Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 660 - collision

“How is it going?” Seven or eight minutes later, Ryan and Hermione stood in front of a Death Eater’s body and asked Lupin. After a short and violent surprise, this group of Death Eaters after a short resistance Soon it will be scattered.

“There are only five corpses here, and one of them was killed by you.” Lu Ping looked helpless while watching the battlefield. “This group of people escaped too fast. We just started assaulting them and ran away. We all fled with phantoms, and we couldn’t stop them.”

“This situation is not what I expected.” Ryan looked helplessly at the werewolves who were cleaning the battlefield. “Be aware that they are just a group of black wizard scum who are hired by mysterious people at a high price. Don’t expect them to fight bloody. To the last person. “

It’s reasonable for Lane to say this, because they removed the masks of these people while cleaning up the battlefield, and then found that none of the eight corpses they are now knows. It can even be seen that they are people from southern or eastern Europe, which is in line with the characteristics of the group of black wizard mercenaries recently recruited by Voldemort.

“But we are not nothing. From today, the pace of the new werewolf’s integration into the wizarding society has taken another step forward.” Ryan said, looking at the battlefield just now. At this time, there were also directions from Hogsmeade. Some townsmen came out with their magic wands to help clean the battlefield together. After fighting side by side, the last estrangement between the new werewolf and the residents of Hogsmeade also disappeared, and many townspeople could be seen talking to the werewolves.

“So it’s always a good thing.” Lu Ping shrugged with a smile. At this time, the Ministry of Magic on the hillside behind the town raised a bright white barrier, and then was used by a dark shadow flying in the sky with a green ‘S spell was completely destroyed.

“Voldemort.” Lu Ping recognized at a glance who this figure in the air was. After all, there are only so many wizards among so many wizards who can fly in the sky without relying on anything, and this time can blow up the Ministry of Defense. Only Voldemort was there.

“Hermione, Lupin, you two and the werewolves went to the entrance of the town to help Percy. They killed the group of Death Eaters who attacked the town. I’m going to entangle Voldemort now.” Lane immediately commanded Hermione and Lupin, Then the pair of pink crystal wings spread out into the air.

“Nice to see you again, Voldemort. Does your thigh hurt?” Watching Voldemort floating in the air trying to hunt down the members of the Ministry of Magic, Ryan directly satirized aloud, and drifted along with the ironic cries. There is a flame of pink light.

“It’s you!” Voldemort, who was suppressing the members of the Ministry of Magic like a cat and mouse, suddenly released a silver shield and turned his head in the air. As a result, he saw the pair of immortal pink wings.

With a bang, the flame directly shattered the silver shield Voldemort had just made. This made Voldemort had to hurriedly turn out several silver shields that looked like mysterious patterns in front to avoid the tragedy of being directly hit by Ryan from the air.

“No wonder you have the courage to challenge me.” After seeing the pink fireball hit, the shield turned into a little light and Voldemort smiled strangely. “But what I want to tell you is that you are definitely not my opponent. It was a fluke before.”

As soon as the words fell, Voldemort shook his wand in succession and released several life-spells at Ryan before diving down. Flying without any tools can indeed gain a great advantage when facing other wizards, but in the face of a wizard such as Lion who has strong flying capabilities, Voldemort carefully chose ground combat in case.

After flying lightly like leaves falling, Lane escaped Voldemort’s several life-spells and fell to the ground as well. Since his family knows his own affairs, it is still possible for Ryan to maintain his wings while fighting will have a certain impact on his fight.

“Awada Soul.” Ryan fired a green Soul Curse just after he landed on Voldemort, which forced him to slip to avoid the spell and then swipe the wand against the ground.

There was a row of thorns flying from the ground to Voldemort, but these thorns were turned into a group of poisonous snakes by Voldemort just halfway through, and then sizzled fiercely while swimming towards Ryan. Over here.

Puff, puff. After two simultaneous soft sounds, Ryan appeared behind a bush a dozen meters to the right of his position. Voldemort appeared behind Ryan’s position and tried to attack him with the viper.

“Fortunately, I just noticed the time when the space fluctuated.” Ryan thought, but his hand did not stop, but quickly made a dozen gestures with the waving wand. At the end of the magic, Lane felt as if the surroundings were still.

This is the power of nine levels of magic time static, but even Ryan can only maintain a state of five seconds. So instead of wasting his time, he tried his best to mobilize the power of Our Lady of Roses to form a dazzling red energy ball on his chest, and then took a step to the left when the magic was about to end.

After the magic was over, time seemed to flow again. The seemingly lifeless world had regained its vitality once again, and Voldemort’s life-spell was flying from Ryan’s right. Ryan gently waved his wand and smashed the energy ball that had just gathered in front of his chest towards Voldemort.

This light ball flew bigger and bigger in the air, and finally turned into a translucent rose phantom that enveloped Voldemort. Until this time, Voldemort reacted and began to struggle hard, but inside the rose phantom, countless pink The petals formed a small petal tornado that constantly hindered Voldemort’s actions.

Suddenly Voldemort seemed to stop, then a little green light appeared in the pink rose. In just a few breaths, the green light occupies half of the size of the pink rose, and the pressure from it is getting more and more ~ ​​ ~ Finally, there is a sound like the explosion of a balloon being punctured After that, the rose phantom was blown into the petals in the sky. After the petals gradually turned into a little starlight and disappeared in the sky, Voldemort, the ragged robe, broke free from it. But Voldemort, who escaped successfully, just looked at Ryan with a snake-like eye and left without a word.

At this time, Ryan did not stop Voldemort except for the life-saving backhand because the magic just consumed too much magic power. Just ten seconds after Voldemort turned into a shadow and left, Dumbledore appeared beside Ryan in his purple robe.

“Ryan, are you okay now?” Asked Professor Dumbledore a dozen meters away. “I’m sorry I’m late, because a group of Death Eaters attacked Hogwarts Castle just now, and I came here after expelling them. But I didn’t expect Voldemort to escape so fast this time.”

“I’m fine now, just a little bit off.” Ryan said, putting down his wand. “But you don’t have to blame yourself. It took only five minutes from the mysterious person’s departure to disappear just now. It’s nice that you can come here in such a short time.”

“Thank you for your understanding.” Professor Dumbledore nodded slightly. “I’m glad to see you grow up, and even grow to the point where you can confront Voldemort head-on.”

“To be honest, I’d rather not grow like this.” Ryan shook his head before looking at the direction of Hogsmeade Village. After Voldemort’s retreat, the other Death Eaters also fled in haste.

However, the house previously lit by the spell was still burning, and many residents of Hogsmeade could see that the enemy had left and came out of their houses to help extinguish the flames. “Look at all this, if this is the price of growth then the price is too great.”

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