eating at noon, some of the consequences of this war will be most vividly displayed. There were only a dozen people sitting on the Slytherin table, and the people on the Ravenclaw table were less visible to the naked eye.

The entire auditorium was quiet, everyone tried to lower their voices when they were talking, and occasionally a few people laughed so harshly, those who laughed in the silence quickly stopped laughing, and then lowered their heads Continue to eat.

“Here–” Just as Ryan and Hermione walked halfway to the long table, a somewhat deliberately low hello came over. Looking down at the voice, Ryan found Ron was waving to them, and Harry and Ginny were sitting beside him.

“Nice to meet you.” Ryan put a piece of chicken on his plate as he sat down, and said while eating. “I patrolled one night last night. I came back directly when I met Moody this morning. Then I went straight to the principal ’s office. I had been spinning around for 24 hours, which I ate in Dumbledore ’s office this morning. Some sandwiches and cakes. I’m hungry and tired. “

“It sounds terrible, especially in places like Azkaban.” Ron shook his head. “I can’t imagine that you could stay there for a whole week just to feel a little tired.”

“Right.” Harry said after swallowing the food in his mouth. “People have privately claimed that you killed a lot of Death Eaters with Hermione when you last encountered an attack on the Hogwarts Express, isn’t this true?”

“It’s true.” Ryan looked at the people around him at a distance, so he told Harry. “At that time, Hermione and I cooperated to kill 18 Death Eaters. We can be sure that all of them are mercenaries hired by foreigners from abroad. Because all the elite were taken by the mysterious people to attack the Ministry of Magic.

“Good job.” Ron said when he heard Ryan’s words, “I should have given the **** Death Eaters some great taste.”

Ron’s voice has attracted many people’s attention, but unlike what he imagined, many people did not alienate them because of their previous killing after hearing this news ~ ~ but a face He came around with an excited expression and asked him and Hermione about the specific situation at that time. There was even a Hufflepuff girl who came over and thanked them.

“What’s the matter?” After spending more than ten minutes, Ryan probably finished talking about what happened to him this week. After everyone left, he looked at Ron sitting across the table and asked.

“This is a very bad thing.” Ron said, “On the morning of the attack, the classmates in the auditorium received a total of four notification letters from relatives killed in the attack, and a dozen others. The family was injured in the attack. For example, the girl who just shook hands with you, his father was an Auror and was also Scrimgeour ’s guard. The same group died during the attack that day.

“Damn war!” Ryan understood immediately. Many people have a tendency to be a Virgin, and the more serious people tend to grow up in a peaceful and prosperous environment. But once the war broke out, the flames were close at hand and even involved their own loved ones. They will immediately wake up and then embark on the truly correct path.

This is why, after learning that Ryan killed so many Death Eaters, most people did not fear but thought Ryan was a hero.

The impact of the war is not just a change in everyone ’s mood, for example, the dishes and quantity on the table are much less than in the past, and listening to Ron ’s report, the operation requirements for everyone in the magic potion class and herbal medicine class It has become more detailed, and will not provide almost unlimited amounts of materials for experimentation as before.

From these things, it can be clearly seen that after the loss of the Ministry of Magic funding and the donation of the school director, Hogwarts’ funding gap has become very large. Ryan only hopes that the overall situation will improve after the injection of his money.

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