Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 664 - ready

On the day after the end of the book club, Lane finished the morning work and asked the house elf to bring lunch in advance. Soon, the house elf used a large silver plate to hold a burger. A plate of salad and a bowl of creamy mushroom soup appeared in the laboratory.

“Why are you eating so early today!” Hermione asked strangely after seeing the house elf put this large plate of food on the table, but soon she reacted. “Is that the magic on Harry?”

“Yes,” Ryan said slightly vaguely after taking a bite of a burger filled with roast beef and cheese. “The casting time of that magic is 21 days, and today noon is the time when the magic ends.

“I hope everything goes well.” Hermione said after listening to Ryan. “If we can successfully eliminate the soul of the mysterious man lurking in Harry’s body, it represents a crucial step away from the complete elimination of the mysterious man.”

“It’s true.” Lane nodded. “One of the many Horcruxes made by the mysterious man is the most troublesome product of this unexpected product of Harry. After all, other Horcruxes do not need to consider maintaining the integrity of the Horcrux itself. Not to mention Harry and the Mysterious Man as Horcruxes. It ’s been too long for the piece of soul to get along, and it ’s even blended together. If I did n’t find some special targeted magic in other worlds, Harry would probably need to take some It’s a way to gamble. “

“This sounds really good news.” Hermione frowned slightly after she finished speaking. “Oh, Ryan. How reliable is the magic you used for Har?”

“I don’t know very well, I can only see how lucky Harry is.” Ryan shrugged his shoulders helplessly. “This is not my responsibility to shirk, but this magic was only used as a curse against the enemy. All records have not said what to do if the magic is aimed at a remnant soul that lives on other people.”

“In the absence of any case for reference, I can only adjust this magic to Harry’s situation through my understanding of the magic after mastering the rules, hoping that this magic can more effectively target Harry’s current situation. Fortunately, Judging from the calculation results of the magic principle, this magic should be able to achieve the expected effect. “

“The most important thing is-” Ryan stood up and looked at Hermione. “The magic I designed this time can guarantee that even if the magic fails, there will be no major sequelae, and it can guarantee the safety of Harry’s life to the greatest extent.”

The time came at 11:30, and Ryan finished his lunch and walked towards the principal’s office. Along the way, he saw students who had no classes in the morning in twos, threes, and twos were going to the auditorium to prepare lunch.

After coming to the entrance of the principal’s room, the two stone monsters blocking the entrance of the principal’s room immediately jumped to the side to make way for Lane. The monster on the left also said, “Nice to meet you, Ryan. Principal Dumbledore told us to let you in as soon as you see you, he is already waiting for you in the office.”

“Thank you!” Ryan asked after nodding his head to the monster. “Is there anyone other than Principal Dumbledore in the office?”

“Of course.” Said the monster on the right. “Five minutes before you came, Harry Potter also entered the principal’s office from outside. Today, Dumbledore’s principal is only ready to receive you and Harry at noon. He Specially ordered us to stop other guests except you two at noon today. “

After the stairs came to the entrance of Dumbledore’s office, the door opened automatically. Ryan saw Harry and Dumbledore standing on the table and talking. After finding him in the door, Professor Dumbledore stopped talking to Harry.

“Ryan, you are finally here.” Principal Dumbledore turned his head and said to Ryan. “According to your request, we are all ready, when can we start?”

“We will start at 12 noon.” Ryan said as he walked to the black scarecrow to start the final round of inspection, and asked Harry. “Harry, do you have any feelings other than feeling that the connection between you and this grassman is getting heavier these days? As long as you think it’s not the same as usual, it doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t Comfortable. “

“Uh, it’s a little different if you say that,” Harry said after scratching his hair. “In the past two days I felt like I was a little irritable and then a little sleepy.”

“It seems that magic is working.” Lane nodded and said to Harry. “This is part of magic, and you don’t need to worry about it. It will be over in half an hour.”

For the next half hour, the three were chatting for a while, until the time came to 12 noon, and the strange silverware on the Dumbledore table spewed out the Latin numerals composed of smokeⅫ At the same time, a crisp metal knock was heard.

“Time is up, let’s start.” Ryan walked to the front of the black scarecrow after he finished speaking. Compared with the beginning, the scarecrow texture now looks much better than before. The straw became black and oily, and it no longer looked like straw, but it was made of fine leather cut into filaments and woven.

“There is no problem with the oil lamp, and the magic circle is no problem. Now it looks like everything is ready.” After carefully inspecting the grass man placed in the center of the principal’s office, Lane started the last step of casting.

After a few gestures of Ryan, the pink Madonna appeared on the top of his head, and then began to emit a bright but not dazzling light. The area shrouded in light is getting bigger and bigger, and finally, there is a one-person pink rose ghost in the office.

“What is this?” After seeing this magical scene, Harry questioned Professor Dumbledore around him a little puzzled. Because all the magic he had contacted before was released directly, even in the last battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort in the hall of the Ministry of Magic, there was no such magic with such a sound and light effect.

“I don’t know too.” Dumbledore shook his head ~ ~ and whispered to Harry. “You need to know that every powerful wizard has his own special magic, even if I can’t recognize it all. But I can feel that Ryan is doing his best to output magic, and Ryan also said that his magic stone It ’s called Our Lady of Roses, which may be the reason why roses appear now. “

Ryan did not pay attention to the dialogue between Dumbledore and Harry. He is now fully mobilizing all the magic placed on the black scarecrow before the magic is launched.

“Professor Dumbledore, you first let Harry sit down and fix him.” After the first round of magic was cast, Ryan turned his head and said to Dumbledore, “Because the next steps may ‘S soul causes a certain amount of irritation, which may cause spasms or coma in his body. “

Then he said to Harry, “Harry, you don’t have to worry. These are all expected and will not cause you any harm.”

“No problem, don’t worry about me.” Harry nodded with his fists clasped in his hands, then turned his head and said to Professor Dumbledore. “Please tie me directly to the chair, I can definitely hold on.”

After confirming that there was no problem with Harry’s condition, Dumbledore directly turned out a chair in the living room to let Harry sit up. Several ribbons were then popped from various places on the chair to fix him on the chair.

“Okay, Professor Dumbledore, and Harry.” After seeing that everything was ready here, Ryan turned around and continued to stare at the black scarecrow. Now he could clearly feel that there was an active and evil inside the scarecrow. soul. In this case, the most critical step of the entire magic is about to begin.

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