Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 657 - sign

In the next two or three days, the distribution of newspapers was completely on track. As the first newspaper in the UK willing to share knowledge on a large scale, it has been loved by countless people. So much so that on the third day of the newspaper’s circulation, they had to hire a person from the hemp seed wizards who had fled to Hogsmeade to deal with the letters from their readers.

Similarly, this made Ryan and Hermione enthusiastically sought after in Hogwarts Castle. Almost every classmate would greet them warmly after meeting them on the road.

To their surprise, the special author and reader’s letter column that I promised to serve as editor-in-chief for Mr. Lovegood was unexpectedly welcomed, because everyone who is nervous wants to be able to have a free self. Space. So that column can receive more than 100 letters every day.

It seems that everything is on the right track now, but there wasn’t much breathing time in the war years. At noon on the third day of the successful publication of the newspaper, Professor Dumbledore suddenly came to the door of the alchemy laboratory and knocked on the door.

“Professor, what is the matter with you now?” Ryan asked strangely after opening the door. Because the ritual of taking out that piece of Voldemort’s soul from Harry’s soul should theoretically be on the weekend, but otherwise, he really couldn’t figure out what to do with Professor Dumbledore at this time.

“A very bad situation—ah, Miss Granger, I won’t go in first.” Professor Dumbledore declined Hermione’s invitation to come in and sit down. “I got the news that Voldemort with the Death Eaters is likely to attack Hogsmeade tonight.”

“Is the information reliable, Professor?” Ryan said after he realized what he had realized. “Of course, I don’t doubt you. I mean, this time, don’t let the mysterious people distribute our power to other places.”

“Your worry is normal.” Professor Dumbledore nodded. “However, this time the information should be accurate, because before you attacked the Ministry of Magic in London, Voldemort was very angry. When he arrived at the Ministry of Magic in London, he directly punished several people with a heart curse. Then he ordered to counterattack. In just three days, they cannot plan a complex conspiracy like last year. “

“Besides that, the people who patrolled around Hogsmeade from noon have already begun to find traces of some unknown people.” Professor Dumbledore brought out another piece of information. “According to the results of our investigation, the scale of the other party’s assembly is definitely not the previous feint. Even Voldemort may directly shoot, because at noon today Voldemort left the Lesterrange manor where he had been, and his whereabouts are unknown.”

“It sounds dangerous,” Lane said after taking a deep breath. “So are there anything we can do? I mean, apart from logistic support.”

“There is indeed one thing.” Professor Dumbledore seemed embarrassed. “I hope you will be a reserve team at Hogsmeade tonight, because only you can fight Voldemort head-on to make sure everything is under control. Of course you do n’t need to fight Voldemort alone, and I assure you, as long as he appears, I ’ll come to meet you as soon as possible. “

“So, no problem.” Ryan nodded. “We’re going to prepare now, and then phantom directly to the top floor of the Weasley joke shop to ensure the secret of our actions.”

“Good luck to you!” Professor Dumbledore nodded slightly and left the door of the room. After 15 minutes, Ryan and Hermione packed up all the things they might need and moved to the Wesley joke shop upstairs to rest In the room.

“How did you come here?” As soon as he walked out of the lounge, Ryan saw a crowd of furry animals crowded in the warehouse outside. After a closer look, they discovered that they were the werewolves headed by Lu Ping.

“Because this is a good opportunity to destroy the Death Eaters.” Lu Ping said, “The place where we want to defend has a non-magical world in addition to this, the area is too wide, so only the destruction of the other party’s living power is the most Good defense. In addition, if the werewolves that have been rejected before have to be accepted by everyone, then they must make contributions. And we have been living on the dark side of the magic world before. We are at least better than ordinary people in combat level. More. “

“Then the items we gave you before are you familiar with now?” Ryan nodded irresponsibly to Lupin’s thoughts. Indeed, fighting may cause sacrifices, but has been stigmatized by being on the margins of society before acting. For the wolves, only the comradeship and blood of the comrades fighting side by side can quickly narrow the relationship between them and ordinary people.

Therefore, Ryan did not stop the werewolves’ action, but to avoid unnecessary sacrifices, he hoped that the werewolves could bring the alchemy props they gave them before.

“Of course, we all carry those things.” Then several Werewolves showed Ryan two thick metal signs worn on their chests and waists, covered by their long hair in wolf form. As their savior, Lane’s prestige among the new werewolves is very high. Therefore, after these magic props were sent to Northern Europe, the new wolf people specially selected elite training to use this magic prop.

“That’s good, these things will save your life on the battlefield.” After a brief greeting, Lane began to ask about the specific situation on Hogsmeade.

“Since the Ministry of Magic moved here, Professor Dumbledore, other Hogwarts professors and the Ministry of Magic staff have set up a magical defense system near the town of Hogsmeade.” Lupin introduced, ” Especially the Ministry of Magic, when they escaped, Ms. Bornes took advantage of the chaos to take away the core of a magical defense system that was originally stored in the Ministry of Magic. This is why we can build the whole town in such a short time. The reason for the magic defense system. “

“This magic defense system is composed of multiple magic defense arrays combined together ~ ~ which can defend most types of attacks. It can also detect under the condition of usually low energy consumption operation. Function, monitor magic and space conversion within the envelope of the defense system. “

“Who is monitoring all this?” Ryan asked, thinking of something.

“The Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts.” Lupin knew what was the focus of Ryan’s attention at once. “The possibility of a smooth raid under the internal response like the previous London Ministry of Magic does not exist at all, because this thing is multiple. Surveillance. It is impossible for other people to be completely unaware of the situation outside after the people in the critical position have defected. “

“So what if someone reveals the situation in the town to the Death Eaters?” Ryan asked with some concern. Although he could guarantee that the way he and Hermione arrived, the Ministry of Magic could not monitor it, but like Lupin, they Once the news of the reinforcements brought in is leaked, it will be very troublesome if it is targeted by the enemy.

“So we were phantom moving into the forest near the town, then turned into a wolf and turned over from the back wall. Even in order to avoid the magic fluctuations caused by vigilance, we dare not lift the current state. But this way We can confirm that no one knows that we are here except the Weasley brothers. “Lu Ping finally said.

Ryan looked at the 12 werewolves in front of him and had to say that this was a powerful force. Therefore, he felt that his plan could be changed now. So many good players in front of him should be able to hit the guys who are about to attack Hogsmeade a bitter blow.

“Since you didn’t disturb anyone when you came in, I think I have a good way here to give the group of Death Eaters a profound lesson–” Ryan signaled that the wolves came together and then whispered on their knees on the ground Started his own arrangement.

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