Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 634 - examination

British summer is not very hot, but the temperature difference between day and night is very large. This is especially true in the Scottish plateau where Hogwarts is located. Even if there is a huge lake next to it, the temperature difference between day and night cannot be adjusted, but the humidity in the air becomes very large. at night. Walking in the hallway of the castle feels wet and cold. Fortunately, the elves at home burned the fireplace early, which made the temperature in the common room pleasant.

“Isn’t it an exam tomorrow? I remember that the seventh graders of Gryffindor basically signed up. Why are everyone so noisy tonight.” Hermione had planned to read the book again when she returned from the library, but unfortunately everyone around The noisy sound made her unable to see at all.

“Because most people just sign up to look at their level, they don’t think they can pass the exam.” Ryan shrugged and crossed Hermione’s shoulder. He saw Harry playing Ron with “Look, this is the hemp The flying chess attached to “Melon” magazine.

“Not to pass, so why do they have to take the exam?” Hermione somewhat didn’t understand the mentality of those people. “Shouldn’t you go all out for the exam every time?”

“That’s just what you think about it, Hermione.” Lane said a little helplessly, although Hermione changed a lot, but one thing did not change. That is more true on many issues. But Ryan felt that this was not a bad thing, at least in his eyes, if even this changed, then Hermione would not be her.

“At least students can pass this exam to get a general idea of ​​their level.” Ryan said. “I think that at this point, Hogwarts is not as good as those Muggle schools. There are various quizzes in Muggle schools. The mock exams let students know what their current level is, but There is no such thing in the wizarding world. That is to say, all the students are basically going to take the exam after the review. “

“And this exam is actually an opportunity for everyone to detect where their problems are in order to get a good result in the next exam. This is why so many people know that they cannot pass the exam and still take the exam. “At this point, Ryan spread his hands. “Furthermore, don’t need money anyway. Isn’t it a good idea to accumulate some experience in one more exam?”

“Well, you can always come up with reasons. And I think you are right. Hogwarts is indeed behind in the way of learning.” Hermione closed the book and actually passed these days. She has already made all preparations for the exam. Only because of a certain habit she still hopes to review to the last moment.

After chatting, the two went back to their dorms to sleep. After eating breakfast early the next morning, Ryan was waiting in the hall with a large group of Gryffindors. Soon they saw the old witch Professor Marcheban and Dumbledore walking into the castle side by side.

“Albus, you look older too. I still remember the way you were so energetic when you were young, and the kind of amazing when you took the morphing and magic spells practical test when you took the s exam Performance–“

“It is indeed a nostalgic youth, please go here Professor Marchiban.” Dumbledore extended a hand to guide the witch in front of him. “We can go to the teacher’s lounge for a cup of tea first. The students have just finished breakfast, and it will take a little time to organize the auditorium.”

Watching the two old men leave, many people seemed slightly nervous. However, because most people did not plan to pass this exam directly, the overall atmosphere is much more relaxed than the O.W.Ls exam more than a year ago.

After scanning the entrance hall, Lane found that almost all seventh graders came to take the exam this time. Of course, this is also expected, after all, when Voldemort announced the establishment of another Hogwarts school, the students who chose to stay here were actually equivalent to choosing a camp.

For example, Malfoy is now standing in the hall to prepare for the exam. For the Malfoy family, now they want Voldemort’s failure more than anyone else. Because if Voldemort did not fail, then as Voldemort’s traitor they were absolutely dead.

Pansy Parkinson, who often used to go around Voldemort before, did not stand by him. The Parkinson family is now Voldemort ’s core supporter, so Pansy took the Hogwarts Express when he last chose. Returned to London. For the same reason, the usual Slytherin students such as Crabbe, Gower, and Zabbini did not appear in the hall. To be precise, only the Slytherin student who came to take the exam today was Malfoy alone.

“It was unexpected.” Hermione whispered. “I always thought that Malfoy would not come to school this year. I didn’t expect him to be the only seventh grade student Slytherin stays at Hogwarts.”

“What’s so unexpected about this?” Ryan glanced at Malfoy, whose face was still pale, but a lot more energetic than last year. “I don’t think there is any place in the UK that is safer than Hogwarts Castle where President Dumbledore is sitting. Besides, as a family that puts the family first, in order to ensure the safety of the family’s inheritance , They will not let the current owner and the future owner stay together. “

“It’s the same reason why the US President and Vice President are not allowed to appear on the same occasion, right?” Hermione asked.

“That’s why.” Ryan said. “Of course, because of this, I can believe that the Malfoy family is now on the side of the mysterious resistance. This is not because their hearts are bright or willing to fight for justice, but because it is calculated from the perspective of pure interests. In the last time In order to ensure the family’s inheritance after our actions, the Malfoy family has no other choice. “

“We should thank the mysterious man as a lunatic, or that he became a lunatic after slicing his soul. Let us now distinguish between the enemy and the friend is much simpler than what was recorded in the previous war.” Hermione raised her lips. A smile squeezed out. “Okay, time is up. I think we should enter the exam now.”

Lean turned his head and looked at the gate of the hall ~ ~ The gate slowly opened inwards. As in the last exam, the auditorium was filled with small single tables. However, unlike the O.W.Ls exam more than a year ago, this time because it is a special exam in an emergency, there are far fewer people taking the O.W.Ls exam. So the exam which was originally a week was compressed into three days this time.

Therefore, at eight o’clock in the morning, the first written exam for the first spell course is taken. After the exam, take a 15-minute break and then take the written exam for the second deformed course. This kind of test arrangement gives Ryan a subtle sense of familiarity. In the last three years of senior high school mock exams, the exams were basically arranged so intensively.

After opening the test paper, Ryan discovered that the first question was to answer the spell that summoned the water, and briefly explain the principle of the spell. This is not difficult, especially when Flitwick taught Shimizu Ruquan that lesson to write down the sentence “I am a wizard, not a baboon swinging his stick.” This incident made Lane remember fresh. Thinking of this, he smiled slightly and leaned over to write on the test paper. At this time, Hermione had already written on her own paper.

But not everyone answers questions as smoothly as they do. It can even be said that there are only a few people who answer questions as smoothly as they do. Most people in the exam room have been scratching their ears or scratching their heads or turning the paper around, making a clattering sound.

But generally speaking, Slytherin and Ravenclaw students are better, and some Hufflepuff students can answer the questions seriously. It was mainly Gryffindor students and Hufflepuff students who turned the paper over and over for half a day.

Finally, after more than four hours, this morning’s exam finally ended.

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