Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 658 - wait

“Our luck was pretty good this time.” Lupin said after Ryan finished talking about his plans. “At least today is not a full moon night, otherwise Voldemort will really trouble us if we get a group of werewolves to come.”

“This kind of large-scale attack on the mysterious person will not call the werewolf.” Hermione said, “Once the werewolf became a wolf, it couldn’t control its actions. If they were mixed with Death Eaters, they didn’t fight first. It ’s more likely. “

“Oh, we have forgotten all this.” Lu Ping let out a laugh. “It seems that before getting your help, life as a werewolf of the past really has nothing to cherish.”

“By the way, did you find anything wrong around you when you came here?” Seeing Lu Ping and the werewolves seemed to think of some not-so-fantastic memories, Ryan quickly shifted the subject. “I mean, since the Death Eaters are preparing for a large-scale attack. Then they should always make some preparations now.”

“A few kilometers away, a group of wizards who looked suspiciously behaved gathered there as if waiting for something,” said a werewolf who came out from behind Lu Ping. “Because my phantom dislocation is on the hill next to the town, I just saw a smoke in the distance. Then I climbed to the top of the tree and looked closely with the telescope. I was sure that it was a group of wizards I hadn’t seen. . “

“The Death Eaters are likely to attack at night.” Hermione said, “But I don’t understand why they would prepare a camp near Hogsmeade, obviously they can teleport around the town as wizards.”

“However, it is not easy for the cluster wizards to teleport to a certain point at the same time, especially if the magic body defense system in Hogsmeade can cause some interference to the surrounding teleport.” Lane whispered to Hermione. To. “Although low-energy operation does not create space turbulence and completely eliminate the group of uninvited guys, it can cause some deviations in various transmission methods through interference.”

“That’s what it is! No wonder what I thought was that the grass behind the house was teleported to the surrounding mountains. I thought I was nervous about the wrong teleport today.” A brownish wolf who looked a little thin said, Ryan remembers his name as Peter, because Phantom Shifting technology is better, so he has been in charge of purchasing before.

“Yeah, you need to know that most of the wizarding phantoms are not as good as you are. Especially the group of Death Eaters from all over Europe has no tacit cooperation, so they must be around Hogsmeade. First determine a meeting point to gather in advance to ensure that you can launch an attack on the town of Hogsmeade at a uniform time. “Ryan said.

“But I have to admit that this group of Death Eaters did find a great way.” Lane said, spreading his hands. “Because our manpower is too small, even if we know the enemy’s current position, we can’t attack them in advance. Instead, they can organize the team a little bit where they can see Hogsmeade.”

“I used to think that the wizards’ battles were non-stop phantom battles in various places, without positions and spheres of influence. Except for a few key points offensive and defensive, it was completely large-scale field and sports battles.” Hermione’s eyes widened. Speaking. “I didn’t expect that there would be a starting camp like ordinary people’s wars, and even repair work.”

“Repair work?” Ryan turned his head in surprise after hearing this sentence, and saw Percy through the glass window behind him with several wizards digging a trench with magic on the main road in Hogsmeade. He also piled all the soil to the direction outside the town.

“It should be a bit useful,” Lupin said after placing his paw on the window sill. “Magic doesn’t turn, and standing in the trench revealing half of the body is at least a little harder to hit than the whole body is exposed.”

Yes, Ryan suddenly realized. After all, most of the magic used by wizards is straight ray magic, so the methods used by Muggles to avoid bullets can also be used to avoid those magics.

And Percy did n’t look like he was just digging a ditch around the town. With the help of magic, they dug out a simple but complete trench system that would allow everyone to move around the town without appearing. on the ground.

In addition, the whole town was mobilized. Many wizards have put away the things outside the room, added fireproof spells to their buildings, and finally sealed all the doors and windows with wooden boards.

As the sun went down, the Death Eaters outside the town became more active. Even Ryan stood in front of the window that had just been nailed by the Weasley twins with wooden planks and could see through the gaps in the wooden planks that some figures were moving in the distant forest.

Ryan and they took advantage of this last pre-war time to start eating dinner, while Lupin and they went to work in shifts to the only underground laboratory that could shield them from magical fluctuations. If it were n’t for the basement, the werewolves would have been waiting there for a while.

Before it got dark, Percy and they finally completed all the fortifications, and then a group of wizards walked out of the Ministry of Magic and entered the fortifications.

“Basically newcomers.” A gray giant wolf, who was larger than the other werewolves, uttered, and Ryan recognized that he was made by the former Auror William. “However, in the case of a fixed position led by experienced Aurors or strikers, it should be able to contend with a group of individual Death Eaters and Black Wizards with greater combat effectiveness.”

“That is to say, this is the best way the Ministry of Magic can come up with right now, right.” Hermione asked, turning her head to look at the huge gray wolf. “It sounds like our side has always been in a very passive position.”

“Not that it sounds, but we are indeed in a passive position in this battle.” William nodded.

“But this is also no way. The individual’s fighting level can’t be improved in a short time ~ ~ Even if the wizards who are now volunteering to join our striker are full of courage and determination, even if we are professional Training. But one-on-one battles. They are really not the opponents of the battle-hardened Death Eaters. Not to mention the black wizards who are now summoned by money are not good combatants. “

“But I don’t think they will rush into Hogsmead Town.” Ryan pointed to the house that shined through the windows and door cracks. From Ryan, they could vaguely see the silhouette of each house Shaking.

“These townspeople will show great lethality when defending their wealth and homeland. Do n’t forget that most of the people in Hogsmeade have been indigenous wizards who have lived here for generations. Their strength is facing The scattered black wizards who rushed into the town should be at an advantage. “

“Besides, the main target of this group of Death Eaters is to build the Ministry of Magic in the screaming shack on the hillside outside the town. I do n’t think their main force will be sent here. This is why there is only The reason why several experienced wizards are guarded by a group of novices, because whether it is the Ministry of Magic or the Phoenix Society, their elite is mainly placed in the Ministry of the Ministry of Magic to prepare to meet the main force of the enemy. “Ryan finally explained.

“So the real reason Professor Dumbledore brought us over is-” Hermione looked at Ryan halfway, and Ryan nodded. “You are right, he put us here on the one hand to protect the innocent people in the town, and on the other hand as the general reserve team is always ready to support, we can not have real time in Hogwarts Castle Grasp the situation here and respond accordingly. “

“I hope everything will go well tonight.” Hermione said, looking at the window nailed to the plank. At this time, the last rays of sunset outside the window had disappeared, and the night completely covered the whole world.

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