Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 663 - Boost morale

In an empty classroom on the second floor of Hogwarts Castle, Ryan and the four of them were gathering together to guess what the magic prop that Voldemort was looking for next, which was supposed to reverse the situation. In the previous discussion, when Harry learned that his cloak was one of the three holy weapons of death, he subconsciously asked about the location of the other two things, but he just asked subconsciously, and did not expect any answer.

But to Harry’s surprise, Hermione’s answer was not quite what he thought. After turning around to look at Ryan, Hermione looked at Harry and said. “If you are asking about the other two Deathly Hallows, we really know where they are.”

“Where are the other two Deathly Hallows?” Ron asked impatiently. “Is the location of these things safe? Will it fall into the hands of the mysterious man?”

“It should not be.” Ryan said seriously. “Because the old wand is now in the hands of our principal Dumbledore, the ring is also in the hands of the principal, and I believe Harry you should have seen that ring.”

“I’ve seen it?” Harry’s first reaction was a little confused, but soon he thought of something. “Isn’t that big gold ring that was once seen by Voldemort as a Horcrux, and it looks rough, with a black stone on it.”

“Yes, Harry.” Lane nodded. “Accurately speaking, that black stone is one of the three holy instruments of death. Although his appearance is not impressive, it is the legendary resurrection stone.”

“Resurrection Stone?” There was a ray of light in Harry’s eyes, and Ryan immediately understood what Harry was thinking when he saw it. “Harry, although that thing is called the resurrection stone, it can’t really resurrect the life that has passed away. It just attracted a substance that is more real than the soul and more illusory than the entity. The most important thing is that the soul that was summoned is suffering, They will not be happy. “

“I–I see.” The light in Harry’s eyes disappeared at once, and Ron beside him only reacted to what happened this time, so he patted Harry’s back gently to show comfort. .

After Harry’s spirit basically recovered, the four people continued to discuss what exactly Voldemort was looking for. But there was no reason to discuss it until lunch.

After all, each country has its own legend, even if only the scope is limited to doubtful targets in Europe. Not to mention that Europe has traditionally been a member of the Mediterranean cultural circle since ancient times, which further expanded the scope of doubt.

“Forget it, let’s go to dinner first. It’s never going to be possible to discuss by us alone.” Ryan said after hearing the bell ringing from a distance. “Anyway, we also have powerful magic props in hand, so it’s too late to see what the mysterious man brought out and then respond.”

After coming to the auditorium, Ryan first took the tray and chose the food to eat today at the long table near the gate of the auditorium. After sitting with Harry, they sat beside the Gryffindor long table.

“I always feel a little uncomfortable.” Ron said after putting the tray on the table and sitting down. “It feels completely different from the previous meal, but although it doesn’t look so rich, it feels more economical than before. A lot. “

“So I heard that President Dumbledore has decided that even after the victory of the war, we usually eat like this except for the banquet.” Harry said after eating a piece of bacon. “I think it’s good, anyway, the dishes will not be much less.”

While eating, many classmates looked at Ryan on their side, and even some people pointed at Ryan. This is of course what Lane expected. After publicly confronting Voldemort publicly yesterday, Lane believed that he would become the core of public opinion for a long time. Of course, this can also bring more hope for everyone.

After dinner, Ryan asked Harry again about which ritual magic was performed in the office of the principal Dumbledore. The news was that everything was normal, except that the black scarecrow had a stronger spiritual connection. Nothing unexpected happened.

“Relax, that’s normal.” Ryan comforted Harry, who seemed a little uneasy. “The 21-day magic release time is actually for you to have some kind of connection with the black scarecrow so that you can take the next step. So you don’t need to worry about it.”

In the next few days, Ryan continued his work of making various alchemy props and potions until the new reading party was held.

“Ryan, did you really repel the mysterious person?” “I heard that you are not the first time to repel the mysterious person.” “Can you tell us about the specific situation before you battled the mysterious person?” After answering the question, all the members of the reading club started talking about the extremely brief battle between Ryan and Voldemort at the beginning of the week.

“Everyone be quiet,” Hermione said in a raised voice. “What you want to say is best written as a note, and then Ryan will give you a unified answer.”

Hermione’s words fell, and everyone quickly took out the parchment and quill to write. A few minutes later, Hermione took the parchment from these people and handed it to Ryan.

“I took a look at your note. In fact, the main questions you want to ask are these two.” After turning the note over, Ryan stood on the table and said. “One is about the strength of the mysterious man, and the other is about my opinion on the recent situation.”

“I’ll answer the first question first.” Ryan said, holding his hands on the table and watching the members of the book club staring down at him with his eyes. “The mysterious man is indeed a powerful wizard, and he cannot deny this because of his evil. . Even if I have mastered all kinds of magical magic, it is more powerful than most wizards. But I must admit that I am not his opponent in a head-to-head confrontation, but I can guarantee undefeated in front of him. “

Ryan is naturally not very satisfied with this situation, but he also knows that he has basically done his best. After all, I really started to learn magic from six years ago. Even if there are so many worlds behind this magic and the accumulation of knowledge, it is still difficult to catch up in a short time ~ ~ Especially Harry The increase in the magic of Potter ’s world is closely related to the increase in age, and Ryan ’s age is really a flaw at this point.

However, all the members of the book club present did not think so. For them, it is already a very powerful thing for the students around them to pass the NEWT exam in advance with high scores, and now this direct and infamous powerful black wizard A tie draw sounds more like a kind of myth.

“You are very powerful, Ryan.” Neville shouted directly. “I believe that with the efforts of you and Principal Dumbledore, we will eventually solve the problem of the mysterious man.”

“Yes.” “Yes.” “Ryan, I believe you can do it.” The classmates who were present also said eloquently, after everyone was excited, Ryan pressed his hands quietly, and then said, ” As for the latest situation, what you said just now is very clear. As long as you maintain such a positive state, then I believe that victory must belong to us. “

“Of course, in view of the current strength comparison between the two sides. It is difficult for us to win this war in a short period of time.” After encouraging morale, Ryan still warned everyone not to relax their vigilance. “So everyone has to make all kinds of preparations, of course, this is not to ask you to go to the battlefield. It is to let you do something within your ability.”

In the next party time, everyone seems to be more serious in the study of magic. It wasn’t until the bell of the curfew sounded that everyone fell in love with Ryan. After they said goodbye, they left the classroom and returned to the common room to rest.

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