Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 678 - Oliver

Just as they were drinking black tea while listening to the radio, Mr. Cleverman flew down the stairs. It came to Ryan where they sat and said in a unique mechanical voice, “Yesterday the guest named Oliverde is now awake and he hopes to see the person who rescued him from that prison yesterday. “

“Okay, let’s go up here.” Ryan nodded at the tumbling robot, then waved his wand to turn off the radio and stood up with Hermione and walked upstairs.

Following the stairs all the way up to the second floor, I walked a few steps into the corridor on the left, and the brown wooden door of the guest room appeared in front of them. Ryan stepped forward to the door and knocked lightly on the door, and answered them with a faint “Please come in!”

After opening the door, I could see a wooden single bed in the room by the window, and Ollivander was now lying on the bed halfway on the pillow. At this time, the curtains were pulled apart halfway, and with the help of sunshine, Ryan could see that his current state was much worse than it was then. He looked haggard, all the bones on his face protruded, and his skin was yellow and yellow. The big silver eyes are deep in the eye sockets, and they look even bigger. The hands on the thin quilt look like skeletons.

According to Hermione ’s inspection yesterday, Ollivander has been out of the sun for at least a year and has been tortured several times. This is why he now looks so bad.

Olivander kept looking at the small garden downstairs through the window before they came in, but now he turned his head to look at them with silver eyes.

“Mr. Ollivander, I’m glad to see you awake, but I think you’d better rest and rest, because your physical condition is not very good now.” Ryan advised Ollivander lying on the bed halfway To.

“My dear children,” Ollivander’s voice was weak. “You rescued us. I thought we would die there. How can I thank you … how do you … not enough.”

“We are very happy to help you.” Hermione said, “As long as it can weaken the mysterious person or the Death Eater, we are willing to do it, but you are still very weak, you don’t have to call us to thank . “

“Ah, of course. I asked you to come not specifically to thank you, but to tell you what the mysterious man caught me and Grigovic, and I think this should be helpful to defeat the mysterious person. “

“This is really good news.” Leon and Hermione said after looking at each other. “After we entered the house where you were yesterday, I found out that you seemed to be making something through the seized loot?”

“Yes, we are indeed making something.” Ollivander nodded slowly. “The mysterious man asked us to make a wand, a wand that could defeat Principal Dumbledore.”

“Because his wand has been completely destroyed.” Ollivander lowered his voice and said, “So he blamed all the reasons for the previous failures, so he kidnapped me at that time and let me do it for him. A powerful wand. “

Ryan suddenly thought of the purple jellywood wand belonging to Voldemort that he burned with wildfire and Peter on the day of Voldemort’s resurrection. It seems that this should be the first time after Voldemort’s resurrection. Cause.

“So, did you make that wand?” Hermione asked. “It’s the magic wand that the mysterious man demands.”

“Of course not, otherwise I won’t be like this.” Olivier said after a bitter smile. “In this whole year, I have experimented with thousands of wands and rod cores, and even used some collections of pure blood families. Such as the bones of Titans, and then the real dragon scales, I I swear I have never seen these things before— “

“But I still don’t know why I can’t make the wand that the mysterious man needs.” Ollivander seemed a bit desperate. “I have tried all the magic wand making techniques, even the oldest one. The made things do indeed fit the mysterious man, but I do n’t know why I still ca n’t reach the old one—” Speaking of which, Austria Levander’s voice suddenly became smaller.

“What’s old, sir?” Seeing Ollivander seemed to be lost in contemplation, Ryan had to interrupt his contemplation with a loud voice.

“Where did I just say? Oh, yes, it’s an ancient wand.” After being reminded, an excited spirit of Olivier woke up from contemplation. Then he leaned back up the bed and said. “More than a month ago, the mysterious man took out the most powerful wand I have made, but when he returned, he anxiously tortured me with a drill heart curse all night—”

“I’m sorry, sir, I think that’s because I’m trying to cover Harry Potter’s confrontation with the mysterious man.” Ryan said in a somewhat guilty tone. After all, the old man was tortured because of his victory.

“Child, didn’t you lie to me?” Ollivander’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t take care of the topic just now. “If I heard correctly, you just said that you and the mysterious person had confronted each other more than a month ago.”

“Not only that, Mr. Oliver.” Hermione said. “Just a while ago, Ryan stopped another mysterious conspiracy in Hogsmeade and even forced the mysterious man back.”

“Hermione, you are a little touted.” Ryan shook his head with a smile. “It is the principal Dumbledore who really repels the mysterious person. If he spends too much time with me, the principal will quickly come over.”

“This is already amazing, boy.” Ollivander said. “It is a miracle in itself to be able to confront the mysterious people head-on at your age. This should be the best news I have heard today.”

The news made Ollivander very excited, and he could only continue with the topic he had just waited for a few minutes. “If things are the same as what you just said, then after the mysterious man once again failed, he began to ask his subordinates about various powerful magic props, and then grabbed Grigovich a week ago ~ www ~ Speaking of here, Ollivander paused, “Grigovich was arrested because the mysterious man found out that he had the strongest wand ever-the death stick, the rod of destiny or the old wand. , So I will go to him. After tortured the whereabouts of the old wand, the mysterious man locked him and me out of a certain idea. Since then, he has asked us to make a wand that is comparable to an old wand. “

“This is a place I can’t understand.” Ollivander said in a confused tone. “The history of the old wand runs through the entire history of magic. Although there is an interruption in the middle, it will always reappear. It has certain recognizable characteristics that people who have studied wand science will recognize. There are some written records, some It ’s very obscure, and I have studied with other wand makers. Those records have some authenticity. “

“So I know very well that this wand is the night chick tail feather used, the body of the elderberry.” Speaking of here, Ollivander’s eyes shone brightly. “This is a powerful combination, but it is definitely not top-notch in terms of materials. It can even be said that this combination was only slowly killed by those excellent and rare wand materials more than 1500 years ago with the disappearance of those powerful magical creatures. It was developed by people. I ca n’t figure out why such a combination is more powerful than the old methods I used to make those powerful and ancient materials. ”

“I think that in addition to the materials, the production method of any magic props can not be ignored.” Thinking of his own production process of Lady Virgin, Ryan seemed to want to understand what. “If I am not wrong, the reason why you can’t make a wand comparable to the old one is because your own level is not enough.”

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