Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 661 - After the conflict

On the hillside outside Hogsmeade, Lane and Professor Dumbledore stood side by side on the screaming shack. Voldemort’s retaliatory attack was the end of the anticlimax, leaving only a mess.

Ryan can be sure that Voldemort was absolutely unscathed when he just escaped. According to the plan in advance, the goal of Ryan’s battle just now was to hope that his magic could hold Voldemort waiting for Professor Dumbledore to arrive, and then he and Professor Dumbledore joined forces to face Voldemort.

So he chose to use a powerful restraint magic developed by the power of Our Lady of Roses. While giving up most of the attack power and having a flaw that requires a relatively long casting time, this magic is powerful in restraint. Some unprecedented degree. Even more powerful than the water cocoon that Dumbledore used to trap Voldemort in the Ministry of Magic.

If it is slowly cracked for a long time, Ryan believes that Voldemort can basically escape from the shackles of magic. But just now Voldemort found out that Dumbledore was coming soon and he broke free with a powerful cracking method. Even Voldemort paid a great price when he first faced this new magic involving rules.

This is why after Voldemort came out, his clothes became a dementor-like beggar outfit, and he hurriedly left without even daring to let go. Because he thought that if he faced Ryan and Professor Dumbledore in a joint attack, he could not even guarantee a smooth escape from here.

“Okay, Ryan.” Professor Dumbledore said after looking at the town of Hogsmeade. “I’m going to the Ministry of Magic now to check the current losses and the specific conditions of damage in various places today. ?”

“No.” This time has completely restored Ryan’s state, so he declined Dumbledore’s invitation. “I do n’t think I ’m going to use the Ministry of Magic anymore, so I ’ll go directly to Hogsmeade to see if I can help.”

“Okay, then let’s do our own things.” Professor Dumbledore turned around, and then walked down the path towards the screaming shack at the top of the mountain, while Lane went down to Hogmore. Dezhen walked.

In just a little while, the flames in Hogsmeade had just gone out. For the wizards, it is very simple for ordinary flames to be extinguished. Even when Ryan walked into the street, he could see that many wizards had begun to use magic to repair the rooms damaged in the battle just now.

“What is the situation now?” Ryan asked after walking into the Weasley joke shop. As a first-aid point designed before the war, many people squeezed into the room now, and under the direction of Penello, several The therapist was shuttled between the injured.

“It’s not bad. But it’s not good.” Penello, who stood at the door, looked tired. “Because we have made sufficient preparations and the support of the werewolves has greatly reduced the enemy’s advantage, especially if you have directly blocked the attack of the mysterious person, so no one has died. However, the enemy is still stronger than us. So now there are a lot of wounded people. “

“Are there any critically injured people who need my help?” Ryan asked directly. “You know, as an alchemist, I also have a lot of effective magic in healing.”

“Then you go to the upstairs lounge now, and now all the critically injured are inside.” Penello complained after glancing at the stairs. “Now the mysterious people and their group basically control London, which makes many things difficult to handle. For example, the wounded people upstairs should theoretically be sent to San Mungo, but now it is impossible.”

“Isn’t it said that San Mungo will treat all the wounded and remain permanently neutral?” Ryan asked somewhat puzzled. “And that ancient magical institution is definitely not something that Death Eaters can break into if they want to break in.”

“Theoretically, the mysterious man also announced an order prohibiting harassment of Saint Munger.” Penello said, “The Death Eaters did follow the order and did not enter San Mungo, but they controlled the entrance and exit of San Mungo Forced inspection. Therefore, our people have no way to get in for treatment. “

“It’s just–” Ryan didn’t really know what to say about the situation now, so he had to greet Penello again and went upstairs.

Arriving at the staircase on the third floor, Lane discovered that all the sounds downstairs were isolated. It seems that a lot of protective magic was applied on the third floor. When he reached the end of the corridor and pushed open the door of the lounge, he heard Hermione shouting. “Fred, hand me that white flavor, and the white flavor on my side has been used up.”

There are not many seriously injured people in this temporary treatment room, and there are only five who are being treated by Hermione. But these people’s injuries were indeed tricky enough, because Ryan saw every wounded man covered with a thin layer of blood-red smoke. This is a special life-sustaining magic of Hermione, and is generally only used in the face of serious injuries.

“Ryan, you are back.” After using the white flavor, the patient on the emergency bed in the middle of the room has stabilized and Hermione can finally rest. As soon as she lifted her head, she saw Ryan walking in from outside the door, and asked as soon as she said hello. “Lane, what is the situation outside now?”

“All the attackers have been repulsed, including the mysterious people.” As soon as Ryan’s voice fell, he saw that everyone in the room seemed relieved, and the atmosphere in the room was a lot easier. It was at this time that Ryan discovered that the people who provided treatment here, in addition to Hermione and Fred, also had Zhang Qiu who heard that he had married Cedric as soon as he graduated, and then went to St. Mungo as a therapist.

“Okay, how is the wounded now?” Ryan asked after everyone’s mood had stabilized. “What can I do for you?”

“The situation of the wounded here is basically stable.” Hermione said. “But you need to make a batch of potions that can dispel the negative energy of black magic and soul-moisturizing potions ~ ~ These potions are seriously inadequate. There are too many people in the Death Eaters who use black magic and heart spells.”

“By the way, didn’t the Death Eaters get caught?” Ryan asked somewhat puzzled. “I think that the Ministry of Magic and Hogsmead townspeople are used to not killing all enemies.”

“Really not.” Zhang Qiu replied that at this time she was using a wand to clean up the black magic power attached to the wound to a wounded blower. A trace of black smoke flew out of the wound after he performed magic. Then dissipated in the air. “In the previous battle, the actual distance between the two sides was not close, so the hit rate of magic was not high. Only after you repel the mysterious man, Professor Lupin and the group of wolves launched a counterattack. All our killings of the enemy are this Acquired in stages. “

“But the attacking group of Death Eaters found that the situation was wrong and ran quickly, so they didn’t get any gains except for Luping who attacked and killed two Death Eaters at the beginning. It is estimated that the others were taken away.”

“It turns out this way.” Ryan had already taken out the alchemy station to make the potions needed for this side of the room. For this kind of potion that is not particularly difficult, Ryan can batch through alchemy when the raw materials are sufficient. produce.

Just seven or eight minutes later, the first batch of ten potions of two potions were made. Fred quickly went downstairs with two potions of five potions, while Hermione and Zhang Qiu took the potions and started using them for the seriously wounded in the room.

In the magic world, once the medicine is symptomatic, it is treated very quickly except in rare cases. So after getting enough medicines, the situation of the seriously wounded got better soon, and it was no longer the feeling of just dying. It also made them feel relieved, and Hermione also put away the magic she used to maintain the lives of these wounded.

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