Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 677 - Doubt and news

“Good morning, my brother.” Early the next morning, Ryan was awakened by Rose Crystal’s crisp voice. “I suggest you better hurry up now, because it is almost lunch time.”

“What, have I slept for so long?” Ryan hurriedly sat up and turned to look out of the window. It turned out that the sunlight outside was already very bright. A bunch of golden sunlight shined into the bedroom from the gap of the curtain, forming a thin beam of light in the room.

“Maybe it was too tired yesterday.” Ryan smiled self-deprecatingly, then got up from the bed and began to clean up. “Right, Little Rose. Where is Hermione?”

“She was up half an hour ago. I didn’t alarm you to go out of the room to see if you were asleep.” Rose Crystal shrugged. “She should be preparing breakfast now.”

“Oh, really.” Ryan shook his head helplessly and then quickly packed up and went downstairs. When he came to the restaurant, he saw Hermione sitting at the table waiting for him. breakfast.

“It’s really trouble you,” Ryan said, apologizing to Hermione when he sat down at the table. “You should wake me up when you got up just now. You can’t keep you busy by doing breakfast.”

“But I didn’t actually do anything.” Hermione smiled and spread her hand. “This is at home, I don’t need to cook by myself. Just go to the kitchen and tell Mr. Qiaoshou what to eat in the morning.”

“It turns out that way.” Ryan used a fork to fork a piece of bacon and ate it, then said vaguely. “Since we had this family, the time we lived here can be counted with one hand, so I forgot about it.”

“It doesn’t matter, this is just a little thing.” Hermione waved her hand, and then continued. “By the way, yesterday we rescued the hostages I just checked. Their condition is much less than that of the one who just returned yesterday. If there is no accident, they can wake up in three or four hours.”

“This sounds like a good idea.” Lane said heartily. “At least I think it should be very important for the mysterious person to create such a large laboratory, so if you can figure out what this laboratory is doing, it should be very useful for us. Thing. “

“You are right, but there is one thing you might not have thought of.” Hermione lowered her fork and nodded in agreement. “At least in my opinion, this laboratory may be more important than you think.”

“Oh? Let’s talk about it.” Ryan asked with some curiosity. He just thought it was important to have so many precious materials and so many places to guard, but he didn’t have time to think down seriously. So after hearing Hermione’s analysis, he stopped eating with interest and prepared to listen to her opinion.

“That’s the case, do you think that although there are a lot of guards and there are enough magic circles to help. But they are all isolated in front of that iron wall. It’s a bit strange.” Hermione looked at Ryan and said To.

“To know that the two magic wand makers we rescued were previously taken by force, they wouldn’t worry about their actions under normal circumstances, so why is there a wall between the guard and the two magic wand makers? It ’s not going to be personally monitored. “

“This is indeed a suspicious place.” Ryan nodded slightly, because the group of Death Eaters seemed a bit unreasonable. Under normal circumstances, such unreliable personnel must at least be kept under surveillance. It is a bit strange to stand outside the door like a Death Eater and not take a glance. “I think the things inside are either very dangerous or very important to the mysterious person.”

“It should be very important,” Hermione said. “I don’t think that the mysterious person is the kind of person who values ​​the lives of others. Even if he is to the Death Eaters under his, he will not put their lives in his own eyes.”

“What you said makes sense.” Lane nodded. “But we don’t need to guess these things anymore. After a while, the two old gentlemen who we rescued yesterday should wake up and they should know what the mysterious man is doing.

Time was boring after eating, so Ryan twisted the radio set on the table and tried to hear if there was any new news. These days they have been busy, and at the same time, they have imposed an interference spell on them to keep them secret. Therefore, after they left Hogwarts Castle, they almost cut off all the news, so they urgently need to know what happened recently.

The first few radio stations existed originally, of course, now they have all fallen to Voldemort’s side. So it’s either whitewashed playing music, or a new decree chanting various London Ministry of Magic in a rigid tone. Of course, these laws are full of discrimination.

Other than that, there were some wanted orders, and Ryan just heard his share. His reward is 10,000 gallons, which was added after the last battle at Hogsmeade, and is now second only to the reward of the so-called conspiracy usurper Professor Dumbledore. As the list was recited, they heard many familiar names. For example, Harry is now rewarded with 6000 gallons, while Hermione has only 3000 gallons.

“It’s really boring content, and it’s illogical.” Hermione sat on the sofa after the wanted list was finished. “Let’s listen to our radio station. The show made by the Ministry of Magic in London is really nothing.” Audible. “

“There are still some uses, at least to let us know who the Death Eaters are targeting now.” Lane said, tapping his wand on the radio to change the channel. “Of course, the things in it are not necessarily accurate. For example, your reward is only half of Harry’s. It is not reasonable. At least in terms of your damage to the group of Death Eaters, is 7000 Gallon more reasonable. “

“I wouldn’t be bored to be better than this number.” Hermione said, lifting her chin slightly, “I just think that if these wanted amounts are more accurate, I can roughly analyze part of the enemy’s movements and send them to our personnel. A warning has been issued. “

“What you said makes sense ~ ~ But we can listen to other news now.” Ryan finally changed the channel after a toss for half a day and changed a familiar voice from the speaker.

“… It’s great to meet the audience again, and you are welcome to listen to the Hogwarts Lights radio station. I am Fred Weasley, and beside me is George Weasley, good afternoon everyone.”

“Good noon.” George’s voice came out, but because the twins’ voice was not as high as the resolution of the external radio, Ryan did not hear the difference between the two.

“First of all I need to broadcast a piece of good news.” Fred said, “It is now possible to confirm that all the Death Eaters who made the Poka Village massacre after the four days of attack on Hogsmeade have now been killed. We hope this will make it stand The wizards on the mysterious side can wake up in time to stop the massacre of innocent people. “

“In addition, we call on all listeners to help nearby Muggles when possible. For example, you can cast a protective spell on the Muggle residence on your street. These simple measures may save many lives. “

“Yes, we don’t require everyone to be a hero, but sometimes helping others is just a relief.” George added. “Do n’t believe the so-called sorcerer first that is circulated in the dark. The sorcerer first is the first step of discrimination, then it will easily become pure blood first, and finally become an evil Death Eater. Remember , Whether it is a wizard, a Muggle or any magical creature, life is equal, they are equally precious, and they are all worth protecting— “

“It seems that the radio station is doing well, at least it has played a role in publicity.” Listening to the content of the radio, Ryan nodded approvingly.

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