Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 633 - Remarks

“Ryan, Hermione, will you sign up for this exam?” Harry asked Ron at this time with Ron. “I think if any of us in Gryffindor can pass this exam now, it should be only you two.”

“We are definitely going to take this exam. The outside is now fighting. I think it is more meaningful for us to be involved in the war than to take classes in school.” Lane replied.

“That’s right, buddy.” Ron leaned in and said in an envious tone. “I think the level of knowledge you and Hermione currently have is a waste of time. I also want to graduate as quickly as you and go to the battlefield to teach the Death Eaters. Unfortunately, my current academic level can’t pass the test.”

“The battlefield is not a place for you to play.” Hermione said in a serious tone. “The battlefield is full of death, and no one will love it there.”

“Of course I know this.” Harry nodded. “But I am also prepared to face everything. You know, Voldemort and I can only survive one last time. So I can’t stay out of this war at all.”

“Even so, I don’t think you should take the initiative on the battlefield when you are not strong enough.” Ryan looked at Harry and said, “Even if you are really destined to step on the battlefield, it is best to master as much as possible. Do this when you have more power. Otherwise, you will make everyone ’s efforts useless. “

“I know.” Harry nodded. “But I still hope to set foot on the battlefield one day earlier and contribute my strength. In this war, I can’t hide behind others forever.”

“So you still have to study hard for your dreams, which will help you have a greater chance of living on the battlefield, and only by living can you have a future.” Lane patted Harry on the shoulder.

“Thank you!” Ha nodded forcefully. “I will keep up with your footsteps.”

After listening to this sentence, Ryan’s footsteps went out suddenly. He had just wanted to imitate the big men in the movie to comfort Harry. Unexpectedly, he became a role model for Harry. But that ’s fine. Ryan at least felt that Harry could listen to what he said, which would reduce the probability that Harry would rush to the battlefield to give people a head.

After leaving the common room, Ryan went straight to Professor McGonagall’s office. After opening the door, Ryan discovered that although Professor McGonaga had just arrived in the office, he was already busy.

On the table in front of Professor McGonagall, at least one foot thick of parchment papers were placed, and Professor McGonagall looked at the document on the table with glasses, and from time to time, sketched something with a feather pen on it. .

It seems that when Professor Dumbledore is busy, all the handling of the school’s daily affairs will be handed over to Professor McGonagall. For example, when Ryan walked to the front and back of the table, he saw Professor McGonagall correcting a food purchase list at Hogwarts School.

“Ryan, Hermione, you are here for the exam.” Professor McGonagall looked up at them and said. “Please sit here and wait for a while, and wait for me to read this list before signing up for you.”

After waiting for more than a minute, Professor McGonagall signed his name at the bottom of the list, then placed the entire parchment on the left hand parchment file, and then took off his glasses and said To. “”

“Lane, I have to thank you for your donation first, otherwise I doubt that the school ’s food will not even be eaten next month.” Professor McGonagall said, “Principal Dumbledore does have enough wealth, but these wealth are all based on Various forms of magic props or books exist, and in the current situation, potato bread cannot be exchanged, nor can meat and eggs be exchanged. “

“I just did my duty as a school manager.” Lane said humbly. “I don’t have enough interpersonal relationships or any help for the school like other school managers, so I can only use money to fulfill my responsibilities.”

“Actually, the school now needs the most financial help.” Professor McGonagall whispered, and then said to Ryan they. “Okay, I will now register you with a list of s exams.”

Said she pulled a list from the bottom drawer, and then ticked the names of both Ryan and Hermione.

“Oh, what do you plan to do after the exam?” Professor McGonagall put away the list and asked. “You know the situation now.”

“Then I can’t decide until the test results are available.” Hermione said. “Now I haven’t even taken the test, what I say is invalid!”

“Miss Granger, be more confident.” Professor McGonagall looked at Hermione with a smile. “I dare say that if this exam cannot even pass you, then no one else can pass this exam.”

“Thank you for your compliment.” Hermione’s face flew into a red glow when she heard what Professor McGonagall said. “If we really pass the exam this time, I think we will temporarily stay at Hogwarts Castle to make magic props in order to provide all the props needed in the war for everyone who is now resisting. At the same time, from a security perspective, the castle is The safest, but also convenient to communicate with everywhere. “

“Only teachers and students are allowed in Hogwarts—” Professor McGonagall said here and patted his forehead gently with his hand. “These things have kept me busy lately. As a school manager, you also have the right to live in the school. It’s just that the former school managers have their own manor and have house elf services, so they generally Not happy to live in Hogwarts Castle. “

“Okay, I wish you all the best in this exam, and I hope Merlin will bless you. By the way, the exam is this weekend, so there is no need to give you a schedule. In the past few days, you can review it.” Professor McGonagall. Finally, “You can leave now, I still have a lot of things to deal with here.”

“Goodbye, Professor McGonagall.” Ryan and Hermione bowed together and left Professor McGonagall’s office ~ ~ The rest of the week passed quickly, and Lane spent almost all the time. Used for preparation. The same is true of others, and many seventh-grade students are hard at work in the library.

Fortunately, Ryan borrowed his notes from Percy before preparing for the exam, and then used the memory transmission device to input all the contents of the notes into his brain. Naturally, Hermione enjoyed the same service.

“Aren’t you saying that I did this as a fraud?” Ryan quipped as he looked up from the memory instilling chamber around him.

“At that time I just didn’t figure out something.” Hermione jumped out of the memory infusion room with both hands and jumped out, then stood there and said, “Unlike ordinary learning, the core of magic learning is the operation of magic. So As long as you can successfully use magic. As for this method of memory instillation, it is no different from the result of our own memory, as long as knowledge is mastered. “

“Furthermore, not everyone can do so much memory at a time. I think how much knowledge can be infused is related to everyone’s soul strength.” Here, Hermione raised her chin slightly, “This If more than a dozen notes are allowed for Harry, he can at most instill a book into his mind, and no matter how many, his brain will certainly not be able to support it. If Ron, I guess at most half of it. “

“Okay, you are a genius.” Ryan smiled, and in return a glance at Hermione.

In addition to instilling memory, Ryan and Hermione spent their spare time practicing the spells and potions to be tested. Finally, it was Friday afternoon, and the next day was the time for the exam.

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